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  1. Scout

    Greetings from Scout - checking in again

    It's getting about the right time of year again for your elk chili/stew you fixed for us couple of years back... if I hadn't been so full from crawdads, veggies, and barbecue I would've foundered on it too! Hope all is well for you.
  2. Scout

    Greetings from Scout - checking in again

    I've been in the same place :) Still teaching and working...
  3. Scout

    Greetings from Scout - checking in again

    Yes. We were lucky to have gas appliances and a generator handy. Some were not. Our power was out for about 35 hours but some didn't have it from Sunday to Friday. It was something else. Some corn is flat. I don't know if a reel will help or not when they shell it. The leaves on the...
  4. Scout

    Greetings from Scout - checking in again

    Not sure who is still roaming around these parts, but just wanted to give a shout out to some of the old(er) members... I can still taste that shrimp at Crowder's place. Good times.
  5. Scout


    Beautiful here yesterday - even killed a mosquito when we were getting firewood. Dang bugs. Now I'm glad we have the firewood, with the forecast of sleet tonight. I'm all about snow days, but this is getting a little out of hand. The students' last day of school is now the 28th.
  6. Scout

    Just checking in...

    The site is all fancy-schmancy! I keep noticing little things- like the 'online' banner when you're online, and all the options. Macon has been busy!
  7. Scout

    Just checking in...

    Oh, whatever, Crowder. I see that you and WP are still up to your same antics. You still need waders around here.
  8. Scout

    Just checking in...

    Hey ya'll. I like the new digs! Big changes in the format since I visited last. It's nice to see some of the same ol' names - some still being helpful and some still spreading the bs. :D Hope all is well.
  9. Scout

    Speaking of terms......

    I have heard hogshead with tobacco stuff, too.
  10. Scout

    Speaking of terms......

    There are railroads around here...just wanted to give dun a bad time, that's all. :)
  11. Scout

    Speaking of terms......

    that's a new one on me. Maybe it's a Missouri thing?
  12. Scout

    Speaking of terms......

    I have to explain what a bindle stiff is when we read the novel Of Mice and Men in class. Plus, I usually get to explain muleskinner, threshing machine, etc., etc.
  13. Scout

    are there strange named places in your part of the world.

    Monkey's Eyebrow Eighty-Eight Wax Bee Beaver Dam Island (home of the Island burger - yum) Just a few from around here-
  14. Scout

    The Tennessee Thread

    um, no. signed- your long-lost triplet from the deeper end of the gene pool
  15. Scout

    The Tennessee Thread

    Nah. You ought to know me better than that.
  16. Scout

    The Tennessee Thread

    Crowder & WP? You two are still up to no good. ;)
  17. Scout

    Chivaree, anyone?

    Heavens no. Not for a while, anyway. Two teachers in my department are getting married, and we were talking about it the other day at lunch. I had to see what other stories there were out there.
  18. Scout

    Chivaree, anyone?

    I like the idea of the cowbell on the bedsprings- with slight modifications since bedsprings have gone out of fashion. The ball bearings would be funny, too. I guess things always seem funnier when I'm not the recipient ;)
  19. Scout

    Chivaree, anyone?

    Has anyone been the victim of a chivaree? Or have some good ideas for participating in one? (am I even using the word correctly?) You know, where family members generally harass the newlyweds on their wedding day/night...
  20. Scout

    whens the fall git together?

    oh, I hope we haven't missed it!! Had too much fun back in the summer not to have a repeat of it.