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    Well, I've about had it wth this wind for the year. I should'nt say anything because it's getting into the windy season (March and April), but, it has been blowing since last Sept. On a personel note, I thought I would apologize to CB for not returning your PM a few months ago. I was in a funk...
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    How about Lonesome Dove? What was the name of that movie with Clint Eastwood where, after the Civil War, he was being chased by Union Redlegs, got hooked up with an old indian and made thier way to Texas where they took on the Redlegs and beat em? Dick
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    Blazing Saddles......... Best scene is the gas-passing around the campfire. Dick
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    A Rapist's New Trick

    I just got this from my neice in Ca. I don't know if this is true or not but the jist of the story is somewhat disturbing. Checked it on and this is what I got back: 1. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Baton Rouge Serial Killer ••• Is a serial killer/rapist luring...
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    where can I find

    When I was a lineman, we used Thomas and Betts crimpers and connectors. Here's their website. Good Luck Dick
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    where is caustic?

    What the hell kinda thread is this? All I see is that somebody wants to belittle some people that has a small herd or a large herd. Bologna...... As far as Caustic goes, Does he give good advice???????. Who are these people that say Caustic is Campground??????? Who cares... The reason for this...
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    Most Famous Person You've Seen

    I mer Sandy Koufax at Dodger stadium after the game. He was walking through the aisles like no big deal. Signed as many autrographs as people would ask for. A true gentleman. Especially for a 12 yr old that loved baseball. Dick
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    Most Famous Person You've Seen

    Ned Jr. wrote: I wouldn't advertise that fact to a Nam veteran. Dick
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    Napoleon Dynamite

    Aahhh, shades of Spaceballs, everytime you watch it you see or hear something new and hilarious. Dick
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    finish this sentence....Its so hot...

    ......I saw a Coyote chasing a rabbit and they were both carrying canteens.
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    Eat what you kill

    Dang, show me a picture of your version of a cow bird........ Dick
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    well, maybe a couple more pics...

    MM, I'm assuming your a dairy person,(the pictures, the name, duh). Whereabouts are you going in CA, if you don't mind me asking. I used to live in So. Cal. in a town called Hemet/ San Jacinto. They have at least 30 to 50 dairies around there. Maybe it's the eastern side of the Sierrras near...
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    Txwalt, I copied that picture you posted and showed it to my bull. Asked him if he would name that breed and if he was interested. He looked at me, snorted, and ran away. Good thing she doesn't want to breed to a male. Dick
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    Let him pay for it and then ask he and his spouse to go out to supper or have them over for a BBQ with all the trimmings. That'll boost a frienship everytime. Dick
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    He's on the road again...

    Lammie, I feel for you big time. On one hand, once the elderly lose what they think is the last of thier independence, (driving), they seem to go downhill after that. At the same time, as a son/daughter of the people that are driving that shouldn't be, it's very stressful to think that when they...
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    Back Surgery

    CB, have an MRI done and see for sure what is damaged. They go a scale of centimeters, from 1 to 10,10 being worse. They determine if your a candidate for surgery if your above a 5 (very painful), at a 7 you'll be in bed and not be able to do anything. I had cotizone shots in my back at L4 and...
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    How do you.......

    I got out of my truck one time and kissed my wife on the lips. Got a bad static shock. Kinda hurt too. Dick
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    Oklahoma Burning!!

    Shoot, I'm looking for hay right now. Hard to find. If we don't get rain soon, were going to be REALLY in trouble. I heard that this drought is the worst in 50 years. Dick
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    Stupid water well

    ...that the pipe is just full of mud. Could this be a possible answer to my problem? I mean, would that make the pressure switch work overtime and burn out the contacts. These suckers are burnt to all h*&^. I can change out the pipe pretty easy if that is a possible answer. Probably should anyway.
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    Stupid water well

    I'm having a problem with my water well. I'm gettin alot of dirt sucked up and coming through my pipes. I'm only using this well to water my animals, but, I still need the stupid thing. I had a new well pump put in about two months ago. Could the well people have put the pump in too deep? Its...