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  1. W

    bull calves

    I belive I will be cutting his Rather like a goat right? (I have done goats, us girls seem to get a kick out of it :lol: ) Someone told me one other method Even as a woman I woudnt use But i didnt know could be done on bulls ---where you crush?? his lil men? the tubes leading to them? is...
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    bull calves

    ok he is about 4 1/2 months old what is the best method for him? and THANK you to bigbull338 who said I did right to bust him one :banana: made me feel better about it Thanks!!
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    bull calves

    O YES after today yes yes si si oui oui! just not sure what method i want to use :?:
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    bull calves

    I have to say I thought some of what was said to me about dairy bull calves was over rated UNTIL TODAY. I was in birthing some goats and didnt have time to get her out b4 she started throwing them at me LOL. She had three accepted two. Back to what i was saying-- I was in the pen with them...
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    critic my calf

    I hadnt concidered him hurting the goats or mini with horns only plan to keep him until he is about 9 to 12 months and I hadnt heard that dairy bulls where different from other bulls. Ok on the horns i have been told to paste, told to let them grow and take a hacksaw to them and to band...
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    critic my calf

    Southeastern Louisiana :) As for what jr will be --- very pretty freezer waiting just for him LOL. Got a question for all-- what about his horns keep or go? thanks :)
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    critic my calf

    the goat is a Who Knows whats it :) alpine mix for company he has 4 goats 2 other calves and one mini horse :lol: Needless to say we have to separate :wave: when feeding
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    critic my calf

    oh here goes *been quite a while since i posted** I have a 4 month old bottle baby That i would love for you to tell me what you think of him (he is a bull at this time thinking of steering him) 8)
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    Better this time around?

    1 to 2 weeks
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    Better this time around?

    Jersy Holstien I belive he is eatting like crazy!! Also he kicks and plays like Lunch never did. His name is Ribeye
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    Better this time around?

    Well this is my second calf- tell me what yall think please. Got him sat.
  12. W

    My Calf

    He is 3 weeks old, Buddy *whatyamacallit* is around 3 years and is a wether. Yep been increasing his gro. I want him to grow up good and fat :) BTW guys when do i need to take his manhood?
  13. W

    My Calf

    A couple of weeks ago I was a newbie here (and i still am)- had a week i was really worried bout my Lunch(calf). Now here he is and I included pics of his buddy Let me know what yall think please. Thanks.
  14. W

    What Injuries Have You Sustained from Cattle?

    Havent really gotton hurt yet with cows - Now Goats ----- rofl. However my brother was in a bad mood one morn - and decided to kick one of the cows outta the way - broke his toe in three splinters :D
  15. W

    Thanks w/pics

    The other day when I first posted on here I felt My calf was a goner. Those on here gave wonderful advice, and here are pics this morn! Still a lil loose BUT no scours!!! Thank you to All! :D
  16. W


    He was on rope for few mins until panels were up over by the goats :D . Btw
  17. W


    calf was on rope for few mins while putting up panels near goats :) Also has clip under his neck so that you can clip rope to self I have seen too many dogs hung or tangled :) thanks though -- We are not sure what he is someone told me that the crew he came in with was Jerseys and...
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    Here are pics of the lil fellow - His name is Lunch :lol: Anyone have a better name? Let me know what ya think of him He was 20 at auction but others that day went for 9 - 25 dollars for bulls and 75 - 125 for heifers (his age of course)
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    Now it looks like the lil fellow might actully live :D So For those That have rasied lil bull calves (and bottle babys) What are the no nos for dealing with him (example - He headbutted me this morn ) How do i prevent problems later on behavior wise? I dont want a 250 - 400 or more calf...
  20. W

    couple more ?s

    ...hurt either. On Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:24 am Ok here goes - I have B complex will this help my lil bull? Peanut Butter?? - maybe feed mixed with?? is he old enough? I did searches and pulled up old stuff :) thanks to all *edit* Also can you give him Red Cell to help rebuild from the scours?