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  1. TR

    Sick/Starving/Dying Calf - Completely Stumped

    Well heck...little man out there is nursing and eating grass like nothing was ever wrong with him. Now I KNOW it wasn't my supportive therapy that got him interested in food overnight. Had to have been the Dex. That Cortisone sure is a wonder drug albeit a scary one. He's finished his round of...
  2. TR

    Sick/Starving/Dying Calf - Completely Stumped

    He scours when he runs a high fever before I run a round of antibiotics through him. Once the antibiotics are in him and the fever lowers, the scours stop. I always give probiotics when I run a course of antibiotics through them, so that's good, and I've doubled his dose per the Vet's...
  3. TR

    Sick/Starving/Dying Calf - Completely Stumped

    So, the snake bite was about 2 months ago...maybe 6 weeks. I'm thinking that his body has processed the toxins, but what is left is a compromised immune system? I never did see him pee blood, but I hadn't seen him pee in forever until tonight, and tonight it looked normal. Not even neon yellow...
  4. TR

    Sick/Starving/Dying Calf - Completely Stumped

    Gosh, yeh, I thought I did mention that I thought the abscess was a result of a snake bite mostly because it started as a real rubbery/leathery/fluidy kind of look under his jaw. LIKE bottle jaw, but not. We had another cow get bit, and a couple of dogs around here, and they had that same soft...
  5. TR

    Sick/Starving/Dying Calf - Completely Stumped

    Really, just drugs and time. Oh, and one vet call. I can't remember if he charged me for the fecal or not. I had most of the drugs on hand anyway, and they were going out of date, so putting them into him as opposed to tossing them out was a better deal in my mind. I'm at the limit of $$ I'll...
  6. TR

    Sick/Starving/Dying Calf - Completely Stumped

    Its been a very long time since I’ve been on these boards, but I’ve now got a problem I could use a 2nd or 3rd opinion on. Long story short, I’ve had a very powerful pneumonia virus out here that hits the calves at a week or so of age. First two calves of the year were fine and are now 9 and...
  7. TR

    Hereford - New Sire DNA Policy

    I have to say, with the TPR fees if you want your EPD's published, one time yearly registration fee of $100 plus each calf's registration fee, now DNA testing on future herd sires in order to even register calves, the business model for a small registered herd just isn't panning out. I know who...
  8. TR

    Hereford - New Sire DNA Policy

    Anyone heard of this? I have to wonder with the new Trich testing and now this, how it will affect bottom line on bull sales for us Herf folks.....Seriously..... From Hereford e-News: The AHA will require all Hereford sires born after Jan. 1, 2011, to be DNA genotyped at the official AHA DNA...
  9. TR

    Lutalyse question

    How funny...I haven't been on the boards in ages, and what to I find when I stop in for a bit? THE topic I needed and recent too! 'Fraid the same situation is going on over here, only it was the next door neighbor's bull who came visiting this morning as opposed to Miss Thang going over there...
  10. TR

    Bottle Baby Questions

    Thanks for all the replies ya'll. She seems to be doing really well. We upped her to 3 bottles a day, and that seems to fit her better than just two did. She still wants more, but isn't as adament about it for as long after her bottle is finished as she was. Rest assured fresh, clean...
  11. TR

    Bottle Baby Questions

    Thanks KNERSIE, I did give her a bottle of water at noon just to make sure she stays hydrated and do have starter out there for her as well. I've been picking up a handfull of feed and putting some of it in her mouth after her bottle hoping she'll get the idea that it goes down just as good as...
  12. TR

    Bottle Baby Questions

    We had a heifer calve last Saturday and it just so happens that she hates her baby. We had hopes that mama just needed some isolation time to bond with the calf, but 4 days later, no luck. We had been running her into the chute for the calf to nurse twice daily, but it didn't seem that mama was...
  13. TR

    College Opinions?

    ...and sit with a beer there on the back porch, but without the dirt lot or the Presbyterian church there anymore, its just not the same. :cry2: **sigh** Just have to re-live it through Robert Earl's timeless verses........ blackcowz, do your research, but don't let a little thing like cost...
  14. TR

    2-Fer Deal!

    They're evil.......caught one trying to nurse a cow that's due next week.....Just gotta call them El Diablo and Lucifer.......of course, figuring out which one is who is a whole 'nother story.....
  15. TR

    2-Fer Deal!

    Thanks Ya'll! I'm waaaay too excited about this one! From all the horror stories I've read about on twins, I was expecting the worst when it finally did happen. I'm just thanking my lucky stars, the angels who were watching over, and chalking it up to a Christmas miracle. I'm sure that when it...
  16. TR

    2-Fer Deal!

    Well, it was bound to hapen sometime, but we were finally visited by the 2-Fer Fairy and had our first set of twins last Wednesday. Mama had no trouble delivering two 78 and 74 lb bull calves, and she's mothered up to both of them. :clap: I don't even get to try my hand at bottle feeding...
  17. TR

    Training Tips

    Yeh, I gotta throw my 2 cents in gotta spend time with your dog. She's not going to listen to you until she knows "how" to listen to you. :) And as Angie said above, training is well worth the effort. Let's face it, an untrained, undisciplined dog is a veritable pain in the tush and...
  18. TR

    Evaluate These Heifers - Pics

    Thanks ya'll, really appreciate the comments. :) Totally validates my thoughts, provides a few new ones, and helps to guide future breeding goals. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but we all know how hard it is sometimes to get a true representation of the animal. For example...
  19. TR

    Evaluate These Heifers - Pics

    Thank ya'll for the comments. Its really good to hear that my thoughts are right along the same lines as everyone else's are. I'm a lousy photographer, and got their camera facing leg pulled forward on both the 1st and 2nd heifers thus making their hips not look as deep as they are. That...
  20. TR

    Evaluate These Heifers - Pics

    Was just wanting your thoughts on a couple of heifers........ 12/16/07 heifer 12/27/07 heifer 11/24/06 heifer - due in early Jan