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  1. A

    Clipping pastures

    Starting a new thread from the pinkeye thread - I probably should have been clipping pastures this year. Getting pretty tall. I’ve never had to do it before. I do pretty intense rotational grazing. When do you clip? I assume you mean brush hog? Do you just carry the brush hog at the highest...
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    which eats more...

    Do you manage pasture by head or by lbs? Which eats more gass, a 1500 lb young bull, a 1500 lb mature dry cow or two 750 lb maturing heifers?
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    The End of EPDs?

    Duff and Ohlde aren't really even putting EPDs in their sale books any more. SAV is pretty close to being at the same place. In fact, last couple SAV sale books have cast doubt on the entire thing. Latest Ohlde sale didn't seem to even use the "genomically enhanced" versions so there were a lot...
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    Shrinking Claw in 3 year old cow

    Got a three year old cow with an outside shrinking claw. It's not that the inside claw is growing faster and going "corkscrew", just that the outer is getting smaller and smaller and may also be starting to screw? Hard to say on that though. It's about half the size of inner claw - which again...
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    Inducing Cows to Calve Early

    I just calved a first calf charlo daughter. Charlo has terrible calving ease maternal EPD. I ai'd with a calving ease bull but still decided to induce a week early. glad I did. what a pull. 72 pound heifer calf barely made it through. Obviously not speaking to Charlo, but what a blessing to be...
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    EPD variation between flush siblings

    Flush siblings and CED ranges from -8 to +4. Safe to say not particularly "calving ease" - but how do you suppose the angus association decides the top animal is going to be a -8 and the bottom is a +4 (still quite a spread) and the middle... well.... somewhere in the middle. Check out the YW...
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    Lot 1 GAR Sale

    Quite a difference how the animals look in a GAR sale book vs an SAV or Coleman sale. Of course GAR spanks those programs for EPDs. Based on EPDs, the calves from this bull will destroy most anything coming from those two programs!!! Pictures, of course, can be deceiving....
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    bloat blocks

    I've been using sweetlix bloat blocks while my bulls are on second cutting alffalfa hay (yes, I know it's of arguable value since hay doesn't usually cause bloat..... but one dead bull buys a lot of mineral). Question - the label says they need to eat 0.5 lb/head/day for 1000 lb animal. My...
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    Uterine Prolapse Beware

    After 25 years, I had finally had my first full uterine prolapse on a calf I had to pull. I didn't realize at the time the the most critical thing for survival is to keep the cow from moving due to the likelihood of tearing blood vessels that could result in them bleeding out. So important note...
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    Ohlde vs EPDS

    Ohlde's bull sale just happened this weekend. One of the most "famous" angus breeders in the country that seems to have a complete disregard for EPDs other than $EN. Very interesting. I can't say that they even did all the genomic testing from what I could tell. Then you see other programs...
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    I need more coyotes

    Just got done scraping more coon crap off my hay bales. I'll be the economic loss to agriculture (sheep maybe aside) from the disease brought in by rodents, coons, deer, and possum that coyotes could be helping us beat back is greater than any loss we face due to coyotes killing calves. Not to...
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    Death Losses to Going Cast

    Seems like one a year - perfectly healthy animal on grass hay all bloated up and dead in the morning. My ground in very uneven and this time of year the clay gets super greasy especially when it's hard frozen underneath and starts to melt on top. Seems like if they just get laying the wrong way...
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    Weird Rumen Distention

    I have a 7 month old bull calf whose rumen distends up and down instead of side to side. He's been like this since he was a baby calf and started eating grass. It's a bad picture I realize but basically his belly always sags down and his top line is always bulged up - never straight. Rarely...
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    Feeding to poop stream

    I have some 7 month old bulls I'm "developing". They are on 3rd cut alfalfa and I was going to give them just a tick of grain - maybe 4-5 lbs per head per day. However their poop is quite loose just from the alfalfa so I'm holding off on the grain for now. Does it make sense to feed to a stool...
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    EPDs (again.....) those who follow and those who don't

    I find it interesting that (in angus world anyway), there are ranches that seem to adhere very strictly to EPDs (Gardner?) and yet, some very successful places that seem far less concerned (Ohlde, SAV, Coleman). I wonder what would happen if a bull with Ohlde EPDs ended up in a GAR sale. Would...
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    Draxxin Shelf Life

    I've been using Nuflor but am going to switch to Draxxin but the bottle says you have to use it all within 28 days of first use and only puncture bottle 17 times. I know you use less Draxxin, but does it just quit working on day 29?
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    aggressive mommas

    I decided to bring in some new blood. Bought a half dozen bred second calvers (my favorites since they've already had one calf but are still young). Different genetics but all from the same place. Very well known place selling a bull or two a year to ai studs. Have been great people to work...
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    Wintering cattle in cold climates

    My old age is starting to make me concerned about the cattle. I've been doing this 30 years and my cattle never get a barn. I'm in Michigan so the weather gets cold (15 today but often below zero). I have never bedded them either. They just stand there like deer. I do have some tree wind breaks...
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    Ponds are the devil

    Every year I get a call from someone that loses an animal that falls through a frozen pond and they always say the same thing - "I never thought they would.....". Posting on the beginners board to say ...... "they will"!!!!
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    fescue toxicity

    Yes I'm in Michigan and I know it's rare but it seems like the horse pastures I inherited are quite full of fescue which I've proven now through tox testing. Every year I will lose a few tail switches but it never really seems to be a huge problem. This is the first year I think I'm seeing...