Wild Horse Slaughter

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Jul 27, 2006
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Holton, IN elevation 768 ft
I turned on C-Span and the House is voting on a bill to ban the sale of BLM horses for slaughter.
Proponents want us (US) to spend another $500,000/year to pen and FEED the horses that are gathered up from Gov land.
It looks like it is going to pass.
Apparently we are already feeding 30,000 wild horses. I didn't know that.
Common sense sure isn't common.
There is no such thing as a "wild horse". They are feral horses. The last wild horses in north america died out 10,000 years ago. What the Wild horse Annies' of the world have named wild horses, are horses that were turned out on the national forest/BLM land for a cheap/free pasture. Every fall the ranchers would gather the colts and break them. Until it became illegal to do so, the ranchers would go so far as buying high quality studs and turning them out as herd studs. Without the influx of new genes, the once healthy herds have become inbred, hammerheads.
Now known as mustangs...... horrible animals, high strung, and good for nothing. Eradication attempts were defeated by some woman that had enough of a following to enact a law to save them. Its sad when someone has enough of a personal agenda, that it affects, public rangelands, that is better served running cattle. Or anything that's useful. :mad:
john250":3lk7l2f8 said:
I turned on C-Span and the House is voting on a bill to ban the sale of BLM horses for slaughter.
Proponents want us (US) to spend another $500,000/year to pen and FEED the horses that are gathered up from Gov land.
It looks like it is going to pass.
Apparently we are already feeding 30,000 wild horses. I didn't know that.
Common sense sure isn't common.

I think that the issue of horse slaughter for any reason has become a hot political topic. People can't imagine that it would ever be necessary to do something with horses that have outlived their usefullness. If your dog dies, you can dig a hole in your yard and bury Fido. If Trigger dies, you have a real disposal problem. I think that people have been complaining about the smell that the plants have, because neighborhoods have grown up around the areas of the plants.

Zoos are the main places where horse meat is consumed in this country. I guess cause it is cheap, and the lions aren't apt to complain about it.

People go off half cocked and don't even think about stuff like that. They just remember that they really wanted a pony when they were kids...
Lammie":3hgvnozq said:
john250":3hgvnozq said:
I turned on C-Span and the House is voting on a bill to ban the sale of BLM horses for slaughter.
Proponents want us (US) to spend another $500,000/year to pen and FEED the horses that are gathered up from Gov land.
It looks like it is going to pass.
Apparently we are already feeding 30,000 wild horses. I didn't know that.
Common sense sure isn't common.

I think that the issue of horse slaughter for any reason has become a hot political topic. People can't imagine that it would ever be necessary to do something with horses that have outlived their usefullness. If your dog dies, you can dig a hole in your yard and bury Fido. If Trigger dies, you have a real disposal problem. I think that people have been complaining about the smell that the plants have, because neighborhoods have grown up around the areas of the plants.

Zoos are the main places where horse meat is consumed in this country. I guess cause it is cheap, and the lions aren't apt to complain about it.

People go off half cocked and don't even think about stuff like that. They just remember that they really wanted a pony when they were kids...

You are very right..people are thinking with their hearts and not rationaly.

I raise horses, good quality Paint and Quarter horses and I support horse slaughter. Bleeding heart politicians know NOTHING of livestock. Im a huge perponent of turning unwanted horses onto the lawns of all the senators who feel the need to support this bill..Wh should I have to support unwanted animals, that COULD go to a useful cause? :x
Didn't they use to have a adoption program for the mustangs? What happened to this idea?

GMN":32x3ylg4 said:
Didn't they use to have a adoption program for the mustangs? What happened to this idea?


They still do and those that are adopted can;t be killed. Problem is that now that the newness has warn off, there are more and more of the feral horses being gathered and ewer and fewer being adopted.
We used to live close to one of the holding/adoption places. 99% of the horses were nothgin that nayone would want. Mostly foals get adopted and the others just keep eating.

The city folks are setting the standards and agenda. The folks that are raised in the city are the ones trying to save the forest and animals. You won't find a farmer or a rancher at a tree hugging rally. Its the urban people making it hard on the rural folks. Golden cheek worbler. Give me a break.

dun":30f7buka said:
GMN":30f7buka said:
Didn't they use to have a adoption program for the mustangs? What happened to this idea?


They still do and those that are adopted can;t be killed. Problem is that now that the newness has warn off, there are more and more of the feral horses being gathered and ewer and fewer being adopted.
We used to live close to one of the holding/adoption places. 99% of the horses were nothgin that nayone would want. Mostly foals get adopted and the others just keep eating.


And it seems the adoption red tape is too much hassel. On top of all the paperwork, you have to meet alot of criteria (fences, stalls, etc.) to qualify. Most people don't have quite what they require, but could still adopt feasibly, just they can't b/c of the regs.
I have to beg to differ. I see that you want the land for your use and your use only, wether these are wild or ferral horses makes no difference. I am a horse lover of all kinds. I prefer quarter and paints but I don't think the rest should die because they are no use to me. I think they have earned their right to survival as much as we have. They have to live off the land, we have to learn that if something is not as we want it we can't just take it anyway. You think everything is just yours for that taking? While we are at it why don't we get rid of the boarder jumpers that are taking american jobs for less money, or how about worry about why gas is so high, I think this is a small inconvience for free rangers.....I wish I had thousands of acres that don't really belong to me to do as I wish with. Stop belly aching about sharing the land with a herd of horses and appreciate the fact that you can free range on it. If it bothers you so greatly maybe you should buy your own land and keep the horses off it. Then we can listen to you complain about that.
And lets discuss the adoption method. That is a grand idea in an idealistic world that all the horses out there get loving trusting homes. Now wake up. I am sure you are the first in line to get one of those animals that you call worthless. Doubt it. How about trusting your child, niece or nephew on a wild or ferral horse. An animal that has never had any kind of interaction with our life styles. You are asking a great deal of change for a creature that has had to make its own way all its life. And for this your answer is kill it. Kill Kill Kill. Great plan! I am certain I wouldn't trust one of you who think it is all about you. Lord knows that I wish I could be a rancher, but a rancher from the old days. When there was respect for living things and the circle of life. You can call me a tree hugger or a bleeding heart or even stop reading my post, but for one minute stop and think out side your box. Think of the greater picture not just the one in front of you. I for one see both sides, do I have the answers no. But I know that round ups for mass slaughter is not one either.
I think breeders need to be held accountable for their herds. They sell a foal and it ends up in a shelter, or abused at the hands of someone who "wanted a pony" when they were a kid, I think the BREEDER is responsible. They should stop flooding the market looking for the perfect horse and disposing of the "useless" ones. Then you will see a great decline in the market of over produced backyard breeders. This could open up a window for the wild or ferral horses of America, creating an easier way of life for free grazers. Nothing is perfect unless you accept everything as a whole. Death does not have to be the only option or solution. I am a horse owner, I have loved horses all my life, but that is not the only reason I am against the mass slaughter of them.
Since you see both sides so well, have you personally seen the damage that these feral animals do to the environment? Have you seen the results of their presence on the wildlife that evolved and once thrived in areas damaged by the feral aniamls? Get out and actaully see what's going on. It's easy to come up with solutions if you're not affected by either the problem or the solution.

Mauzergurl, I guess for you slaughtering horses is different then slaughtering cows or bulls. You have me baffled on this one. Honest question not trying to start a anything. But if you could explain this too me it may open my eyes.

I do appreciate your advice, however do you know the damage that will come when you slaughter these animals? Do you see that? I have not witnessed the damage you say has been done. I do not have the luxury to hop on a plane and just go there. I would love nothing more than to give up everything and do a study on the pros and cons of horse destruction, however, I can't. I don't deny that a herd can pound the once plush grass into a hard dirt terrain. But tell me, are you angry because they have eaten away an area you grazed your cattle on or just because they are there and that is what happens when a group of animals including an herd of cattle grazes an area for an extended period of time. You think I am not effected by what goes on in a different state, on the other side of the nation. Funny, it seems I am. I have horses, most of my friends have horses.....we all are effected. Just because I don't live in Dun land doesn't mean that I am not effected and not just "emotionally". As far as coming up with a solution, as I stated before I don't have the answer, I have an opinion and perhaps a suggestion. Which as far as I can tell holds more merit than to kill everything. Its wrong, you know it I know it, wrong. You are just frustrated and don't know what else to do about it. There are other solutions. Shock yourself try to figure one out where both sides win.
Who slaughters a herd of cattle because the graze the same land they do. We raise these animals for that very purpose. For food, milk, some for sport. However, we do not have wild cattle. Correct me if I am wrong. I have never heard of a wild cattle herd. When a cow is old she is slaughtered for meat to feed mink farms, grocery, dog food what have you. These horses were never raised for that purpose. I have never heard of a horse ranch for food. I am a firm beleiver that you kill it you eat it. That is why I catch and release. I don't eat fish and if I am not asked to bring any home the fish go back. That is were the circle of life comes in, take what you need and you will be provided for. I don't mind talking about this and I don't need to have a heated conversation, I just require and open mind and someone who is willing to anti up some suggestions other than to kill everything.
I can't tell from your post if you realize that the horses that are slaughtered are used for food. They may not be there for that intended purpose or raised for that intended purpose. However they are not just shot and left. Bulls are also not raised for that intended purpose. When a bull is no longer needed for his required job then he is slaughtered. Same with cows. Still can't see a distinction.

mauzergurl":22htdl08 said:
I do appreciate your advice, however do you know the damage that will come when you slaughter these animals? Do you see that? I have not witnessed the damage you say has been done. I do not have the luxury to hop on a plane and just go there. I would love nothing more than to give up everything and do a study on the pros and cons of horse destruction, however, I can't. I don't deny that a herd can pound the once plush grass into a hard dirt terrain. But tell me, are you angry because they have eaten away an area you grazed your cattle on or just because they are there and that is what happens when a group of animals including an herd of cattle grazes an area for an extended period of time. You think I am not effected by what goes on in a different state, on the other side of the nation. Funny, it seems I am. I have horses, most of my friends have horses.....we all are effected. Just because I don't live in Dun land doesn't mean that I am not effected and not just "emotionally". As far as coming up with a solution, as I stated before I don't have the answer, I have an opinion and perhaps a suggestion. Which as far as I can tell holds more merit than to kill everything. Its wrong, you know it I know it, wrong. You are just frustrated and don't know what else to do about it. There are other solutions. Shock yourself try to figure one out where both sides win.

:?: Where,s Dun Land, anyone have a map ?
:lol: :lol: :banana:
I do understand that cattle are sent for food when their jobs are complete. I do understand that for a brief shining moment "a staving country" will have some food when we slaughter off all the horses on the land that doesn't belong to anyone. And the reason we would be slaughtering them is because they are useless to the people free grazing. What other reason would you have to kill these animals beside the fact they are in the way or destroying the land use by free grazers. How much money does a free grazer pay for the land his cattle uses? Seriously...how much do they pay? Have you ever witnessed one of these mass slaughters? I am curious to know if you think it is done humanly or not. I am not trying to be arguementative but I don't know how to make you see there is a difference. A difference in how you make a choice to raise cattle for whatever reason, you raise chickens, you don't raise horses for slaughter and we don't have the right to kill something because it doesn't fit into our plan.
"Horse slaughter is the practice of slaughtering horses for meat (to be consumed by humans). These animals come from auctions, private sellers, and from wild herds. Sometimes these horses are sick and injured but they can also just be for sale by their owners. Most are brought to the slaughterhouses by contract buyers who collect horses from all across the country, also known as kill buyers.

In the United States there are three major equine slaughter plants: Dallas Crown, Inc. in Kaufman, Texas; Beltex Corporation in Fort Worth, Texas; and Cavel International, Inc. in DeKalb, Illinois. The meat that comes out of these plants is shipped to other countries, mainly Europe and Japan, where horse meat is a delicacy. As prominently stated on their website, Dallas Crown "provides Carnivore Diet for zoos and wildlife centers across the United States"

Ok. I'm gonna ask you to be open minded. In India it is against the law to eat meat from a brahma cow. They are religious symbols. In Korea they raise dogs to eat. They actually have dog farms. Bringing horses to slaughter that are not contributing to anything just makes sense. I can't put it in any simpler terms. I don't see the need to slaughter a whole herd of horses on free graze land. I do see the need to slaughter horses however. If this is the only point of difference between us then we are in agreement. Please don't say, "we don't have the right to kill something because it doesn't fit into our plan." again. This statement doesn't make any sense at all. We kill things all the time that don't fit. Dogs, cats, bears, mountain lions, we even cull cows that don't fit. I can't even make sense of that statement when I try.

What bothers me isn't the graze the horses eat (burros too which are even worse)
that a cow might eat. It's people with the attitude that some animals are food and some are not, and they make emotional pleas to save the poor whatever creature. Any cattleman that uses land for grazing takes better care of it then the average tourist does. It's his livelyhood to preserve the grazing for future use.
Feral horses and burros destroy the environment they live in. Without some form of control they eventually turn an area to a wasteland that takes many years, if ever, to recover. Nature has her own methods of dealing with these probglems, but man will step in and "save" the animal that is the root cause of the problem. Mans meddeling has caused the problem with wildlife being eliminated from their traditional/ancestoral range. Preferring foreign, i.e. imported aniamls to force them from that range and then protecting those invading species puts a higher value on the imprt then the native animals. How can that be right? An emotional response to a problem will never generate a sensible solution.
The only reason people eat cows and ride horses is because cows taste better and they aren;t stupid enough to willinglly let someone get on their back and direct them on what to do. Of course they're gate is pretty hard on the person trying to ride them, cows that is.
Different cultures have different ideas concerning what is food and what isn;t. I'm not crazy about eating dogs, but there are cultures where that is a normal food item.


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