Why would someone.....

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I luv herfrds

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
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Try to stop a fundraiser to help a family?
I'm still trying to forget about it, but I am so furious that I can't.
Been getting alot of donations for my friends memorial benefit. What had happened is I asked the local hotel/fine dining place for a gift certificate for dinner. They gave us a nights stay with dinner. Normally don't get that. :D
The woman who gave it to me decided to put in her two cents worth by informing me that we are costing the businesses that are donating money and that I do not understand the "give and take" aspect of fund raising. What????
She went on to tell me that we are going to get the husband in trouble with the IRS and we need to stop what we are doing and get her friend to help us instead. Huh?? She went on to tell me that we needed to be under a non-profit group to do this.

It got me so confused that I talked with a friend who works at the local bank, he talked to a lawyer that night. As long as the money goes into a fund set up for them there is no problem. Ran into another friend who was in charge of another fund raiser and she told me the same thing. Relief.
As for the "give and take" every item that has been donated has been written down as to what it is and which person or business donated it and a card will be made out and placed by that item.

What I just can't figure out and probably never will is why would someone be that cruel to try to stop a fund raiser.
It all has to do with tax write off. If the business donates the dinner and stay to your charity, and it is not an approved exclusion (certified as non-profit) they cannot write off the donation on their taxes.

The simple solution is to find an existing certified organization who will accept the donations and pass them on to the family. It is very hard to get the Red Cross to do it. No need in even trying to use them.

It is all kind of stupid really. But without the laws rich people would sponsor car donations for their own children etc. That is why there are non-profit organizations and tax laws applying to donations thereto.

I look at it this way, If I am willing to give you $100, and can't write it off, I can give you $65 and it is the equivalent out of my pocket. Most of us would just give the $100 and forget about it. But if you are a manager for a business and accountable to owners or stock holders, you cannot donate, even if they have voted previously to set aside funds for charitable contributions this year so as not to offend soccer, baseball, softball associations etc.

Edit: I am not a CPA or anything like that. (my wife is in accounting and deals with this type stuff. I have served as a board member for many non-profit youth sport organizations) Just trying to help you understand.
If the lady is going to look at it from a business sense what she is doing is advertising. It looks good for a business to donate.

Sounds like she might have been looking for some under the table money. I wouldn't trust using her friend. I think the lady was crass.
It's done here all the time. Had one a couple of months ago for a young woman that had been undergoing cancer treatments for about a year. Her family just didn;t have the money to get out of hock with the hospital. A couple of folks got toghter and put it on as a benefit. A few business donated stuff but most of it was farming stuff or home made stuff. The made just a tick under $15k, all of it went to the family. Lady died a month ago, but at least the family won;t have as much of a bill hanging over them.
My banker friend also talked to the lady that is normally in charge of these type of accounts that are set up to help a family. She said that she has never heard of any family getting in trouble with the IRS with this type of account.
The lady that had a problem just worked for the hotel and was not the manager nor had any say in the matter. She might not have a job there long. Heard that the manager was not happy with her over this. Word got around fast.
Also found out that this womans friend does go out and gets donations, but for a fee.

You know if these businesses did not want to donate they just have to say no. Everybody feels so bad for the kids, so no one around here has said no. Only one business up north said no.

backhoe I wish it was tax deductable for everybody who has donated.
Raffle has raised over $300 so far.
Some people just look out for themselves, always their own pocket book.There is nothing wrong with looking after your own bottom line but tragedy leaves survivors who need a little help sometimes.

Keep up with the good work ILH sounds like you are getting a lot of donations,and also what a great community you must live in as their hearts and arms open up for your friends family.
Sounds like she was just trying to sound like she knows it all. Hey! Sh isn't my sister-in-law, by any chance? :shock:
I luv herfrds":2upg4dpp said:
Try to stop a fundraiser to help a family?
I'm still trying to forget about it, but I am so furious that I can't.
Been getting alot of donations for my friends memorial benefit. What had happened is I asked the local hotel/fine dining place for a gift certificate for dinner. They gave us a nights stay with dinner. Normally don't get that. :D
The woman who gave it to me decided to put in her two cents worth by informing me that we are costing the businesses that are donating money and that I do not understand the "give and take" aspect of fund raising. What????
She went on to tell me that we are going to get the husband in trouble with the IRS and we need to stop what we are doing and get her friend to help us instead. Huh?? She went on to tell me that we needed to be under a non-profit group to do this.

It got me so confused that I talked with a friend who works at the local bank, he talked to a lawyer that night. As long as the money goes into a fund set up for them there is no problem. Ran into another friend who was in charge of another fund raiser and she told me the same thing. Relief.
As for the "give and take" every item that has been donated has been written down as to what it is and which person or business donated it and a card will be made out and placed by that item.

What I just can't figure out and probably never will is why would someone be that cruel to try to stop a fund raiser.

I think some people just want to rain on someones parade. I think its great what you are doing, and most people who give do not do so for a tax write off, they do so out of the kindness of their hearts!
