Which brand of minerals

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2004
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Huntingon, TX
Our feed store carries Nutrena, Lone Star, and Purina feed. Which one would you use? Looking at feeding loose minerals.

Disregard the proprietary labels & brands. Compare the major & minor nutrients of each "brand" and select the one that is readily available in your area and that is the best price. Don't pay for famous brand names if the same bag of nutrients in a readily available (metabolized) form is a better price.

[Consider a "major" brand of highly advertised "Aspirin". Aspirin is Aspirin and all is made of same ingredients. The generic aspirin costs a lot less.] The "coatings" & advertising is what causes the price difference. Same can apply to a lot of livestock feed & minerals...and palatability is also an issue too...if cattle won't eat it, then it costs too much. LOL.
I tried every kind of mineral and my cows love the right now mineral program. I am feeding the green with fly control right now. I feed purina and my cows wouldn't touch it.
We've tried Purina, ADM and Kent, cows won;t tough it. Gone back to vigortone and they eat it just like they should

dun":20cqotf5 said:
We've tried Purina, ADM and Kent, cows won;t tough it. Gone back to vigortone and they eat it just like they should


I'm with you dun. Mineral doesn't do any good unless they eat it and Vigortone is the most palatable I have found. Conception rates are extremely high, calves hit the ground running, and cows seem to winter better when using this brand. I use the 35S.
I tried the Nutrena "Nutra beef "brand . My cows wouldnt touch it . After a comparision and a talk with the beef nutrition specialist at NC State , I discovered it was almost worthless. I was paying for a fancy bag and nothing else. I cant get anything local except the co-op brand "Southern States" brand , but it seems that thiers are the best anyway. it was alot higher in every ingredient than the Nutrena . It cost 10.50 per bag .
You didnt list it, and its not loose, but we use a baked mineral from Hudson Livestock Supplements. It has been great for us, we couldnt be happier with it. Does anyone else use this brand?

My cows will not touch either of the Purina minerals. I can't blame them because it smells awful. Purina is the only brand that our town has now that they quit selling the Land O Lakes mineral I used to get.
I was feeding Land-O-Lakes also, but just a couple weeks ago I started trying the Purina wind and rain mineral. So far the cows really seem to like it, but they always seem to like new stuff for a while at least.
have any of you ever heard of or used the minerals put out by prime quality?

i stopped putting out loose salt with em 2-3 weeks ago, and they are tearing the minerals up now.

Does anyone use the cargill , "Right Mineral , Right Now." color coded . ? How do you like it? I do know it is expensive in NC 15.00$ per bag .
swaynsycamore":23dj5fei said:
if you wont a good medicated mineral then bartlett milling co. in statesville NC. has a brand called Seetlix medicated to help prevent pinkeye and it works. we havent had pinkeye for this summer.i dont know if you can get this mineral in your area but id check it out.
I believe you mean Sweetlix. Only brand mineral I trust our Cattle to.
swaynsycamore":sxepx0zv said:
have you been feeding it to? do you have a dealer of bartlett around or something? have you had pinkeye yet? just asking. because this makes a year feeding it to ours.
Had one case of Pinkeye this year. Caught it immeadiately and treated, no big problem. I've been feeding Sweetlix for 3 years now.I'm not familiar with Bartlett. We sell Sweetlix.I'm not advertising for them I just tried their products, and decided to sell them, because I saw the results we got from them. Their products, in my opinion give you more bang for the buck.
Hey, I might just throw my 2 cents in too. We used the IGR minerals of a couple suppliers, they would eat it but most had one half the amount of IGR in them compared to Moorman's and Ultralyx. Moormans is no longer carried here so we use Ultralyx which has the higher IGR amount. For flys it seems to work better, but then it is almost double the cost, but I don't have to use other fly control stuff, so it pays on time and labor.


Don't mean to get off subject but noticed you're from Bland. That sure is some beautiful country. There is some great looking farm land from 81 north on 77.
We have been using the "BioRemedies" 30% protein, mineral tubs along with their 2% mineral tubs. Been using this brand for about 1.5 years now and have seen fantastic results in condition, hair coat, etc., with our Longhorn cattle. Are also using their "Remuda Tub" minerals for our horses with great results--even Vets have complimented us on our livestocks' condition. Their minerals also have Kelp (seaweed), antioxidants, and other items in their mix. Also, our horn fly problem has probably decreased 75% since we're been using the BioRemedies products. Their minerals also facilitate forage utilization significantly.

On the other hand (been there done that), we tried those 200# generic "Pink" mineral tubs, Sweetlix, Moorman's, etc. While less expensive, they just didn't do the job for us.
Bill have you tried caviar, pate', olives, little smokies, fresh samon, or my personal favorite gravy? You'd be supprised how elegante of an appearance your LH would have drinking from stemware and eating from a saucer.

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