What breed?

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Oct 24, 2005
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Here are some pics of my bull Braveheart (we call him that because he was afraid of everything and everyone). When we bought him we were given a bunch of wrong information about him and the other heads we bought. Can anyone tell me what breed you think he is? Personally, I think he's some type of Charlois cross, but I don't know enough about cattle breeds to be able to say.


are you going to use him for a sire without knowing his background.... that could turn out a headache. and you dont want that flighty temperment in the calves either
Looks like he may have some Limo or Red angus to give him that blush color - or it just could be a bad pic. But Char cross for sure!
I'm not going to use him for breeding. As a matter of fact, he's destined for the freezer. I was just curious to see what everyone thought he might be? He has really good temperament and is very gentle. His problem (in addition to not knowing his background) is that he has been maturing very, very slow. He's at least 13 months old (16 if I believed the seller). My beefmaster bull weighed about 1,500 lbs when he was the same age.

I got him because the county had denied my ag exemption because I didn't have enough cows on the property with a bull. I bought him from a neighbor down the road, but he didn't know either because he bought him at the auction.

I know, a lot of rookie mistakes; I learned.
You have to have a bull with your cows to get an Ag exemption? What if you AI'd? Sounds really screwed up to me!
he looked yellow to me. i didnt know he was gray or blue. i guess i really am colorblind, afterall.
Believe it or not I tried telling the county that. The property I bought had been in the old man's family since before Texas became a state and had been farmed and ranched since then. Because the property was being sold they wanted me to establish a new time-line of ag use (5 of 7 years) and pay the lost taxes during the time it was in exemption ($20K). I work for the state and my job deals with the legislature so I know how to read statutes and laws, so I asked them to show me where it stated that I had to do that. A few weeks later they told me I just had to have animals in place to be producing a crop (bull and cows).
The thing is that most of our county is in Ag use and they can't collect any taxes on it, so whenever they get the chance to bump someone they try their hardest.

Beefy, he is yellow, although parts of him are almost white.
he actually looks like a decent bull to me ..it is too bad u dont know anything about him ...other than he is skiddish ...on that note i would say he must go ..or u could hold on to him breed him to one or two cows and see what the end product is
To hijack the thread.. what county do you live in that they actually have a requirement on the head of cattle you have for an ag exemption? Did someone actually come out and count them? Or is that based on what you reported?
I'm in Williamson County. I made the mistake of consulting with them when I bought the place because we didn't want to lose the exemption. The did come out, twice; and they were out here this year as well. Our neighbor had an even tougher time because his piece (all part of the original land) was converted to a wildlife exemption. I'm not 100 percent sure what I did wrong, but I'm glad we settled it.
ERodrig":2add15c8 said:
Believe it or not I tried telling the county that. The property I bought had been in the old man's family since before Texas became a state and had been farmed and ranched since then. Because the property was being sold they wanted me to establish a new time-line of ag use (5 of 7 years) and pay the lost taxes during the time it was in exemption ($20K). I work for the state and my job deals with the legislature so I know how to read statutes and laws, so I asked them to show me where it stated that I had to do that. A few weeks later they told me I just had to have animals in place to be producing a crop (bull and cows).
The thing is that most of our county is in Ag use and they can't collect any taxes on it, so whenever they get the chance to bump someone they try their hardest.

Beefy, he is yellow, although parts of him are almost white.

Just about my whole county in Oklahom is under an Ag exemption as well. We dont have those kinds of problems. Arent your county assesors elected? You would think they would know better. We get most of your property tax money from the oil and gas companies.