Well, isn't this cute

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They are necessary up here a large portion of the time, we've been using them for years. Never had an issue with them coming off or cows pulling them off, but I'm sure it could happen. Plus, it's hard to show a January born heifer in the May born class when she's got no ears! ;-)
Ryder said:
Cute or ridiculous?
Not ridiculous at all up here. They go on with a calf coat when needed. Saturday we had down pours of rain, then full snow 30 minutes later, and back to rain shortly thereafter. This morning it was -8 when I woke up. They look dumb, but a live calf is worth it to me....
Those are done up a little colorfully. But ship a load of calves to the sale that includes a couple with frozen ears. When you see how much they dock those frozen ear calves you will be doing whatever it takes to prevent that.
Jeanne - Simme Valley said:
Someone was very creative. Would I buy them? no.
I have a couple of pairs of the purple/red/black ones. They do the job. I have since decided to calve in March/April, so I don't find I use them much anymore.... Hopefully I did not just jinx myself....

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