Weaned some calves today

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Weaned some, and did the first working of some young calves.
The red brindle steer is probably going to be kept back for a beef.
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Fine looking set of steers, KY. I would be proud to haul a trailer full like these to the sale anytime. Your Ang/Her./Simm program is working, and working well.
I think its a good move to wean and feed for a while. The market reports for your area all mention a premium for weaned cattle. Plus its October and in 60 days the price should be higher than now.
Fine looking set of steers, KY. I would be proud to haul a trailer full like these to the sale anytime. Your Ang/Her./Simm program is working, and working well.
Thanks. There's no known Simm breeding in that group. The new Simmental bull will be turned out for fall breeding sometime around Thanksgiving.
They look good KY. I love your old barn. Do you think feeding them indoors like that helps to have them quite and accustomed to you being around them?

Most of them haven't been in a barn except at working times at this point.
I typically keep them inside the barn for a week at first after weaning then let them out into a lot and let them come in and out. They get acclimated to coming in pretty well then. Before weaning, I feed the cows and calves in a lot every once and a while through the summer, daily in winter, and they get used to eating and weaning isn't as hard in them if they are already eating some grain.
They do tend to gentle down after weaning.
This morning separating the older cattle from the calves, we had some yearling heifers in the group and opened the driveway door of the barn and they came right on in. The calves are a bit harder, usually helps to get a cow or two with them and put some feed in the barn and try to keep them following the cows in.
Calves look good. Great barn. I love your long feeder. I was going to ask if you have hay above them and you drop it down into the manger?
Our old barn was a dairy barn. We took all the stantions out and made pens. We built wooden feeders that separate two pens. We have square hay above and drop it down into the feeders. Sure works great.
Calves look good. Great barn. I love your long feeder. I was going to ask if you have hay above them and you drop it down into the manger?
Our old barn was a dairy barn. We took all the stantions out and made pens. We built wooden feeders that separate two pens. We have square hay above and drop it down into the feeders. Sure works great.
We used to store all our square bales up above but it's a taller loft than usual, and have to use a conveyor but it broke down and haven't replaced it. So we haven't been putting up our hay for several years and just buying enough square hay for weaning calves and feeding an occasional cow that's penned up in the winter.
We just store it at ground level in another shed now.
When we were feeding hay from the loft up there there are doors on the front and back of the barn to throw hay out. There is also a cutout on in the floor to drop hay down through.
I boarded back up that hole after falling through it twice.
Like everyone else good looking calves and the barn really does catch the eyes. Reminds me of my bedroom at my parents house. The walls in it is the hay loft flooring from the old barn at the farm my dad grew up on. Dad and I (mostly dad) built the room ourselves.
Have all the tests ever figured out what is going on????
Yes and no. Colon issues partially caused by scar tissue from previous surgeries. Twisted bowels. Anemic and very low Iron.
Plus back problems from laying around so much.
Tedded some hay yesterday and walked a mile back to the farm. Was good exercise but i almost didn't get back to my Jeep.

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