Wanted: Some good laughs kids and farm/ranch

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Aug 2, 2007
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Hi all, I am really interested in hearing some good stories about kids and farming/ranching. I'll start and see if this goes anywhere.

Today my daughter and I were out putting up some temporary fence. I had the job of putting the posts in the ground. She had the job of screwing the insulators together. She tells me that she has the McDonalds job of fencing. Then she looks down my line and tells me it looks like a drunken snake. I made her walk back to the house and get me an adult beverage!

Tell me your kids story!
We had a couple bottle babies (mad run of about 3 sets of twins), of course my middle daughter (then 3) wanted to help hold the bottle. Well, the first time the calf butted the bottle, daughter was done. As I continue to feed the heifer, she starts to pee. Daughter yells "Mommy, Mommy stop feeding her, she is too full and it is coming out the other end!!!!!!"

I nearly dropped the bottle laughing.
Son was 3 yo and outside playing with the dog. I was inside washing dishes when I heard the dog start barking and then I heard my son start barking too. I go outside and here is the UPS man pulling into the yard and there is the son naked as a jay bird barking at him from the entrance of the dog house. :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol:
Will never forget that or the look on the UPS drivers face.
I have a nephew who is now almost 6 years old. When he was about 22 or 24 months old we were in the pasture. He was about to walk thru some cow patties. I taught him to watch out for the cow patties and taught him to call them "cow poop". After that, when we went to the pasture, everytime we walked past a cow pattie he would look at it and say "cow poop".

A week or so later he and his Mom where walking across the parking lot at Walmart. My nephew sees a oily spot on the pavement. He tells his Mom that it was "Cow Poop" and not to step in it. :lol: :lol:
When one of our's was about 3, he started a truck and drove it down the hill.We took the truck back to the dealership, and they tried to tell us it would not go into gear without stepping on the brake first. Boy were they wrong. My wife jumped in the truck as it was rolling down the hill, but not until it went through a new fence. :shock:
When I first got bottle calves, I told William that I would let him keep the proceeds from one of his choice if he helped me take care of them. He used to completely change clothes after feedings if he got licked once. He'd just walk back in the house gagging.

He's turned into a better hand since then.
we had banded the wether goats one year, and went out later to vaccinate. My daughter was about 7 at the time. She picked up a shrivelled sac and said, "Momma, how come there's cotten balls in here?"
I loved that one
Hi guys these are pretty good! I think everyday with a kid on a farm/ranch must have some kind of story to it. It's a good thing though, raising them in the country. Gives them a little bit different perspective on life.

If you haven't looked at the dumb kids thread, check it out, its pretty funny.

Have a great day and stay cool!
This just happened tonight.
We went out to get the bulls in from the pasture. Husband has an old CJ Willies Jeep. Our daughter is riding in the back.
Husband opens the back door of the Jeep and being outside he passes gas, which then comes in the cab of the Jeep. I told him he stinks, to which he tells me it is not that bad. Daughter in the back looks at him and says, "Daddy your butt stinks." I about fell out laughing.

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