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Jul 8, 2005
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NW Arkansas
Last Friday I went down to the mill after work to pick up our weekly order of Creep Pellets and Show Feed that I mix in the creep feeder for my bosses calves that he has on a lease.

I've been checking on these calves and their mama's for the last 3 months and filling the creep feeder for about the same amount of time.

You'd think that since we call the order in early they'd have it ready but no.... too many special orders to mix their own show mix. Now granted my boss has is own special show mix that he feeds his steers. I use the the mills brew.

So instead of the show feed I took some 12% beef they had and the 14% round up pellets that we usually get.

Seeing as I was going to be needing a couple of bags of show feed for myself I asked if they were going to mix show feed today. Yes... they were going to mix it first thing since they had way more orders for it than they had had before. So I went down to the mill at lunch only to find that they hadn't mixed it yet. :mad: Weren't going to mix it today either :mad: :mad: Might mix it tomorrow but no promise... too many special orders.

So I asked if they at least had a 25# bag of Calf Manna ... nope... :mad: place they normally ordered from went bankrupt... expecting a shipment tomorrow... Maybe... :mad:

So I ended up leaving with 2 bags of Tindle 50/50 16% (just in case....) and a 25# bag of Nurse Chow and a promise that they'd call me when (and if :mad: ) the Calf Manna got delivered or the show feed got mixed.

I've got enough to last me tonight and tomorrow morning but this is ridiculous! Since the mill changed hands all but one of the people that worked there and the store manager have quit or been run off. I think the one that didn't is fixing to. The couple of guys they hired you can't hardly find. Friday one of them was hiding between rows of sacked feed. All I wanted to do was get loaded and get left. I asked him what he was up to and he told me flat out he was hiding... he was tired of working and someone else could do the loading. :shock: The only one left to do the loading was the guy running the mixer. When I went to get him I got an earful about all he'd been doing all day was loading trucks... couldn't get anything mixed. :mad: :mad: :mad:

To make matters worse... I went in a week or so ago and placed my order told the guy exactly what I wanted and he wrote down something else.... :mad: This guy is one of the new owners :shock: :shock:

Then, too, doesn't affect me but the bosses order was to have been put on the dock to be picked up after closing on Saturday. When the boss got there to pick it up it wasn't there. There's two stories floating around at the mill. One is that someone took what was put out and the other is that the boys forgot to put the order out. -- When I was at the mill I counted the bags and I know the real story.

Ok now I feel better :) :oops: :cboy:
goodthing i dont buy feed where you do.b/c id done changed feed mills after the 2nd for that guy hiding id rasied it with him.and told him to get the truck loaded.i dont know what kept you from blowing your top.scott
Ya know that remark about the box of rocks... it'd be an insult to the rocks to compare the two. :x I did raise it with the store manager...said he'd talk to the employee - didn't see him today - but that doesn't mean anything... to raise it with the employee is like talking to me with your back turned and me not wearing my hearing aids... gets no response. :oops:

The co-op is across the street I am looking to see what they can do for me. But this close to the fair I kind of hate to change until after the show.
I would flat out sit down with the new owner and tell him everything that has happened and ask him if he truly wants my business. This is non sense, if this continues he'll be out of business by the end of the year. People don't have time to put up with this (at least I know I don't) and this can't last long. The feed store that I've been doing business with for over 20 years is closing at the end of the year and I hate it-they know exactly what I need and will do their best to take care of me. It's hard to get good service.
Called both the co-op here in town and the one where I live and explained the situation. Both promised that if I delivered the formula I am using they would mix me a small batch. We'll see what happens. They are about a $2 more/cwt.

I'm going to talk to the current mill face to face in an hour or so.
madbeancounter1":df7lv9js said:
Called both the co-op here in town and the one where I live and explained the situation. Both promised that if I delivered the formula I am using they would mix me a small batch. We'll see what happens. They are about a $2 more/cwt.

I'm going to talk to the current mill face to face in an hour or so.
You need to find out why they are $2.00 cwt higher than you have been paying unless it has something to do with grain movement due to Katrina.
A $2.00 cwt change in feed prices needs an explanation.
Sorry folks.

Wife had dental surgery yesterday and I was designated driver and caretaker... among other things. Anybody ever used sedation dentistry? First time for us... started around 9am and finished around 1pm. In that time he did what would normally take about 6 trips or so. She's had tooth trouble for forever... and tries really hard to take good care of her teeth but no matter... find something new everytime she sees the dentist.

Anyway... she came home with clean teeth, a root canal, numerous fillings, a bite adjustment and a splint designed to retrain her jaw muscles to aleviate the constant headaches she's been having.

So this is how it went at the mill. When I went in to talk to them and laid it all out and told them that I couldn't do business with them anymore if they were going to continue down the same path. Told them I was planning to take the recipe across the street and have them mix it for me unless they could give me a good reason not to.

They promised they would have the mix yesterday. Yesterday around noon I stopped in to pick up my order and before even going I called to find out if they had it run... Owner said, "Oh yes... we're all caught up on everything." When I got there I went right to the office and paid the store manager and went out to the mill to get it. Guy that runs the mixer told me we haven't run it yet.... I got ticked off and told him, "You guys need to get your stories straight..." and told him what happened. He got ticked off and we both went in and gave the owner a tonguelashing.

Long story short I left with two bags of 12% Beef (no charge) that I know my calves will eat (they wouldn't touch the 50/50) and they promised to have the show feed today 4 bags of which will also be no charge. They still have delivery on the calf manna so i paid a couple $ more at Atwoods for a 50# bag.

Mill across the street difference in cost is not based on corn but price of the other ingredients. It was the same way with the mill in Siloam which was why I started using the mill in Fayetteville not to mention I couldn't get there during hours of operation.

Anyway... If they have the mix today I'll give them another chance but if they drop the ball again... I'm moving on!
Madbean, have you tried the one in Gentry? They all certainly have their issues, but I really like to deal with them because they are huge supporters of the 4-H programs & such in our county. Great people to work with!! We often can't get their in regular business hours & they will stack it (2000 lbs) on the dock for us. Just another option....

Probably good and bad. Can tell you that it wasn't always that way. But having a kid that has problems like my boy has taught me to have a lot of patience. I wish others had just a fraction more. Might have some friends with kids for him to interact with. But I digress...

Called the mill just a little bit ago. They ran the feed but they are out of barley and so put crimped oats in it. At least they ran it.

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