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Horse Guy":3lunuufj said:
Thoughts? Oppinions on it for baled feed for horses or cows?

Haven't ever fed it, but it does make some average hay. It is actually better suited for late fall or early spring grazing. You have to watch the maturity very closely when harvesting for hay. You want to mow it shortly after it heads out or before. It will give higher yields than wheat, oats, but a lower quality. Neighbor has planted some after corn/beans in the fall, and then either grazed or hayed the next spring. In a normal winter/spring, it can be grazed by mid-March, mowed for hay in mid to late May. That still leaves ample time to go back and plant beans on the ground. Kind of like a double crop.

Kansas State has a few things to say about it.
My one pasture I should do something with because the alfalfa stand is 10YO. Its doing suprisingly well this spring. Thinking about taking a hay crop off of it this summer.
Because of fertilizer costs I was thinking about seeding to triticale late this summer. Thisway if its dry next year i will still get a crop off this one pasture for sure. That or wait till next spring and seed it to greenfeed.
Whats better? Greenfeed or Triticale for cows?
Im in Alberta so beans and corn are not an option.
I have tried it. Great off season pasture but - - very little fall forage in a short climate region, it wants to head out right away in the spring, and it is too course for great hay.

Like a lot of double crop ideas it seems to work better in the middle of the US than in the north.
If you put it up right the cows will eat it over alfalfa. We graze some and then plant some after wheat sowing so it is a little further behind in the spring for hay. Took 48 bales (5x6) off of 17 acres this spring with just one round of fertilizer in the fall. Heads were just coming out of the boot.
We seeded a very small corner of dry ground last fall and graized it over the winter, now it is about 8" tall and looking good. We used it as a nurse crop to try and control weeds till the grass comes in. I will cut and bale it this summer and chop it with alfalfa for calves so I don't have to worry about it being stemmy. From the looks of it I will probably put it in the dry corners of the pivots, at least this way there will be a little forage either baled or graized.

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