Training video

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
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Does anyone know of any cattle showing training videos or were I should look to try and find one thanks
There is someone on the board that goes by the name of creative who has lots of different videos. He/she may have one on that. There may also may be some on your states agriculture extension website.
Kirk Steirwalt has a ton out there. I think Sullivan's Supply has them. I've heard many times that his videos are far better than anything else.

I think these are the videos you were referring to. You can also purchase the DVD from the American Angus Association.
We just spent the last week at our county fair and after watching a couple of the morning classes we discussed the fact that there needs to be a video showing how and how not to show in the ring. One of the biggest mistakes I saw was not leaving room between animals, especially when profiling. Know where the judge is and the animal in front of you at all times, steers ended up right on top of the steer in front of them, they did not have room to reset the animals, and steers tend to mount the on in front of them when they are right on top of them. Do not get stuck in the corners if you see that you are going to get stuck in the corner stop before you get to the corner. Use the whole ring; do not round off the corners or get to far off the rail. If there are obstructions in the ring make sure that you do not set your animal where the judge's view will be obstructed. If there is uneven spots in the ground try and avoid them.
Make sure that your animal sets up straight. Judges do not like to look down the line and see animals out of position.

Work with your animal prior to entering the ring to find out what the best methods are for you and your animals, some animals look better when they move at a quicker pace while others look better at a slow pace, make sure you keep the head in a natural position do not jack it up to high so the animal does not move naturally. Know your animal's faults and do your best to hide them. This is not cheating this is showing.
Here is a video with showmanship tips from two very qualified ladies. They talk about a couple of the points you made above.