Third bunch

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We generally have plenty of help. All from within our small community. The biggest benefit of this is it builds community. Neighbors helping neighbors. Sort of a lost art in a lot of this world.
I had one friend that was going to help, but he ended up in the ER on Friday. I guess they still don't know what is wrong with him. His wife was taking him to Casper. From what I understand is that his head was hurting him and he couldn't turn his head either direction. He used to be one of those extreme skiers. He pretty much abused his body when he was younger.
When we were looking to buy a ranch we looked at a place over in La Grande. Our realtor said they are farmers over there and not ranchers. And that ranchers have a mentality which tends to help each other out. When we bought this place here we found that the realtor's parents have ranch in this community. There are 9 other ranches here. They get together to help brand, gather, sort and haul cattle when and where needed. Funny how the realtors family are not involved in any of that. They are the only ones using a calf table. The realtor told me, "if we held a branding then we would have to go to the brandings that others had." Hmmmm I wonder what happened to the mentality of helping your neighbor?