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Caustic Burno

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2004
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Big Thicket East Texas
Rain is on the way man do we need it.
We are drier than a powder house haven't got a drop since mid Sept.
With all these yahoo deer hunters in the woods I am surprised the world is not burning.
Spotty rain up this way right now, but as usual it missing me. That nearly two inches we got back the first of October has been long gone and the grass is brown again. Guess I'll be putting out hay before long.
I sure hope they are right ! My ponds are dry and the grass was gone mid sept. input out 40 acres of rye grass yesterday . Probably wont rain now!
If granny and granddad where here, I would have been hearing the term "popcorn phart" and "whirlwind nubbins" it's been so dry. Just started raining here. I also have 40 acres of ryegrass seed waiting on water. Looks like this rain is coming in 2 waves, anywhere from 2 to 5 inches.
Grass is gone. I've gone thru 10 round bales. Wheat and oats are starting to turn. They need a drink.
Hope y'all get some. We have had 5/8" since Labor day. And our pond is down 3+ feet. Thought it was going to get better,
but it got worse, and it really gotten bad this last week.
I've been wondering how the rest of Tx. is doing to listen to the local weather people you would think everything was hunky-dory , but they do think .1 of rain is a flood because it floods the pavement.
Winds just changed here and are out of the WNW @ 17 MPH. Temps have dropped from 77 to 66 in a matter of minutes, but only .01 recorded.
I got about 1/2" in the last 12 hrs.
My brother's whaet and rygrass may come up yet.

I have about given up on my ryegrass and getting ready to pull out hay.
Last thing we need is a 2010 type dry fall and winter followed by 2011 type spring/summer drought.
greybeard":17gvdpam said:
I got about 1/2" in the last 12 hrs.
My brother's whaet and rygrass may come up yet.

I have about given up on my ryegrass and getting ready to pull out hay.
Last thing we need is a 2010 type dry fall and winter followed by 2011 type spring/summer drought.

You might get lucky. The rain in the front is marching your direction. I'm closer to the tail of it and may only get a few drops, if that. The wind has been so strong the last two days, you could see the dirt moving.
The front pushed thru late last night. Wind, but less than 1/10" rain. Clearing from the Northwest now it seems. Windy conditions are gonna dry the ground up pretty quick.
greybeard":ltunjh9u said:
The front pushed thru late last night. Wind, but less than 1/10" rain. Clearing from the Northwest now it seems. Windy conditions are gonna dry the ground up pretty quick.
If it's like here it will get COLD when the front clears. 21 degrees this morning, yesterday it was in the 60s at this time. High supposed to get to around 40 for us today
southern plains are all hurting for water. we got 1.5" yesterday.. just enough to settle the dust. ponds are low... just need some more rain. About the worst I have seen going into winter. Can only pray for good heavy spring rains at this point.
I really didn't know how bad it actually was here. I was talking to a few oldtimers and they have never seen it this dry. The worst or should I say the best part was one of the older fellers was 92.
greybeard":1zx2q91y said:
1/4"? Floodstage ain't it?

The amazing thing is I have a drainage system in my bottom patures that is plugged off.
Been so long since I fought mud I have forgotten what it was like since going to our new normal.
I know I'm not in Texas but is sure has been feeling like it the last 2 years.
We got .35" today off the inbound coastal winds. With a chance of 10% - 20% this week ill take it. First rain in the last 20 days