temple grandin

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Apr 28, 2005
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i just saw where they made a movie about temple grandin.an it will air on HBO sometime this month.i dont have HBO so i wont get to see it.
I saw the advertising for that show bigbull and am sure going to try and catch it. To bad you don't have HBO.
Thanks for posting that! It looks like it will be on this coming Saturday. We have HBO on the satellite but there hasn't been much on it lately and I got out of the habit of checking it for something to watch. Last good thing they had on was Wandy Sykes special. It was hilarious, a lot better than her tv show.
Thanks for reminding me BB that is a show I definitely want to watch. I read a part of an interview with Temple and she said they did a really good job of portraying her and all she has contributed . So we will see, too bad you do not get to watch it but I am sure they will have reruns on cable or network Tv later on .
She is an amazing human being.
In spite of, or rather because of, her handicap, she is an authotity in at least two academic fields. :clap:
Talk about taking lemons and making lemonade!
I watched it, and really enjoyed it.What a h@ll of a gal Temple is. I would love to hear a lecture of hers some day..
Sitting in this hotel with 30 plus inches of snow since last night, I got to watch the movie twice. It is really good and she is an amazing lady. The actress played the part very well. The movie shows how determined she had to be, not only to overcome the difficulties caused by her autism, but to clear the roadblocks thrown in her way by other people and society. I would recommend it to anyone.
Watching that movie is on my to do list. I happened to hear her on NPR on Friday visiting with Terri Gross she is an interesting lady and she tells it like it is.
They had her on a PBS special once, how she designed cattle holding areas, what colors cattle see, etc.. it was pretty interesting.

That was good . Thanks for drawing my attention to it, bigbull. Never had heard of Temple Grandin before. If you're not teary eyed at the end when she stands up and speaks at the autism meeting, you need your pulse checked.
My niece-in-law has an autistic son. She told me that they went to a Temple Grandin program and I said, "so did we". She thought about that for a minute and then cracked up. I didn't know about Temple Grandin's autism when I talked to her at a Noble Foundation seminar some time ago. She just struck me as being a bit "different". But she was enthusastic to talk about how badly some breeds managed in a feedlot environment. :)
I never heard of temple grandin until I read this thread. I never watch HBO, but sense I napped half the day and was bored out of my mind tonight I thought I would give it a passing glance. I could not stop watching. Most of the time there is nothing fit to watch on tv, it's good find a jewel once in a while.
Watched it last night. What an amazing story. I have an Autistic nephew, I can only hope that he finds that much value in his life. He is really something, sometimes. Insists on wearing his Pajamas to school and won't eat much other than chicken nuggets for days on end, but he's my buddy and I am his. Funny thing is he loves to be hugged but only by certain people.
3waycross":2eudqf7m said:
Watched it last night. What an amazing story. I have an Autistic nephew, I can only hope that he finds that much value in his life. He is really something, sometimes. Insists on wearing his Pajamas to school and won't eat much other than chicken nuggets for days on end, but he's my buddy and I am his. Funny thing is he loves to be hugged but only by certain people.

If you all are as supportive and understanding as Miss Grandins family is ,and it sounds like you are, your nephew is going to have a very bright future.