Sure hate to jinx things but....

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Well-known member
May 19, 2009
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BC Peace River country
7 days past our calving due date and we are 20 percent done and just over 100% live calf ratio. I am aware of what happens when you speak of such things, but the weather is warming up and I'm starting to feel a little more positive about things. Tonight is supposed to be -20C, but getting better starting tomorrow.
Lots of nights lately have been -34C. Gonna have several calves with shorter ears than I'd like. A lot of calves got their ears frozen on their second night (first night in the barn) so I don't know what more I could do.
Anyway, sure looking forward to those warm SW winds.
Silver said:
7 days past our calving due date and we are 20 percent done and just over 100% live calf ratio. I am aware of what happens when you speak of such things, but the weather is warming up and I'm starting to feel a little more positive about things. Tonight is supposed to be -20C, but getting better starting tomorrow.
Lots of nights lately have been -34C. Gonna have several calves with shorter ears than I'd like. A lot of calves got their ears frozen on their second night (first night in the barn) so I don't know what more I could do.
Anyway, sure looking forward to those warm SW winds.

Glad to hear one of you Cannucks finally figured out how to shut the door. Jeez it's the second week of March. The mental stability thing is getting tested here.
Got down to -30 last night, barn stalls filled up so had to start kicking cows outside and putting their calves together for the night in the "hospital" end of the barn to make room for cows in labour. Ugh. Had to make sure to tag them as I removed them from their mothers so I could sort them out in the morning. Nice to see them all dry and up this morning.

Silver said:
Got down to -30 last night, barn stalls filled up so had to start kicking cows outside and putting their calves together for the night in the "hospital" end of the barn to make room for cows in labour. Ugh. Had to make sure to tag them as I removed them from their mothers so I could sort them out in the morning. Nice to see them all dry and up this morning.

Nice looking RED calves.
I do not know in what corner of the heavens (or hells) resides the "laughing one"....the one who enjoys watching us suffer when we brag about our success, but I will report that the laughter has been directed in my direction this week. Made the mistake of bragging about how well my heifers were doing calving without assistance and had an 8 hr intercession on Monday with a bad presentation that led to our first C-section, and Wednesday we lost another calf after a difficult labor. My mouth is shut. Laughter still echoing around the creek bottoms.
Well I guess I did jinx things a bit. Had a cow lay on her calf in a barn stall last night a couple of hours after giving birth to it.
Fortunately I had extra calves so grafted one on and it seems to be off and running. Also sold the other bottle feeders this morning so now won't have any extra calves for the next foul up, but I'm sure there will be another set of twins before long.
You did say it out loud.......I am still waiting to find our D46 bull dead now that I said out loud we were going to collect him. Hope Spring finds you soon, I can't even imagine that kind of cold, it hit 80 here yesterday I think we are in for a blistering summer.

These calves were born between 10 PM last night and 4 this morning. White tags are for heifer calves. Sure hope they are worth something this fall.
I think I've paid my penance now. 3:00 this morning I pulled a tail first twin followed by a regular backwards twin. Covered in everything that can come out of the hind end of a cow from head to toe including inside my boots. I bet both those calves are 90lbs at least.
Silver said:
I think I've paid my penance now. 3:00 this morning I pulled a tail first twin followed by a regular backwards twin. Covered in everything that can come out of the hind end of a cow from head to toe including inside my boots. I bet both those calves are 90lbs at least.
Are both calves doing okay? Genders?
Silver said:
I think I've paid my penance now. 3:00 this morning I pulled a tail first twin followed by a regular backwards twin. Covered in everything that can come out of the hind end of a cow from head to toe including inside my boots. I bet both those calves are 90lbs at least.

No doubt there Silver. Had to pull a heifer yesterday (afternoon thank heavens), got covered in the soup as well. I guess 8 days overcooked. Calf and ma are doing fine.
lithuanian farmer said:
Silver said:
I think I've paid my penance now. 3:00 this morning I pulled a tail first twin followed by a regular backwards twin. Covered in everything that can come out of the hind end of a cow from head to toe including inside my boots. I bet both those calves are 90lbs at least.
Are both calves doing okay? Genders?

One of each sex naturally :roll: They are alive but slow to get going. I pulled the freemartin off the cow immediately, will use for a graft job if one is required in the next few days (assuming she gets going well) or sold if not given to a cow.
I'm 1/4 of the way in.. had to pull one from a first timer.. not calf-jack kinda pull, but he got a bit hiplocked.. doing well now.. Next up are 2 old cows, they ought to know what to do, and then, well.. a heifer I figure has a set of twins cooking in there.
I don't get it. 42 calves from Tues to Thurs, and the tap shut off. Almost. Gotta look back and see if there was a weather event or pasture move during breeding season that corresponds. Or maybe the boys just needed a day off?

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