Spring arrived right on time

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
Today is the first day of spring. It was the fist day in a long time with above freezing temperature in the morning. When I walked out to start feeding at 6:45 it was barely light out and 37 degrees. It rained a little last night. The first night time moisture in a long time that wasn't in the form of snow, Spring is a nice relieve from winter. Although fall is a better relieve from the hot days of summer.
18 degrees here this morning but calm winds and sunshine. We are about 2 weeks ahead of schedule on grass and blooms but I wonder how much this cold snap will set us back.
We will probably be first or second week of April before full grazing, just like usual.
Funny how soon we forget the mud and cold of winter and begin to dread the heat and flies of summer.
I forgot to look what is was here this morning. We are now to about 30 degrees, and still have about 8 inches of snow on the ground. Time will only tell if we get any snow tonight, there are supposed to be some scattered showers.
We still have a lot of snow on the ground, but a good deal of it has melted, so when it's above freezing, we have boot-sucking mud. Today and the next couple of days are supposed to stay below freezing, with a few more inches of snow, but then we should get warmer again. It's about time. I'm really, REALLY done with winter this year. This has been a bad one for us. With as much snow as we currently have, though, "mud season" will be longer than normal. :cautious:
So much for the idea of a nice spring day. It is 4:30. 37 degrees with a steady rain. I live through enough of that weather all those years on the coast. I prefer clear and 10 degrees to this.
Had 19 this morning, but at least it was sunny all day. Very light breeze and comfortable in the low 50's.... the last few days were brutal with temps in the 30's and 40's but the wind was so sharp it hurt to be out in it.
Crazy thing is we will go from 19 this morning and be in the upper 70's by the end of the week...
North central Minnesota, still near 0F +/- overnights, should be changing soon. hit 20F around noon today and got up to 30 with the sunshine. still have over two feet of snow on the ground and another four to six forecast for tomorrow thru tomorrow night. need warm nights, days and some rain to get this white stuff gone.
17 here this morning. Last few days have been cold and windy after a warm winter. Alfalfa greened up last couple of weeks and has suffered some damage. Also the pastures were greening up, but today looked more brown. Nice day though with high around 50. Winds were finally calm and lots of sun. I'll take it.
Today is the first day of spring. It was the fist day in a long time with above freezing temperature in the morning. When I walked out to start feeding at 6:45 it was barely light out and 37 degrees. It rained a little last night. The first night time moisture in a long time that wasn't in the form of snow, Spring is a nice relieve from winter. Although fall is a better relieve from the hot days of summer.
Does that mean bug season is on its way?
34 today. 17 yesterday, 24 on Sunday. We had temps above 80 within the last 2 weeks.
I'd say at least half or more of the pear and plum crops are toast.
Does that mean bug season is on its way?
Already here. June bugs everywhere a couple months early. They just aimlessly fly around till they blunder into something, fall to the porch floor and evidently ain't much on take offs either, as they just lay there upside down and die.

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