Snapping Turtles

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018
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Southeast Ohio
I've been meaning to start jugging our pond for snappers ever since we bought this place 4-5 years ago and just got around to it. The pond is infested with them. I'd probably do better with some of those traps I've seen online. I threw two jugs in yesterday and went back around 2 hours later and had a catfish on one and a decent size turtle on the other. The turtle was wrapped in a limb and when i got it to the bank it snapped the cord where i had the leader tied (now leader is directly on jug with no cord).

Got a few more jugs and put them out and had this turtle this morning.

I threw the whole thing somewhere but it wasn't in the oven. Lol
There's a pond across the road from our house and a couple behind the house, so often see them traveling to and from. Used to be vehicles would stop on the road or pull in the driveway to pick up the turtles that were crossing the road. Seen a many a person throw them in the back of a pickup or the trunk of a car.
Old boy I know used to look for their trac around the pond edges. When he found one he'd get barefoot and wade in. Once he found one he'd stand on it and feel around to make sure he didn't have the head, then pull them out.
Turtle #2 (well 3 counting the one lost) and im just getting starting…. I got catfish taking bait and probably some clever turtles stealing it too. Need to look into traps probably.

Is there a reason for killing turtles? Are they doing something to you or your livestock to warrant being killed? We need to protect all the reptiles and amphibians we have because they are in decline. I can now see why turtles are declining. If there is no sensible reason for killing wildlife, we should protect everything we can. If all the wildlife go extinct, so will humans.
Is there a reason for killing turtles? Are they doing something to you or your livestock to warrant being killed? We need to protect all the reptiles and amphibians we have because they are in decline. I can now see why turtles are declining. If there is no sensible reason for killing wildlife, we should protect everything we can. If all the wildlife go extinct, so will humans.
They kill the fish in the pond.
Is there a reason for killing turtles? Are they doing something to you or your livestock to warrant being killed? We need to protect all the reptiles and amphibians we have because they are in decline. I can now see why turtles are declining. If there is no sensible reason for killing wildlife, we should protect everything we can. If all the wildlife go extinct, so will humans.

Overpopulation in this pond is the main reason. I probably don't need to explain what happens to a pond when there is an unhealthy balance.
Is there a reason for killing turtles? Are they doing something to you or your livestock to warrant being killed? We need to protect all the reptiles and amphibians we have because they are in decline. I can now see why turtles are declining. If there is no sensible reason for killing wildlife, we should protect everything we can. If all the wildlife go extinct, so will humans.
Instead of worrying about a decline of reptiles and amphibians you should worry about the decline of family farms as well as decline of society... pardon my french or bad english but F reptiles and amphibians
Is there a reason for killing turtles? Are they doing something to you or your livestock to warrant being killed? We need to protect all the reptiles and amphibians we have because they are in decline. I can now see why turtles are declining. If there is no sensible reason for killing wildlife, we should protect everything we can. If all the wildlife go extinct, so will humans.
I was wondering why the baby wild ducks and Canadian geese kept disappearing off of my 1/2 acre little pond. a friend said it was snapping turtles. bought a trap and caught about 20 the first week or so. friend had good eating for a while. never did get rid of them all. did catch a few moving up from my neighbors bigger pond so if he has them, I have them.
I was wondering why the baby wild ducks and Canadian geese kept disappearing off of my 1/2 acre little pond. a friend said it was snapping turtles. bought a trap and caught about 20 the first week or so. friend had good eating for a while. never did get rid of them all. did catch a few moving up from my neighbors bigger pond so if he has them, I have them.

What kind of trap you use?
I saw a sign at a local restaurant that said it was illegal to kill them here in E Texas (Snapping turtles) I live at a 27,500 acre lake and we can count hundreds of them nightly. They come up in the yard and dig holes with their tail and bury eggs in it and cover them up. The coons are on to this and dig them up at night to eat the eggs. Now I have a bigger holes with empty egg shells
We have created a lot of artificial conditions with providing water for our livestock and some species just thrive there at the expense of others. In Australia we have provided artificial water resources that have benefitted the kangaroos yet there is not the feed to sustain them so population control in culling is essential. A lot of special interest groups don't see this.

I was wondering why the baby wild ducks and Canadian geese kept disappearing off of my 1/2 acre little pond. a friend said it was snapping turtles. bought a trap and caught about 20 the first week or so. friend had good eating for a while. never did get rid of them all. did catch a few moving up from my neighbors bigger pond so if he has them, I have them.
Have the same problem here. Few years ago had some Canada geese hatch out some, within a few days all had disappeared. I gave up trying to have domestic ducks and geese years ago, turtles got as many as the foxes and coyotes. Yes they will travel from pond to pond.
We have created a lot of artificial conditions with providing water for our livestock and some species just thrive there at the expense of others. In Australia we have provided artificial water resources that have benefitted the kangaroos yet there is not the feed to sustain them so population control in culling is essential. A lot of special interest groups don't see this.

I think that has happened with a lot of species in a lot of places.

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