sick calf

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Apr 1, 2012
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florida gulf coast
I purchased two heifer calves a month ago from craiges list. One was skinny and looked over heated.The man said that he had to really run them to load them up.The calf was drooling clear saliva and had white mucus in nose. I knew I should'nt of agreed to purchase them but I felt that the calf had a better chance with me.He said that the calves were in a pin with a bunch of goats and they were both 3 months old.I cant say when they were pulled from the cows but the red one showed intrest to nurse from my mama cow and she that went to eating grass in pasture so far so good with that one.The black one that is acting sick never showed intrest at all in nursing.She is also eating grass in pasture but still drools clear saliva and isnt getting any better.I finally got her to let me rub her and I felt her navel and its swollen round and probably 3" long.Her eyes are gummy like and she kinda just stands alot.
Thank you for reading this and god bless this site for giving me a place to post questions to
Chet from florida
You may want to take her to a vet. She could have pneumonia and navel ill. She will need antibiotics and the veterinarian can prescribe an antibiotic such as Nuflor and something to help make her comfortable such as Banamine.
As young as they are, they will need more to eat than just grass. Check into getting some creep feed for them.
Good luck with her.
Thanks for the comment. I called the vet. and gave her a shot of la200.She is being fed one pound in the morning and one pound in the evening of 12% ranch mix.Do you recommend feeding a higher % feed.
Thanks Chet
Yes, I would feed a feed with a higher protein content, like a good starter feed or good creep-feed blend. At least a 16%.

You may need something a little stronger than the LA200. Keep an eye on her. Have you taken her temperature?

How old are these calves?

If the calf has pneumo or any form of brd then la200 isn't going to help anything. Resflor gold or nuflor and banamine will.down here in florida most calves have some brahma influence and have a bit of navel to them. Unless you can define it specifically as navel ill( hard, hot to the touch, fever) I would suspecting of a respiratory infection.
If you're not sure call a vet to come out and actually put eyes on her and get a temp
The temp is 101.3 the navel doesnt feel hot and she dosent act like it hurts when I squeeze it she just acts like she dont feel well.
The man said that the brahma jumped the fence and breed his angus.So I would call these two calves brangus? I cant say.I dont think I can believe the man either.Her head is down,eyes gummy,her navel when you feel it inside it feels like there is a 3" long by two finger around fluid pocket in there.Its not hard it feels like thick fluid.She just doesnt seem to be happy at all.OH, and she has a broke tail. I figure thats just shows the way this calf was treated,I know I cant fall in love with her but I do feel bad that she was neglected up to this point.The vet said he will call me tomarrow for an update and I will keep this post up to date as I learn.
Thanks Chet
P.S Just asking as a side note,will the tail which feels like its set cause her trouble or is snapping straight and taping a splint to her better.the break is right in the middle of the tail.
I'd be real tempted to give a shot of the resflor gold even if the calf doesn't have a temp.
The tail being broken doesn't have any real consequences in this case
They are 2 different classes of antibiotics. The resflor gold is far more potent and also has banamine in it that will help the calf feel better in general
So resflor gold and la-200 can both be in a calfs system. In the older post on navel ill there are mentions on giving a la-200 shot for four days straight.At 4.5cc per shot,is this a good idea sense I already started the la-200 or would you recomend changing over to resflor gold tomarrow? And at what rate per shot and how many / how long?
Consult with the vet about dosage etc., since you have to get it from the vet anyway.
Just what Dun said call and ask a Vet or call the manufacturer, most of the majors manufacturers have Vets on staff to answer those type of consumers questions. A quick google should get you the phone numbers and manufacturer.

Hey everyone,
I might have the answer to the sick calve,Today when I got home I went to feed the two little heafers and give them a second la-200 shot.The black one that I was worried the most about seems to be doing better cause she kinda trotted to the feed trouth.
Maybe high hopes on my part,But her navel has shrank some also.Now, My question is can a cow get tape worms at only 4 months old.The reason I asked is that the red calve had what looked like a one foot tape worm hanging out so I pulled it then she pooped the rest out almost right away.I sware it moved alittle,I didnt have my glassas on but my son swares to that fact.I used ivermacten last friday on them and today is monday three days later. I was planning on worming again in 20 days from friday.Am I on the right path? Hey Thanks Again for all The Help All Of You Have Given!!!!!
Thanks Chet
Did it look like a piece of spaghetti? If so, it was an ascarid (roundworm). You can get a paste wormer that will get rid of them. You should worm the other calves too.Happy she is doing better.
Hey Chippy,
Thanks for responding.No the worm looked flat and you could actually see the segments.I used a pour on last friday and I saw the worm yesterday "tuesday".The man I got them from said that they were in a pen full of goats.I'm quessing thats where the red calf got them.The red calf isnt to bad of shape she just looks potbellied.The black calf is looking much better,I'm giving both of them la-200 for four days.I dont think it will hurt based on the post about treating navel ill for four days straight.I dont think the black calf has navel ill,But,her navel is still got fluid in a tube shape under the skin.What can I treat the tapeworms with?
Thanks Chet