I totally agree with visiting with a local vet. But for a "ball-park" schedule. Spring - prior to breeding, worm, delice, vaccinate for IBR PI3, BRSV, BVD, lepto and vibrio if using natural service bull. Calves should be castrated and dehorned shortly after birth (best) or prior to weaning. Calves should receive IBR PI3 BVD BRSV, clostridial & Pasturella prior to weaning (about 6 months of age) with repeat shots in 4 weeks on products needing two shots. Cattle should be wormed in fall. Again, this is for my area - disease vaccinations may vary greatly. Jeanne
> Because of the area and elevation
> I would recommend the old
> stand-by; Contact a GOOD cattle
> vet that is familiar with your
> area for recommendations about
> vaccination and worming schedules.
> We use a different schedule and
> vaccination program in the MO
> Ozarks then we did in the Pacific
> NW or the Mojave Desert. So much
> is area/condition dependent.
> dunmovin farms
Simme Valley in NY
[email protected]