Australian Gert Association: <A HREF=""></A> Folks in Canada with Gerts: <A HREF=""></A>
When we lived in the Mojave Desert and the CA Central valley we used a gert bull on our X-bred angus cows and heifers. The desert environment was dry-lot, the central valley was pasture. They did well for us in both areas, maybe a little too much milk but that was the particular bull we were using. I had, at the time, a custom AI service. We bred customer cows from Jerseys to Ankina (now called Chiangus), the calves came in all sizes and colors but you could always pick his calves out of the herd even when there were Brangus calves too. I had thought of adding a touch of ear to my herd here in the MO Ozarks, if it wasn't for the severe penalty for eared cattle, you can bet I'ld have Gerts or Gert influenced cattle again.
dunmovin farms
> Does anybody have any information
> or input about raising Santa
> Gertrudis cows? Good, bad,
> inbetween, all info/opinions would
> be helpful. What type of bull
> would you cross them with? I'm
> located in east-central Texas, so
> it gets plenty hot in the summer
> and I've heard they are very heat
> tolarant. We already run angus
> cross cows and were just looking
> for something alittle different.