Santa Gertrudis X Black Brangus

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Jun 16, 2004
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Where the Stars & Stripes ,, And the Eagle fli
I've got a friend that has a herd of registered Gerts , The Bull came off of the King Ranch,
Now he has a very nice brangus cow that some other friends kid raised to show, The kid didn't have the grades to show it , and they didn't have the heart to take it to the sale barn,
I'm wondering what kind of cross that would make. Both of us want to build our herds up , and we've discussed trading heifers.
I'm also curious if she threw a good bull calf , would it be worth running those genes (Santa Gertrudis X B. Brangus)

Thank you for your comments! :lol: :cboy:
I am not sure what you would end up with !!!!!!! I can tell you this , Its all about what fits your program, not what everyone else thinks. It may be a great cross it maybe the worst cross ever. Time will tell!!!! if you decide to cross them. I would be curious to see the calf produced. I just recently had some calves out of Angus X Braunvieh. It looks like they will make a great set of calves . Whatever you decide, best of luck and let us know how it turns out.
Seeing that you are from TX, the "ear" will not be any problem breeding a Gert to a Brangus. King Ranch has done wonders with the Gert breed, and their genetics are one of a kind.
Look into the genetics of both, and see where they rank. I have seen Gert X Angus calves, and you could not really see any ear in them, or really tell what cross they were, but they made some really good cows. Personally, I would be very cautious about running a crossbred bull, even though most breeds now are crossbred somehow.
Hopefully she will produce a top quality calf, and maybe it you have kids or know of someone that shows, whether it be a bull or heifer calf, you might be best ahead to turn it into a show calf if the cow is as good as you say it is, and if the bull is good enough.
Best of Luck!
I had a "composite" bull for awhile, I think thats the polite word for them. He was a triple cross from my neighbors herd and he was great. He was a Beefmaster/Simmental/Red Brangus, but I don't remember what percent of what. He actually produced uniform calves on mixed Hereford/Hostein cross cows. People all commented on how awesome my calves were. You never know with a bull and genetics.
I'm runnin a Maine/Angus cross. I'm happy but when I get a few bucks saved I'll replace with Purebred Angus, like the rest. Being happy and getting best results aren't always the same.
Upon close examination of the sentence it doesn't seem that there is a choice being offered. Nope I think the statement pretty much says it all.
A "King" Gert X Black Brangus? Should be a super cross! Plenty of ears and an growthy calf! With this cross should be known as the Texas Eared Cattle, hehe. Sorry lame joke. Seriously, you should get a dandy calf from these two crosses.
greenpasture78":2iye94wc said:
A "King" Gert X Black Brangus? Should be a super cross! Plenty of ears and an growthy calf! With this cross should be known as the Texas Eared Cattle, hehe. Sorry lame joke. Seriously, you should get a dandy calf from these two crosses.
Oh now greenpasture. Think of all the fatty Angus and Shorthorn in those 2 breeds. Won't that make you sick.
greatgerts":2wwmptv5 said:
I have several gertxbrangus and they look great.

Now, take those heifers, and breed them to a Polled Hereford bull, and those will make excellent Super Black Baldies!
SG+ Brangus+ Hereford= English supreme

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