Rover on Mars.........................

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From what i understand. Mars is supposed to be the solution to all of our problems like global warming, over population, green house gases. And the list goes on and on.

NASA is going fix the atmosphere at Mars where it will rain, make it sutible to farm, sustain life and so on. Going to colonize it.

It's the new world. Future generations will live on Mars. Any how that is what our government is hoping we are going to get out of all the billions of dollars being spent on Mars exploration.

I sure hope they are right and things work out like that are hoping they will. But the old saying you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear come' s to mind for some reason.

After all there are alot of things that i would think be as easy to accomplish here on earth as it would be to colonize Mars or easier. Like global warming, green house affects, over population, cure for cancer, cure for the common cold.

I am a little skeptical as to what NASA chances of pulling a rabbit out of a hat is on this one will be.

It's been 54 year's now since Russia put the first ever satellite into Outer space. Since then there has been lots more space exploration projects that has followed. Boo koo's more satellites, moon landing's, space shuttle launches, space station construction.

Yes we have benefited some from the technology developed from all of this technology. At the same time every rocket launched for all this exploration has damaged the ozone layer contributing to global warming and green house effects.

I don't know if we have moved forward or dug ourselves a deeper hole.
Picture of Mars from the rover.....


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