Rover on Mars.........................

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Aug 25, 2013
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After 7 months at 12000mph the rover is on Mars..............................


Live in 2 days See Mars Like Never Before! NASA's Perseverance Rover Sends New Video and Images of the Red Planet

It's a great technology feat, BUT I don't see how spending billions of dollars is going to help everyone here on this planet. Not to mention that $$$ could have been used for so many other things needed like upgrading roads, power grids, homeless, the list is never ending. That's just mho.
It's a great technology feat, BUT I don't see how spending billions of dollars is going to help everyone here on this planet. Not to mention that $$$ could have been used for so many other things needed like upgrading roads, power grids, homeless, the list is never ending. That's just mho.
The benefits of scientific advancement are not always obvious, but that doesn't mean there's no value. Lots of discoveries end up having uses that no one could have imagined previously. Penicillin was discovered by accident, and took years for anyone to realize its potential value as medicine. Warfarin, a life saving drug for millions, was discovered by scientists investigating a few dead cows.

Here are a few technologies that "spun-off" of NASA research:
I won't disagree that NSA has done some good things with technology, that has spaned across other sectors. However, I don't see sending a drone to Mars a good use of private and tax payer dollars with the poor shape our country is currently in. Again, that just mho.
I guess they don't have a hill between earth and mars lol
They are sending pictures from a crater on Mars. Maybe at a cost of $1.08 billion they will develop the technology to get wireless pictures over your hill.
I grew up with the Lead Propulsion Engineer. We call Todd "Rocket Man".
I grew up with the Lead Propulsion Engineer. We call Todd "Rocket Man".
If everything goes well we should know a lot more about our Red Planet.

"But it's just so unbelievable," Barber said. "The cool new things that are on board. We have a Mars helicopter. It's a true Wright Brothers Moment coming up. We're collecting samples of Mars for NASA's long sample return campaign and making oxygen on Mars."
I am glad that they can bring back some rocks when they return. There need to be more rocks here, no doubt! :rolleyes: I know they say that Velcro came from NASA. I have to wonder if there is some covert mission as in leaving some sort of military assistance device on the planet. Mainly, just a lot of folks employed to do the near impossible and a world brag factor.
I was listening to the landing in my truck. You could hear their excitement and clapping as each step of the process worked because they all had to work to land it safely.

For those of you that don't know, this is the first time we have actually done a controlled land on Mars. In the past, the Rovers encased themselves in giant balloons and just bounced across the surface until they stopped.

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