Red , peggy, and cupcake

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Keyboard cowboy
Mar 7, 2016
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Fencemans place...central Texas
Everyone been showing pictures of their arms . I thought I'd show a few of my most treasured guns. I didn't build any of em or they were not gifts for being charitable. I inherited them defiantly among my most treasured possession
First is peggy. A Remington 700 with a Redfield 4x. In 243. Every man has guns passed down from men before him but peggy was my grandmother's rifle. She is left in the stand behind the house. Never taken out. My grandmother , myself , my two sons and my grandson have all taken deer with peggy. She's dependable and deadly.

My last hunting photo of the real Peggy

Next is red. Red is a wichester model 70 30/06. This year red has been my primary rifle except when I hunt peggys stand. He had last year off while I tried out a new 7mm. Red was my grandfather. You can see the water mark on the bottom of the buttstock. As red got near the end he suffered from alzhimers. I would still take him hunting . he loved to deer hunt. He leaned the rifle against a tree and forgot where he left it. It took me 3 weekends to find it, lots of rain in between.
First time red took me deer hunting he changed my diaper in the stand. The last time he was 85 and I found him under his stand with a broken hip. It was the last time we were in the pasture together

Next is cupcake. A model 12 I'm not positive the year, but it was one of Peggy earliest anniversary gifts to red. I think they were married in 45. Gun could have been several years later idk. For the most part cupcake is kept well oiled and locked away. Shoot a few rounds of heavy high brass and you'll know why I call it cupcake. That's what you're shoulder will feel like.
That was great to read. I lost my heirlooms in a storm. I miss the feelings and memories that they brought back. They some how seem more distant without an object to associate them with.
Wow. I enjoyed that my noble friend. Is Red a pre-64 M-70? I bet so. The pre-64 had the big claw extractor. Winchester converted to the little clip extractor after 1964. There was such a moan by M-70 lovers, that they went back to the controlled feed, claw extractor. I forgot when.

I have my Uncle's pre-64 M-70 in .270 Winchester. I sent it to Shilen in Ennis Texas and had a 23 inch SS Glass beaded, Match grade barrel put on it. They refaced the bolt, which assures the cartridge is aligned with the axis of the barrel. I personally, glass bedded it into a fiberglass stock. I forgot the brand of the stock. Anyway, it shoots one ragged hole at 100 yards. It will be with me when I die.

These are the guns my pop left me. The rifle he bought used in 1911, and the shotgun he bought after I backed into the tree his old shotgun was leaning against at our camp 50+ years ago.
Nice collection Fenceman, I've been hunting with my pops rifle this year but no luck yet. But it sure is a good feeling slipping along in the woods and sitting on the ground or a stump like we use to.

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