Radical Islam

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Alice":1wd5im0u said:
KenB":1wd5im0u said:
I am going to have to jump into this one.
There are basically two factions of Radical Extremist fighting in Iraq, The Sunnis and the Shittes they are the ones killing each other, and the US Military is in the middle.

You keep bringing up Viet Nam, Do you have any idea of what all took place while we were there.
The Viet Nam war failed because it was totally mismanaged just like the one in Iraq.
There was also unlimited support of the Viet Cong by the USSR and China.

Ken, you feel free to jump in anytime...you said it better than I ever could have...and much more succinctly.


There is no doubt that the shitte and sunnis seem to not like each other. That's why they fight. How about the Kurds?

Ken if you look back a ways on this post you will see that the mismanagement problem as been addressed.

"Another definition of war is "an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will".

I've seen instance when we rose to the occasion. I've seen instances when the military could have accomplished the objective but weren't allowed to because of people that like to be armchair Generals."

It shouldn't come back on the government really except through the voters and folks that will make it known to there elected officials or the folks that don't..
Wewild":2s0nu0va said:
chrisy":2s0nu0va said:
by the way we have paid all the monies owed for the War.

I didn't know you could pay for lost souls.

Some how we have come to think that wars should be clean a surgical and they should only hurt the combatants.

Another definition of war is. "an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will".

I've seen instance when we rose to the occasion. I've seen instances when the military could have accomplished the objective but weren't allowed to because of people that like to be armchair Generals.

We'll never win another War with Politicians calling the shots...

What happened to the days of turning the Military loose to get in and get out??
Horticattleman":39mf19qs said:
Like the old saying goes, "you only have the rights you are willing to fight for."


I'll tell my grandfather you said thank you! Also I'll tell him you said thank you for his brother who died to make sure that you have the right to sit there and write in English and not German. I'm sure he will be pleased.

yes thank your Grandfather like I thanked Mine for the First War and My Uncles for the second, my Heart is full of gratitude for the sacrifice they all made to keep us all free. It was to brave men like them that we all speak English. Hitler would not have stopped at Europe he wanted the World, and if he over took Europe don't you think he would have come gunning for the States with the help of Japan. He like all the rest had Illusions of Grandeur, and a good job was done by all in taking him down. I lost relatives in both wars and am saddened that I never met them, but unfortunatly this is what happens in all Wars, I am not flipent about this and have put no-one down, and never would. They are and will always remain Good Couragious men.

This war however, is a totally different affair, look how long the Religious War has been going on in the Middle East, since time in memorial. Biblical to be exact. and you think we can come along and solve it in a meer few years, I think not. Can't everyone wake up and smell the coffee, we have all bitten off more than we can chew. These people are fanatics, it will take years if not decades to fall this lot....England has had it with the IRA. they are all cowards they hide and hit when no-one is looking and target the innocent, they don't come out and fight like a man, like a real Soldier, as our boys do, so what chance do we all have against these Cowards.
Crowderfarms":1sysklz9 said:
We'll never win another War with Politicians calling the shots...

What happened to the days of turning the Military loose to get in and get out??

You are so right. We have to fight fire with more fire and the American public has to stomach it to be successful in any altercation.
Wewild":1f14vm6g said:
Crowderfarms":1f14vm6g said:
We'll never win another War with Politicians calling the shots...

What happened to the days of turning the Military loose to get in and get out??

You are so right. We have to fight fire with more fire and the American public has to stomach it to be successful in any altercation.

So I guess what we need are more of an approach from Boys that think like us. Wish our Politicians would lose the Politically Correct trash and start realizing that our very existence is being threatened. Or is it just us Country Boys that have the right way of thinking and the right ideas???
chrisy":3mgl1pjc said:
....England has had it with the IRA. they are all cowards they hide and hit when no-one is looking and target the innocent, they don't come out and fight like a man, like a real Soldier, as our boys do, so what chance do we all have against these Cowards.

Ya'll said that about us also but ya'll only had soldiers over here. Did you ever hear about our non combat casualties from that time.
Wewild":2f2azzvp said:
chrisy":2f2azzvp said:
....England has had it with the IRA. they are all cowards they hide and hit when no-one is looking and target the innocent, they don't come out and fight like a man, like a real Soldier, as our boys do, so what chance do we all have against these Cowards.

Ya'll said that about us also but ya'll only had soldiers over here. Did you ever hear about our non combat casualties from that time.

pardon, I have not said anything about the US I was using we, as a collective meaning the US and Britain, in fighting together, or is it together we fight divided we fall, in your eyes. We are supposed to be on the same side.
skcatlman":3eprdeqm said:
I just found this thread and am canadian, i see you need to get some perspective. The difference from other wars is that your country is fighting a extremist faction of a religious sect, not a country. There is no definative target. This will end badly, it is turning into a religious crusade. It is a no win situation. What will using a nuke accomplish other than bringing more planes into american office buildings, you are fighting a religion not a country. Another problem i see is that the US is funding their opponent ,no matter what is said all the US dollars spent on oil from the middle east, some of it will always get into the hands of the opponent. I don't have the answers but man did you goverment paint you into a corner.
I know you said you don't have the answers but how do you suppose your government would handle things if your cities were attacked by hijacked civilian aircraft? That is if they even had the balls to get involved.
chrisy":nrig4tfj said:
pardon, I have not said anything about the US I was using we, as a collective meaning the US and Britain, in fighting together, or is it together we fight divided we fall, in your eyes. We are supposed to be on the same side.

We are on the same side. The last time we had an episode was years ago. War isn't civilized. Your definition of atrocities seem to be some what in the eye of the beholder. We need to win. Not worry about what happens to the opponents. Opponents would be women, children, men, and combatives in and near the battlefield.

We would be speaking proper english if england's supply train wasn't as far away as it was.

What about the soul's.
skcatlman":cnql9ecb said:
I just found this thread and am canadian, i see you need to get some perspective. The difference from other wars is that your country is fighting a extremist faction of a religious sect, not a country. There is no definative target. This will end badly, it is turning into a religious crusade. It is a no win situation. What will using a nuke accomplish other than bringing more planes into american office buildings, you are fighting a religion not a country. Another problem i see is that the US is funding their opponent ,no matter what is said all the US dollars spent on oil from the middle east, some of it will always get into the hands of the opponent. I don't have the answers but man did you goverment paint you into a corner.

But we are fighting other countries that are harboring or supporting these extremeist, no different that the Nazi's and Nips. If countries were not harboring these people it would be much harder to organize there attacks. You better hope like he!! we win cause if we fall so will you.
I still say the Russians had it right with the scroched policy against Germany and we should do the same thing with the Middle East.

You are either with us or against us no stradling the fence all you get is a sore crotch .
If more Canadian's feel this is wrong I need to rethink my postion on opening the border.
Chris, remember this...WWII could not have been won without British intelligence. I know it, and any historian would know it...and do know it.

Crowderfarms":1o44erj8 said:
Wewild":1o44erj8 said:
Crowderfarms":1o44erj8 said:
We'll never win another War with Politicians calling the shots...

What happened to the days of turning the Military loose to get in and get out??

You are so right. We have to fight fire with more fire and the American public has to stomach it to be successful in any altercation.

So I guess what we need are more of an approach from Boys that think like us. Wish our Politicians would lose the Politically Correct trash and start realizing that our very existence is being threatened. Or is it just us Country Boys that have the right way of thinking and the right ideas???

Crowder, I was thinking that myself today. I am so tired of all the politically correct stuff and catering to this group or that. Let the majority have some rights.

I would like to see a true country Christian who grew up on John Wayne movies become President.
Crowderfarms Wrote:

We'll never win another War with Politicians calling the shots...

What happened to the days of turning the Military loose to get in and get out??

Shades of VietNam. If they would have turned the military loose over there we could have won, no doubt about it. The Canuk has it right about one thing though, this will probably end badly for our wonderful troops who are fighting to keep these radicals in thier backyard and not in ours. I say turn this thing over to the military and we will see and end to their madness. God Bless America and God Bless Our Troops.

That old saying comes to mind, America, love it or leave it.

Alice":1341rskk said:
Chris, remember this...WWII could not have been won without British intelligence. I know it, and any historian would know it...and do know it.


WWII wouldn't have been won on the European theater if the Jap's hadn't bombed Pearl. We were staying out of it till then and the Brits had gotten there ass kicked all the way across Africa and Europe.
They were hanging on to the rock by a thread because we were supplying them. Had Pearl not have happened they were a few months away at best from saying heil Hitler.
chrisy":24kxfilg said:
I am on your side I am an Allie. I was only making a point to show how it is futile to say tit for tat. two wrongs don't make a right. all the old cliches coming out now. I know Japan had to be stopped as did Hitler and as Saddam. But it does not have to be done this way..

The Japs were just like the radical Muslims they would not have surrendered they would have fought till death if we had continued to fight them in traditional warfare. And many many more American and alli's soldiers would have died for many years if not for the bombs.

Same might prove true for the Muslims if we do not start fighting in non traditional ways.
Caustic Burno":12j1pce7 said:
skcatlman":12j1pce7 said:
I just found this thread and am canadian, i see you need to get some perspective. The difference from other wars is that your country is fighting a extremist faction of a religious sect, not a country. There is no definative target. This will end badly, it is turning into a religious crusade. It is a no win situation. What will using a nuke accomplish other than bringing more planes into american office buildings, you are fighting a religion not a country. Another problem i see is that the US is funding their opponent ,no matter what is said all the US dollars spent on oil from the middle east, some of it will always get into the hands of the opponent. I don't have the answers but man did you goverment paint you into a corner.

But we are fighting other countries that are harboring or supporting these extremeist, no different that the Nazi's and Nips. If countries were not harboring these people it would be much harder to organize there attacks. You better hope like he!! we win cause if we fall so will you.
I still say the Russians had it right with the scroched policy against Germany and we should do the same thing with the Middle East.

You are either with us or against us no stradling the fence all you get is a sore crotch .
If more Canadian's feel this is wrong I need to rethink my postion on opening the border.

Iraq was not harboring anything other than that monster Saddam...and when he was in power, he harbored himself...and had for years! Afghanistan harbors the monster that created 9/11. And this garbage about not being able to find Bin Laden...ok, so create a war 'cause ya' can't get the real criminal? Put the money and forces into getting the ones that decimated NYC! Go after the criminal that created 9/11...take out Afganistan if need be...the other criminal, Saddam, is dead. And, his dying has not made one bit of difference.

Get Bin Laden...that was GW's stated goal in the first place...remember? He needs to put his money where his mouth is. Get Bin Laden! Take Afghanistan down in the process if it has to be done. Saddam is down and there is still war, a stinking civil war...because of Bin Laden...and because GW needed a scapegoat...a scapegoat that went after his Daddy. Fine, kick Saddam's butt for that, but keep the eye on the prize, Bin Laden. And GW's failed to do that!

Since our soldiers have to be put in peril, put them where it needs to be...after the devil Bin Laden! Then our loved one's won't have died in vain...then they won't have died in another country's CIVIL WAR...like they died in Viet Nam. The tail is wagging the dog.

Caustic Burno":1mzlq4g1 said:
Alice":1mzlq4g1 said:
Chris, remember this...WWII could not have been won without British intelligence. I know it, and any historian would know it...and do know it.


WWII wouldn't have been won on the European theater if the Jap's hadn't bombed Pearl. We were staying out of it till then and the Brits had gotten there ass kicked all the way across Africa and Europe.
They were hanging on to the rock by a thread because we were supplying them. Had Pearl not have happened they were a few months away at best from saying heil Hitler.

The U.S. was gonna enter the war anyway...the Japanese gave them the reason. And history is divided over whether Pearl Harbor was made a sitting duck...a reason to get into the war.

I stand by what I said. Historians will tell you that WWII's European theater could not have been won w/o British intelligence.

Caustic Burno":3aaun63u said:
You actually think Iraq wasn't funneling funds and weapons to out enemies.

Yes, I actually think that, because Saddam and Bin Laden hated each other. Don't ever believe that Saddam would ahve done anything to help Bin Laden. He may have hated the United States, but he hated Bin Laden more. He liked to strut and stroll and curse the United States, but he hated Bin Laden more than that. He wasn't about to put himself on the line for Bin Laden.

Go after the criminal...go after Bin Laden! Level every mountain in Afghanistan, but get Bin Laden! Then our loved ones will have felt they gave what they could to bring down the real threat to the United States.

I wish I would have saw this special! So not sure exactly what it said but Muslims radical or otherwise, they are taught to kill infidels (non believers). It is in their Koran to either take non believers as slaves, Convert them or cut off their head.

What we call Radical Muslims are just actually Loyal Muslims this is the teaching of their religion. The ones that we call the Good Muslims are actually just lukewarm members that are not very good Muslims according to their teachings.

Even the Luke Warm Muslims support the Radicals as I believe someone else mentioned before. The proof is in the recent Palestinians elections were 76 Hamas members were elected to parliament seats. One could say that all the Palestinians are not Radicals but by voting into office a known Terrorist group we can get inside them so called nice Muslims mind and see how they really think.
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