Performance Horse Dev. Clinic/Jackpot-North Texas

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Jan 3, 2007
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Northwest Texas
There are 2 upcoming PHD clinics/shows in October. learn more about performance horse development and how it can help any horse and rider, regardless of breed, disapline or experience level here

October 4th at Coyote Creek Ranch in Iowa Park, TX (outside Wichita Falls)

October 11th at Barral Performance Horses(off 377 east of whitesboro)

Professional reining horse trainer Roger Barral will conduct the clinics in the am.

The clinics will encompass how to make your horse supple, responsive and willing. specific manuvers will be covered as well(turnarounds, rollbacks, half passing, extensions, stops, "perfect" circles,ect)

After lunch, we will have an informal test your skills jackpot. tests are ridden and scored at 7 levels..level 1 being a simple walk trot pattern whereas pattern 7 is beyond even a reining pattern! Test those newfound skills and mabey earn some money.

$35 clinic/show fee
$15 per test ridden(80% jackpot)

special class only on October 4th
Halloween horsey costume class! perfect for the kids, but adults may enter as well. all participants receive a ribbon and goodie bag. $7 entry fee

This program and what it can accomplish is amazing.
I have watched countless people this year participating in PHD and the changes in their horses and themselves in the proof that this program will create better horses and better horsemen/women.

[email protected]

Thanks for looking
Sarah Fung
Area 2 coordinator and NTPHDA coordinator

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