Pasture Rotation Questions

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Down in the humid country of the brown stomach nematode (BSN) (brown stomach worm) -- the most costly parasite in SE cattle -- you should be grazing on the nematodes cycle - and not only is the BSN a problem but your paddocks need at least 21 days of rest between grazing events. So, if you have 20 acres total you need to divide it into 2 acre paddocks. This is why:

Your variables:
1. If 1 inch of bermuda/bahai grass equals 100 lbs of grazing/ac (to combat the BSN you don't want to graze below the 3 inch mark) and it is ten inches deep you will have 700 lbs per acre of available forage.
2. Ten 1500lb cows will consume 45 lbs of forage per day (3%0
3. 10 cows x 45 lbs/day = 450 lbs
3 days worth of grazing = 450 x 3 = 1350lbs
Forage availability = 7 x 100 = 700 (2 acres)
3. Paddocks need at least 21 days of rest between grazing events
Answer: section off 10 paddocks and this will increase your rotation to every 30 days instead of 21 days, but if a paddock gets out of hand you can bale it

What I would do is plant Tiff Leaf 3 (TL3) Millet at 20 lbs per acre with a grain drill and Limit graze your cattle 3-4 hours per day, since the stocking rate for this type of forage is 6 cow calf pairs per acre. I'd disk up 3 acres of that worthless expensive permanent pasture and plant TL3 on it. Make the permanent pasture a place for cattle to lounge in (offer some kind of shade) and teach my wife to cut, rake and bale hay on the rest. I would sit on the porch in a Supervisory mode having saved a lot of our hard earned money that I didn't spend on running water to all those damn paddocks and all that unnecessary fencing. I'd then take my hard working wife to supper every Friday night and give her a raise.

FLcracker":1sj2e9v8 said:
Hey guys,

I currently have my cattle on a 20 acre pasture in Central Florida. I have about 10 head on this pasture at this time but may get more. I have heard that pasture rotation is a very smart practice but I am little confused on what I should do. This pasture is cross-fenced so I can break it into two sections. How often should I rotate that cattle on these 2 sections or should I leave them in one section for a most of the year and then open up the other section to let them graze on all 20 acres during the winter when grass is short?

Any input would be appreciated.