Optimal time to let a carcass hang

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My butcher says the same thing, if the animal has a lot of fat cover, you can hang it longer, but 14 days is usually fine, if they don't have the fat cover you get a dry layer of meat that all has to get trimmed off and wasted. I have no complaints about the last couple steers I had done that way, really tender and tasty
Wouldn't 4 days be enough if it's all being ground for hamburger?
The longer it hangs, the fewer take home pounds.

1 butcher told me he considers 14 days ideal.
Another butcher said after 10 days carcass gets slimey with too much loss and
he processes most steers with a 8-9 day hang.

3rd butcher with a small freezer and a lot of business, charges freezer storage
by the day and said most of his customers choose a 7-8 day hang.
What do you consider the optimal time to let the carcass hang?
To me that depends on a number of factors including but not limited to how old the animal was at butcher, how much fat covering does it have, and what time of year is it.

If I take a few in any time after the beginning of August there isn't a choice but to go with the flow. I usually get between 10 and 14 days. If I take it in the first week of January until May or June I can usually get 20+.

I have not seen a problem with any of my carcasses regardless of fat covering up to 21 days at my USDA butcher. I did not like the outcome of the non USDA shop that will come all the way out to us to slaughter longer than 14. I think it has a lot to do with the quality, airflow, and cleanliness of the cooler. Not that I do not like what I get from my mobile slaughter guy. I don't think that a person can compare the two as they are different animals.

Less than 10 days there will be way too much water in the meat. I know I do not like trying to fry up some burger and end up boiling it instead because of the water content. I am certainly not going to sell it to my customers. I base everything I do on what I like on my plate and it keeps my friends and family coming back.

The longer it hangs the less water is in the carcass and up to 21 days they might trim 1% more than they do at 10-14. To me the flavor starts getting really good after 14. That is also affected by my animals being grass fed and tender.

If you want even better beef, stay away from continental breeds. Stick to British breeds, in particular Angus, and Shorthorn. Right now I am running Murray Greys which at their root are mostly Angus with a little shorthorn, and I am running them to really good success. My Murray Grey bull has done wonders for my little angus herd. For even higher carcass quality feed them steers to 30 to 36 months and give them even more time to produce intermuscular fat.

If you are going to finish one steer you might as well finish 3 sell 2 and it will pay for all their feed and the butcher costs.

This is all stuff I picked up over 15 years and running in the red for the first 7. So this isn't bible and i don't know nothing but it has worked well for me.
I have taken 5 there so far and have 3 more to deliver Monday. So far everyone has been very happy with it. I have a 1/4 of one but haven't eaten any yet. But it looks fine.
@ClinchValley86 was not impressed. Also, I had another guy tell me that they got different cuts of meat than what they ordered.

My guy in Rogersville is booked all the way through 2022 and has stopped taking appointments for a while.
Hey, considering the climate we are in, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Animals I took have been fine eating experiences. I think that's more of a reflection of their diet/life though. I dont want to bash them.
I gave my constructive criticism on the last one. And it may be the last I take. Theyve got my business for grinding an animal. Lol.

Their prices keep increasing but level of service does not seem to be improving.

I wish them luck. And hope people use the hell out of them. Itll make the better places less apt to get the riff raff. Hahahaha

Get what ya pay for. Il pay more and get quality services. Its akin to art in my opinion. 7 days just isn't enough IMO.

Rant over. Lol
Yesterday I found a really good video that someone had posted here on CT. I want to say it was Lannie that posted it ? I have been back tracking through post that I was reading trying to find it but haven't been able to find it again. The video was of a couple of butchers comparing grass fed verses grain fed beef cuts of meat. But they also talked about the reason for and how long to let beef hang. It's a good video, alot of good information in it.

The butchers in the video looked like brothers. They both had long beards, and had some kind of rub called black rub to season meat for bbq grilling.

So i was able to find several of their videos by googling Black butchers grain fed verses grass fed videos.

If I knew how i would post thoes videos in our but check butchers forum. Maybe whoever posted the video to begin with could transfer it to the butchers forum if the see this post.

I'll try to help you post the video. First open the video you want to share, and at the address bar on your computer (where it says something like ....www.cattletoday.......) , right click and then copy.

Next go to this forum and the thread you want to post the video. (You can open another window so you can see the link you just copied and be on the cattle forum if you like). Write any info. you choose, then click on the "chain link" at the top of that page, click insert. When the window opens paste the info. Then post thread. It will have your text and the video.
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