One White Foot.......

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2005
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Saskatchewan, Canada
OK, for those of you who subscribe to that theory, what would you do with this girl???? :lol: :lol: ;-) Actually, both of her hind feet are white, you can barely see it when looking closely but they are ;-) :shock: She also has a star and a strip....

flaboy-":1oelwlx7 said:
Ever heard of dog food? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, yeah, yeah :( :( , but she is such a sweetie. Probably make a kid's horse in a few years. Besides, we are all sand around here so we don't even need to shoe. :lol:
randiliana":3f8tdcvi said:
OK, for those of you who subscribe to that theory, what would you do with this girl???? :lol: :lol: ;-) Actually, both of her hind feet are white, you can barely see it when looking closely but they are ;-) :shock: She also has a star and a strip....


Well Randi, I don't subscribe to that theory (grew up riding a hugh sorrel with FOUR white feet :shock: and never had a problem, have also had several other horses with various white feet and no problem from them, either), but white horses aren't my thing. Now if she was solid black, or (even better) a solid black with a blanket of spots on her rump, a sweet disposition, and well-broke then - hmmmmmmm, that would pose a very tempting situation for me! ;-) :nod: :nod: :lol: :lol: :lol:
msscamp":18km6glt said:
Well Randi, I don't subscribe to that theory (grew up riding a hugh sorrel with FOUR white feet :shock: and never had a problem, have also had several other horses with various white feet and no problem from them, either), but white horses aren't my thing. Now if she was solid black, or (even better) a solid black with a blanket of spots on her rump, a sweet disposition, and well-broke then - hmmmmmmm, that would pose a very tempting situation for me! ;-) :nod: :nod: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, I don't go with that theory at all either... I really do like this little mare, we were out for our 5th or so ride tonite, and man can she ever walk out :D. She's only 15hh and she could easily out walk my big 16.3hh boy :shock: . I usually prefer a BIG horse, but I'm sure liking this little one. As for color, if I could find one, I want a bay/blanket with 4 socks and a blaze, but, right now I have too many youngsters on my plate so I'm not looking too hard ;-)
randiliana":330orwek said:
msscamp":330orwek said:
Well Randi, I don't subscribe to that theory (grew up riding a hugh sorrel with FOUR white feet :shock: and never had a problem, have also had several other horses with various white feet and no problem from them, either), but white horses aren't my thing. Now if she was solid black, or (even better) a solid black with a blanket of spots on her rump, a sweet disposition, and well-broke then - hmmmmmmm, that would pose a very tempting situation for me! ;-) :nod: :nod: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, I don't go with that theory at all either... I really do like this little mare, we were out for our 5th or so ride tonite, and man can she ever walk out :D. She's only 15hh and she could easily out walk my big 16.3hh boy :shock: . I usually prefer a BIG horse, but I'm sure liking this little one. As for color, if I could find one, I want a bay/blanket with 4 socks and a blaze, but, right now I have too many youngsters on my plate so I'm not looking too hard ;-)

I have no preference for size....the best horse I've ever ridden was a smallish line-backed dun with more heart than I've ever seen! She was a natural cutting horse and couldn't be turned out with the cows because she would cut a calf out of the herd and keep it away from the herd until she was caught and put in another pasture. I don't know how many hands she was, I never measured, but she would do anything I asked of her.
I heard that the reason the white feet were "less desireable" is because the hoof on that foot is usually white and softer than black hoofs. They dont hold a shoe as well and have other soft hoof problems. I cant say that I believe that, but that is what I have heard from the old timers. :lol:
RebelCritter":2uxkv94j said:
I heard that the reason the white feet were "less desireable" is because the hoof on that foot is usually white and softer than black hoofs. They dont hold a shoe as well and have other soft hoof problems. I cant say that I believe that, but that is what I have heard from the old timers. :lol:
it depends alot on the farrier to. how well he sets the nails i got two horses with white hooves. one i have more trouble with the black hoof cracking
I don't think it matters if the foot is white or black, I don't think a white hoof is any softer than a black foot. As far as holding a shoe, alot of that depends on how thick the hoof wall is. Black hooves can have thin walls as well as white hooves, and they each can crack.

ALACOWMAN":1q8xf8o1 said:
RebelCritter":1q8xf8o1 said:
I heard that the reason the white feet were "less desireable" is because the hoof on that foot is usually white and softer than black hoofs. They dont hold a shoe as well and have other soft hoof problems. I cant say that I believe that, but that is what I have heard from the old timers. :lol:
it depends alot on the farrier to. how well he sets the nails i got two horses with white hooves. one i have more trouble with the black hoof cracking

Hey ALACOWMAN, do you paint them with pine pitch? It will help with the cracking over time.

I am afraid to admit I finally disagree with Alan. I have much respect for his knowledge of horses but on the white hoof we disagree. I have had several conversations with farriers on this subject and to the man so far they have agreed that the white hoof is "usaully" softer and harder to keep a shoe on. I started looking into this when I first showed my Idiot to my dad who is a real old cowboy at 84. The first thing he did was look at his feet. Then made the comment "well 3 out of four ain't bad". I knew he was talking about his one white hoof.

At any rate I guess it's like the discussion on which is the better breed of cow. There is never a clear winner. It really don't matter to me, I keep mine barefoot anyway. ;-)
ALACOWMAN":2c1hkgnj said:
RebelCritter":2c1hkgnj said:
I heard that the reason the white feet were "less desireable" is because the hoof on that foot is usually white and softer than black hoofs. They dont hold a shoe as well and have other soft hoof problems. I cant say that I believe that, but that is what I have heard from the old timers. :lol:
it depends alot on the farrier to. how well he sets the nails i got two horses with white hooves. one i have more trouble with the black hoof cracking

Hey ALACOWMAN, do you paint them with pine pitch? It will help with the cracking over time.

I am afraid to admit I finally disagree with Alan. I have much respect for his knowledge of horses but on the white hoof we disagree. I have had several conversations with farriers on this subject and to the man so far they have agreed that the white hoof is "usually" softer and harder to keep a shoe on. I started looking into this when I first showed my Idiot to my dad who is a real old cowboy at 84. The first thing he did was look at his feet. Then made the comment "well 3 out of four ain't bad". I knew he was talking about his one white hoof.

At any rate I guess it's like the discussion on which is the better breed of cow. There is never a clear winner. It really don't matter to me, I keep mine barefoot anyway. ;-)
I had this discussion with my farrier just last week. He used to teach equine anatomy at a vet school. He said the general opinion is that a horse with both dark and white feet will probably have harder dark feet and softer white feet. Then he pointed to my Saddlebred mare that he had been trimming. "Of course, there are always exceptions! This mare has the hardest feet I've ever trimmed, white or dark!" Her back feet are white and are terribly hard. She is the only horse we've ever had that can be ridden barefoot up the face of the mountain without a problem. The face of the mountain is shale rock & cedars. We even tried soaking her feet one time before taking her to the farrier. She will cross water just fine and walks through mud just fine. But she objects to standing around in mud and/or water. She is so long legged she could just step around the muddy spot no matter how we tied her. :lol: She didn't pitch a fit. She just "outstepped" us. So, we took her to the farrier and he earned his $.
You must love bathing and grooming. Where I live it rains too much, My horses become mud balls. Also, if you keep them out in pasture they turn green and will "sweat dirt" after they roll. I owned a Tobiano pinto for a while. Got too tired of baths. Now it's chestunut brown and buckskin tan and I have more time to ride.
they have never been able to show any difference scientifically between white and black hooves other than pigment. Even farriers disagree on this issue. The bigger issue with gray horses is that they tend to grow melanomas as they get older.

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