msscamp":330orwek said:
Well Randi, I don't subscribe to that theory (grew up riding a hugh sorrel with FOUR white feet :shock: and never had a problem, have also had several other horses with various white feet and no problem from them, either), but white horses aren't my thing. Now if she was solid black, or (even better) a solid black with a blanket of spots on her rump, a sweet disposition, and well-broke then - hmmmmmmm, that would pose a very tempting situation for me! ;-) :nod: :nod: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh, I don't go with that theory at all either... I really do like this little mare, we were out for our 5th or so ride tonite, and man can she ever walk out

. She's only 15hh and she could easily out walk my big 16.3hh boy :shock: . I usually prefer a BIG horse, but I'm sure liking this little one. As for color, if I could find one, I want a bay/blanket with 4 socks and a blaze, but, right now I have too many youngsters on my plate so I'm not looking too hard ;-)