now i got a skunk

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Don't try sweet use chicken bones, or go find a road kill oppossum cut it in half and throw it in the back of trap... you my catch cats at first but after a while the skunk will come that's what I use on my trap line to get the skunks out of the creeks
i might have gotten lucky and it looks like it got hit by a me the troubles...well see if he comes back of if i did git lucky
We had one last spring trying to get into the hen house. We saw it one day and so knew its path. The next day, we gave it what it wanted ... set a chicken egg in a small havaheart trap. Next morning we had us a skunk in a trap. Neb Guides said if a skunk can't get its tail up, it cant fire a shot. Seemed work for us ... that skunk went for a swim while still in the trap.

Hope this helps ...

well my bulldog kills them, she gets sprayed but it seems of little concern to her (she actually pulled the skin off the last one)....keeps me from being sprayed, wash her and then she repeats.....good deal if you ask me!
pop a small hole in an eggshell, suck out some of the clear part with a syringe and then crush up a few asprin with a small amount of water and inject it back into the egg. Put it near where your skunk has been working and consider him gone... Or so I've heard. :D
I just baited the trap with a whole egg, no sucking out the egg white or injecting it with anything. That stinker saw the egg in the back of the trap and went for it. It was his (her?) last meal ...

--Marc Hudson
If you know the path the skunk like to follow, set the trap on that path. I was fortunate enough to see which way the skunk went so I put the open end in that direction.

Shoot them in the lungs and they won't spray or shoot them and break the spine and they can't spray. 30-06 works good

Any kind of fish or meat works for bait.
Covered trap and water barrel method is what a friend who does urban Animal Control workk does. He removes nuisance critters out of the subdivisions and apartment complexes. Gets skunk calls at least once a month. Never been sprayed so far as I know.

Angus Cowman and Train done gave ya good advise. Best of luck dealing with your stinker!
you have grubs in your lawn, he's actually doing you a favor

having said that, live trap and drown is the best way to deal with them. an old chicken bone or anything like that will work - even cat food

I keep an old bed sheet to cover the trap with so they don't get too agitated before dropping the whole thing in a water trough, if you leave it on the trap all the time they will pull it in through the holes, so just wait and gently cover in the morning.

NEVER hose down a sprayed area - it somehow binds the spray to whatever is there: dirt, wood, concrete the stink will last for months if it gets wet.
Most of the time the stink will wear away in a couple days, even off the dog so I don't even bother cleaning them if they get it.

There used to be an enzyme product called odor-gone that actually worked - probably some iteration still available, but tomato juice is a silly way to deal with it.
yeah we got tons of grubs..i just live and let live now...aint worth bothering..he got us a good stink last night tho..woke us up it was so bad

i dont bother with the dogs either..cept lock em outta the garage...