Never Been to Texas till the other day ........

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
South Georgia
I have never been to Texas till the other day. I had some time on my hands so I decided to go by and watch a Texas cattle auction. I enjoyed it very much. Met a fella there - I'll call him Junior since some of you may know him if I use his real name - with his Wrangler Jeans on, a dusty hat and a bit more than a pinch of Cope in his mouth just grinning from ear to ear cause he had just sold some calves and he had a nice wad of cash in his pocket.

We were talking and having a good ole time in the parking lot by my truck. I offered him a beer and we continued our conversation. Though a nice guy, he didn't strike me as being all that bright and I came up with the idea that I might just pick up some folding money off him. So, I said, "Jr. I'll bet you fifty dollars you can't drink a twelve pack of them long neck buds in less than 15 minutes and still be able to walk a straight line in the parking lot!" Jr. looked at his watch and asked if I could wait right here while he went down the road to attend to some business. I said sure, assuming he had to run an errand or something.

Anyway, a few minutes later Jr. returned and asked if the bet was still on. I said, "Most Certainly" - counting my money in my head. Jr. commenced to downing beers and finished the last one in 12 minutes and 45 seconds and walked the painted parking line three times until I said that was good enough. I was dumbfounded, but paid him $50.

Well we talked a bit more and had a few more beers but since we both had to be at work early we called it off about nine. Out of curiosity and shear nosiness, I asked him where he went before the bet.

Jr. said " Daddy always told me to only bet on a sure thing so I went down to the store and bought a twelve pack to see whether or not it was possible."

Oops - wrong post

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