Merry Christmas and Happy New year

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2016
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Shenandoah ValleyVirginia
Just wanted to say a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year to all. I know that there are members on here that also celebrate other ethnic holidays and I wish you the best for whatever you do celebrate. But I am also tired of not being able to just say Merry Christmas without being thought of being some kind of prejudiced. I have nothing but respect for whatever religion you practice, providing it does not go against the basics that our country was founded on, and basic human caring and decency and tolerance.

Hope that everyone has a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season.
Merry Christmas to you and your son from us.
And,to all the rest,Merry Christmas to you,as well.Hope everyone has a safe,enjoyable holiday and for those who have to work,thank you for what you do to make our country work.
People put too much emphasis on the stereotypical one day.You can celebrate any day you can.We've had to do that when my children couldn't get off from their jobs.Still got together as a family later and that's what mattered.
One of my "pet peeves" is seeing people who are so determined to create their idea of the "Perfect Christmas" they set themselves for disappointment and make themselves and those around them miserable.Why not be satisfied with doing what they can reasonably do and focus on doing what Christmas is really supposed to be.
Merry Christmas to everyone!!
When I'm in a store and they say Happy Holidays, I smile and say Merry Christmas good & loud with a big smile.
We are heading to Rhode Island tomorrow morning, coming home on Thursday. Have 3 heifers & 1 3-yr old due on 1-1. Hope they keep their legs crossed til we get back!!
Merry Christmas to all. He is the Reason for the Season!
:heart: Merry Christmas Jan!! There is nothing prejudice about saying Merry Christmas!

I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my super delayed flight. My 4th this week. I don't know why I travel every Christmas. It's exhausting and I can't wait to get home. One quick Christmas cow photo shoot for me and I'm relaxing the rest of the year. Im going to attempt dressing my cow up as Santa for our holiday party. Wish me luck.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you as well. You'll never offend me with Merry Christmas. God Bless You.
Should be a good Christmas, they're not predicting rain on Christmas day for the first time in probably 10 years.
You should never be ashamed of saying Merry Christmas, if you're offending someone, then they they shouldn't be here, everyone knows what this country is about, they moved here to have it better than the sorry arse country they came from, but they want to change it back like there sorry arse country and have all the benefits their sorry arse country doesn't have. MERRY Christmas.

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