Meanest Bull

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Caustic Burno

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2004
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Big Thicket East Texas
Just wonderin whats the meanest bull you have ever dealt with
Number one would have to be Brangus in my book dang thing would fight a circle saw and win.
I never have had any problem with our Bulls. remember when I was a kid, had an Uncle with a Jersey Bull he had traded for some Hay work, and he tried to kill all of us when it was time for him to go to the local Locker plant. Busted pens all to heck, all I can remember was hiding under a pickup. Charged several fellers that were trying to get him up.
Jersey bulls by far are meanest creatures. When we were dairying and had several Jerseys over the years, never had a one that you could trust. They would be docile when you first get them but when they got a bout 3-4 years old. WATCH OUT!
When I worked for the feedlot service company, I saw some Holstein bulls that would tie into anything that got close to them. The bull pens some of those guys had looked like they would hold elephants. Heard a story once of a Holstein bull getting in a rage and turning over an H Farmall. From what I saw of them, I could believe it.
so far out of all the bulls we've ever used two of the LimAngs have been the testiest.
My vote is the Jersey bull. Most of these bulls are smaller than
other breeds and they are quick on their feet. I earned many
spankings as a youth for picking on the Jersey bull. When it come time to handle the bull he was dangerous.
Guy I used to put up hay for had a Holstein bull that he wouldn't even open a gate for. He rigged up a rope deal to unlatch and open the gates to let him out with the herd. Said when you opened the gate, he'd try to drive the gate into you if you hid behind it.
Meanest animal I ever owned was a Limi/Simi cross HEIFER. Couldn't catch her when we weaned, so we pulled the cow out of the field. At 600lb we finally had to move her. Built a pen with T-posts and corral panels, she tore it down. Built a pen with round bales and corral panels, she tried to go over it. Got two ropes on her while she was stuck on a panel, and pulled and pushed her into the trailer. Got her home and put a bucket of water in the trailer with her, and she went nuts trying to get me through the side of the trailer. Put her head down and pounded at it. When we loaded her, I had a 12 guage with deer slugs in the truck, along with a knife and hatchet to gut her because I had given up hope of ever handling her. I warned them at the sale barn, but still got a good price. Heaven forbid that genetic match had made a bull.
Never ran into an overtly mean bull that was looking to kill someone, but did have a tie in with a big 1800 lb limo cow. It was at the AI school. I had mud boots on and she almost caught me. I also had a Red Brangus that about did me in a couple of times. Not my cow.
Meanest animal I've ever messed with is a char/cross cow. I bought her form my uncle and she was fine when we loaded her, dropped her at the vet to get her dehorned and ever since we let her out of the trailer after that she will not be penned. You can feed her cubes out of your hand in the pasture but if you trick her into the trap she will lunge at anybody or anything in there with her. She has jumped the fence also. I've thought many times if I could just get her in the pens I'd haul her b!@#h arse off but I guess the only way would be to shoot her or hire in some cowboys to load her. She has produced some of the biggest calves in the pasture though, so she will stay for now, just won't be worked.
My vote goes to the Jersey bull. We have had two old farmers killed in the neighboring county in the last 10 years. They couldn't get away from them.
Kind of long story but here ya go:

We had a solid red Longhorn bull, probably 8 months old. We didn't suspect he was mean, just thought he was a nervous type and just didn't like people. We were wrong about the just being nervous, not wrong about not liking people. We were at the North Texas State Fair in Denton, TX. I get him in the show ring and he didnt like it much b/c it was his first time to show, but he did okay and won his class. We go out for Grand Champion bull and my sister takes this red bull for me and i take the other bull I had in the show out there. Now usually when an animal doesnt want to be shown or whatever they try to get away from you. Not this bull. She pulls on his nose lead a little and he ducks his head and gets her in the stomach (knocks the wind out of her, but she's okay), so another guy, probably 17yrs old take ahold of him. My dad says "Do Not mess with his nose," so of course pulls on the nose, and the bull ducks his head again. What does this genius do? Kicks the bull in the nose. Bull knocks him down, but before he could do any damage my dad is over the fence and has ahold of the bull. I go take the bull from my dad, ( I tied my bull up in the ring, because he just won Grand Champion). Well I try to hold his head up, but he does a couple of jumps, ducks his head then takes me to the ground. So, again my dad comes over the fence to get out there and he proceeds to lead the bull out of the ring with his nose straight up in the air.

Best part: As my dad is leading him out, Judge picks him for Reserve Grand Champion. :shock: I don't know what the judge was thinking?!?! :?:

Needless to say, he grew wheels the next monday morning.

That is the Only Longhorn bull I can remember, that was flat out mean. Seen some that had attitudes that werent great, none just straight mean like that.

Never had a bad bull. A 12 gauge slug would clear up any of that nonsense. It is never worth it to keep mean bulls. We never kept a dairy bull when we were milking, everything was AI....its just too dangerous. Worst cow we ever had was a Char/Hereford cross. We always carried a baseball bat into any pasture she was in.
the meanest bull on my book is holsteins. we had a 3000lb bull that would tear you up. you couldnt get more than 100ft from back of the dairy or he trear into you. he was so mean he would stick his head in the truck with the window down an bellow as loud as he could.ab heven help you if you drove truck an cattle trailer in pasture . he would butt an shove the trailer contantly. if you had to let a load out you better open center gate on your way as your opening back gate. b/c he would charge you. an be able to get the truck an trailer out of pasture an shut the gate before he could get to you . or it was heck to pay. b/c he could run 50mph. scott
First place meanest with intent to kill would defiinitely be the jersey and the holstein would be second. I have never had any other breed of bull that wanted to kill me, they would jump or fight or butt a gate or go through a fence but not dangerous to people. We kept jersey bulls for years when we had registered jerseys and always just about the 4 year old mark, they would turn mean---first sign of meanness, they were gone. Holsteins usually didnt turn mean until older than that
Meanest bull I've ever dealt with was my grandfather's Beefmaster. He would push at the feed truck, make a big fuss every time you were near him, and tried to kill several of our dogs. Luckily he was "all talk". It was quite the day when our year old Blue Heeler puppy went with us to put him in after jumping out. That dog leapt from my arms and ran that bull hard until he decided to jump the fence back into the pasture. I miss that little mutt.

The raunchiest cow I've ever had the misfortune to deal with has to be an old Charolais cow. She was possessed. She peaked the day we sold her when she almost killed my father when we were trying to load her in the trailer. I don't miss her one bit, but her grandaughter (3/4 hereford 1/4 charolais) is the kindest animal I've ever dealt with. If I only had fifty more like her... :)
1. Barzona
2. Holstein (actually my grandfathers)
3. Angus x Chi

Only dealt with Barzona's once. Not so sure they are mean, even though that is how it comes across. He would certainly put you on the fence in a hurry, but so would the cows. I think they were just wild and scared. Came off of big pastures with little human interaction. But definitely the most rank of anything I ever had to work with. Whether it was fear or anger or hate, this bull would kill you if you got into the pen with him.

My grandfather said that Holsteins were bad. I didn't have much to do with the dairy, so I didn't experience much with them.

Had an Angus x Chi bull that I was using one year (about 20 years ago). He was a bit challenging. Not sure if he would kill you, but he would make you think he was going to, if you stayed in the pen with him. Didn't keep him, so I don't know what he would have been like. He became one of those famous McDonalds hamburgers.
Grew up with Holsteins. Never went within 100 yards of the bull w/o a thumping stick. His pen was built like the pens in the yards in Denver. Only taller. Cows went to him. He never left the pen. And he would try to get you any chance he got. Couldn't even toss a flake of hay at him w/o him trying to pin your arm. He lasted 4 years. But grew to respect that Louisville Slugger.
Holstein by far. Granddad's dairy bull. I was a kid and remember the pen was make out of railroad cross ties. It was seven feet high. If you ever got around the pen you knew why it was made that way. Now I see Holstein bull pens made out of the metal railing like they use on highways.

Maybe turn this into a poll?
Meanest bull that I have ever seen was a horned motley faced black bramer bull. His daddy was a charolais bull and his mother a wild crooked horned brahman crossed cow. As a weaned calf I saw him clear a board fence from a dead run. The next year when we tried to catch him to sell he was more than a year old and cleared a corral panel from a stand still and if you were in his way when he got lose he would come for you. We couldnt ever get him in the trailer to take to the market so he was taken by a 30-06 from a pickup.
meaniest I been seein in my time be Holstein surely.belonged to the dairy next to us back in the day. Nothin else I been seein even comes close to that big boy :D


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