mean vet

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first off-
the "i'll just get somebody else to do it for me" mentality isnt going to go over real well on these boards. so i'll just skip that part. you need to learn to take some responsibilty though in my opinion.

neither is a vet punching an animal in the face. no, its not normal for a vet to punch a horse in the face. are you stupid? the only way that might be acceptable is if the horse was running over him or something. what was he trying to do, get her to load backwards? please.

third- stop calling YOUR horse "it". Shes not a car.

fourth- the statement that "I"m not going to have my college grades suffer because of an animal" pisses me off personally. people are late to college classes all the time. heck, some kids dont even show up and still make good grades. for you to suggest that a letter grade is more important than the wellbeing of one of YOUR animals is enough to make me agree that maybe you should put off owning any animals until they can be less of an inconvenience for you.

Vkey, you certainly showed your butt today. its been noted by all.
V_Key":1k7jdsfg said:
I hate self Righteous Post Like This
msscamp":1k7jdsfg said:
Why are you so concerned now? You obviously weren't when you "had to go to school" and chose to leave this animal to be loaded by a stranger knowing she was scared of a trailer. I am also curious about when this animal went from a horse you were "taking to the auction to get rid of" to becoming "my horse". You need to get a clue! A little understanding, empathy, compassion, work and patience would have gone a long way to solving the loading problem. While I'm not excusing the vet's actions, the fact remains that it was YOUR problem, not the vets. If a vet did that to one of my horses, he would not only draw back a broken arm.

Why are you so concerned now?
She is trying to learn

You obviously weren't when you "had to go to school"
It's called understanding ones priorities...

and chose to leave this animal to be loaded by a stranger
She left the Job to Adults - - Her MOTHER and a "PROFESSIONAL" - (can't you read - understand English or Think?)

"my horse"
are your that stupid - "my horse" shows ownership - - what should she do? Take someone else's horse to the Auction?

A little understanding, empathy, compassion, work and patience would have gone a long way to solving the loading problem.
Typical (P.E.T.A.)(Vegan) thinking - - give all this to the animal but NOT The HUMAN ANIMAL!

If a vet did that to one of my horses, he would not only draw back a broken arm,
Tuff talk from an SOS that Picks On Little Girls - you Spinless Cesspool of Stupidity and Ignorance

Your opinion matters to me because?
V_Key":33jl9upl said:
I hate self Righteous Post Like This
msscamp":33jl9upl said:
Why are you so concerned now? You obviously weren't when you "had to go to school" and chose to leave this animal to be loaded by a stranger knowing she was scared of a trailer. I am also curious about when this animal went from a horse you were "taking to the auction to get rid of" to becoming "my horse". You need to get a clue! A little understanding, empathy, compassion, work and patience would have gone a long way to solving the loading problem. While I'm not excusing the vet's actions, the fact remains that it was YOUR problem, not the vets. If a vet did that to one of my horses, he would not only draw back a broken arm.

Why are you so concerned now?
She is trying to learn

You obviously weren't when you "had to go to school"
It's called understanding ones priorities...

and chose to leave this animal to be loaded by a stranger
She left the Job to Adults - - Her MOTHER and a "PROFESSIONAL" - (can't you read - understand English or Think?)

"my horse"
are your that stupid - "my horse" shows ownership - - what should she do? Take someone else's horse to the Auction?

A little understanding, empathy, compassion, work and patience would have gone a long way to solving the loading problem.
Typical (P.E.T.A.)(Vegan) thinking - - give all this to the animal but NOT The HUMAN ANIMAL!

If a vet did that to one of my horses, he would not only draw back a broken arm,
Tuff talk from an SOS that Picks On Little Girls - you Spinless Cesspool of Stupidity and Ignorance

this is the rudest post ive seen posted on these boards that i can recall. i am ashamed for you.
I agree with you beefy..Im pretty plain spoken but that is way over the top. I dont agree with mscamp about hilary but would never say anything like that..just plain wrong and rude
Hillary_Indiana":2t901jnu said:
I bought the horse a couple of weeks earlier because it was cheap and I thought I could try to train it. My dad decided he didn't want me to get hurt and told me if I didn't mess with this new horse he'd by me one that was all ready broke. So that's why I "got rid of it".

I agree totally with your decision. Now I am a very mean, very stubborn person who probably would not have the sense to realize I made a mistake and would have broke the horse if it took me 7 or 8 months and a broke limb to do it without ever admitting to anyone that I was having a problem; but I think you made the right move. You went to the salebarn, bought a horse on the cheap, brought it home and found it to be a real project, your dad made you a really good offer and you took it. Anybody who wants a green bronc with an attitude of mine and is willing to give me a gentle, broke horse of ~equivalent breeding can have that deal ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!! AND I believe most of the folks on this board would have taken the deal as well.

I also don't see why you shouldn't have gone to school. I load cattle, horses, donkeys, etc on trailers all the time and I RARELY have any help whatsoever (though often I let my Blue Heeler do it). Your vet SHOULD have been able to load 50 horses without any help and your mom was there in case he needed anything.

The vet shouldn't have lost control either; but that is clearly what he did. I am a stickler on NOT abusing the animals; but I confess that even I did once hit a gilt on the back with a gate rod so hard that it was paralyzed for about 3 minutes, after the little witch had knocked me down, run over the top of me, bit my arm, and busted my nose (not a good day on the hog farm). If you mess with large animals long enough you are eventually going to do something stupid. The vet lost it and should be ashamed of himself; but I wouldn't mention it again. You might want to find somebody else to load or work stock that you have a problem with in the future though.

The people who are taking cheap shots at you here don't know half as much as they think they do.
Brandonm2":1qn8ojcm said:
Your vet SHOULD have been able to load 50 horses without any help and your mom was there in case he needed anything.

The people who are taking cheap shots at you here don't know half as much as they think they do.

Okay I'm in on this one, can you tell me why a Vet should be able to load one horse let alone 50? Do Vets go thru eight years of medical school to learn how to load a horse? Why do you think a Vet should be a horse trainer or handler?

Hillary this is not a knock on you, just my opinion. As far as I'm concerned your part of the post is done and I truley hope you stay on the board.

I think Hillary could have spent an extra $100 and had a true trainer come out and train the horse to load in a week. As well as some ground manners.

that didnt make sense to me either. the vet was obviously doing her a favor, b/c if you asked a vet around here to come load your horse for you would get turned down, laughed at, or avoided in the future. or some combination of those.
also its considered rude to expect a vet or farrier to work on a dangerous, unruly, or wild horse to begin with.
Alan":33i66smj said:
Okay I'm in on this one, can you tell me why a Vet should be able to load one horse let alone 50? Do Vets go thru eight years of medical school to learn how to load a horse? Why do you think a Vet should be a horse trainer or handler?"

The vet was willing to take their money and they all have been trained to lead and work horses in vet school(I know because I worked in the barns of a vet school for four years). Why would he take money for a job he couldn't handle? If the boy is advertising that he is a large animal vet he should be able to handle LARGE ANIMALS!!! and part of that means being able to run one on a trailer. If he can't or won't do the work he should have told them. Around here my neighbors often call me for stock they can't handle instead of calling a vet. Heck I have had one mustang in a 20 acre field before with no facilities (I can truck in my own panels). For $100-200 and 1 to 4 days that joker no matter how wild (and most are thrilled to actually see a person) can head to a stockyard (whether or not it has ever worn a halter) and the owner need not ever leave the comfort of their air conditioning.

Alan":33i66smj said:
I think Hillary could have spent an extra $100 and had a true trainer come out and train the horse to load in a week. As well as some ground manners.

The horse is going to the auction. Why spend money on a trainer for a $350 to $850 auction horse you are SELLING? If a horse will not lead on to a trailer and he is going on his last ride load him out of a corrall like you would any cow. Get him started down an alley and close the alley gate behind him. A rope behind his butt will load him QUICKLY and safely, if he balks(and some people I know just use the pig zapper). A little patience and a good set of panels can load any horse on a stock trailer at any time. The only thing Hillary did wrong was call the vet. She should have called the barn and they would have sent someone out like me with a stock trailer and for $50-80(IF they have facilities) the horse would have been loaded out without incident. A smarter vet would have just called the barn and charged another $50 to $100 for handling it.
Brandonm2":3mgdg87v said:
The vet was willing to take their money and they all have been trained to lead and work horses in vet school(I know because I worked in the barns of a vet school for four years). Why would he take money for a job he couldn't handle? If the boy is advertising that he is a large animal vet he should be able to handle LARGE ANIMALS!!! and part of that means being able to run one on a trailer. If he can't or won't do the work he should have told them.

Handling horse at a Vet school is a lot different the fixing someones problem. They are not trained to handle stock they are trained to heal stock. That's why a lot of Vets would turn down the job, like this Vet should have. who knows what the conversation actually was between mom and the Vet.

Alan":3mgdg87v said:
I think Hillary could have spent an extra $100 and had a true trainer come out and train the horse to load in a week. As well as some ground manners.

The horse is going to the auction. Why spend money on a trainer for a $350 to $850 auction horse you are SELLING? If a horse will not lead on to a trailer and he is going on his last ride load him out of a corrall like you would any cow. Get him started down an alley and close the alley gate behind him. A rope behind his butt will load him QUICKLY and safely, if he balks(and some people I know just use the pig zapper). A little patience and a good set of panels can load any horse on a stock trailer at any time. The only thing Hillary did wrong was call the vet. She should have called the barn and they would have sent someone out like me with a stock trailer and for $50-80(IF they have facilities) the horse would have been loaded out without incident. A smarter vet would have just called the barn and charged another $50 to $100 for handling it.

Didn't I just say that? She should have called you and had you charge her to load the horse.

Seems like an awful lot of arguing over nothing. :cry: So she sold the horse? Big deal. I'm sure those of you out there that are worried about it going to slaughter, buy every horse that comes through the sale so as to keep it from possibly going to a slaughter house? Am I right?
As far as the Vet coming out to help, that was his decision, not any of ours. (good or bad) I believe there is another thread on this board about vets not willing to come work on large animals, maybe it's decisions like the one this vet made that makes them not want to travel to your place to work on your animals or maybe it's that we don't appreciate their work. For instance this vet making a trip to LOAD your horse. (not his job) I don't agree with him hitting the horse in the head or face because that will really make him not want to load next time. I might be a little behind on all the posts on this one be this is just my opinion on what I have read through.
I'm with Brandonm2 and J on this.

Hilary - As you have seen there are a lot of experienced people on these boards. Unfortunately, there are also alot of people who will try to use a request for assistance, or a simple question as an opportunity to derate others in an effort to make themselves feel superior or deified. Just "consider the source" so to speak.
dcara":6dqucexn said:
I'm with Brandonm2 and J on this.

Hilary - As you have seen there are a lot of experienced people on these boards. Unfortunately, there are also alot of people who will try to use a request for assistance, or a simple question as an opportunity to derate others in an effort to make themselves feel superior or deified. Just "consider the source" so to speak.

Okay one of the threads I can't let go of... sorry all. Dcara not sure who you are pointing fingers at, but it was a statement about someone being a "cess pool" or words to that effect that got this fire going.

And I'll step out here, early in the post I said nothing about Hillary's actions , as to not being able to load a horse and then complaining about the help they got to load the horse, when in the big picture she didn't care where the horse went or what happened to it... where's the logic?

I don't think any poster is trying to act "superior" to anyone else, some posters (like me) may post their opinion stronger than others. That doesn't deserve name calling or rude posts. I would hope this board is for opinions, advice and debate.

Hillary, again not a knock on you , I think you have alot to add and learn from this board. It's like anything else, when you get around a lot of people you have to have a thicker skin with some, including me at times. :D

Alan":3pvqh0x1 said:
and then complaining about the help they got to load the horse, when in the big picture she didn't care where the horse went or what happened to it... where's the logic?

To me a horse is just another food animal; when it is worth more by the pound than it is to somebody living and breathing; it rightly goes to the butcher like a cow, pig, or chicken does. I try not to let my cows die on the place and really do not want to watch crippled horses with no teeth putter around my place either (though front end loaders did make that a lot easier job than it used to be). For that matter, if we could find a foreign market to take all the stray dogs we gas every year it wouldn't upset me one little bit. Maybe that means that I am not a sensitive soul,...big deal. That said, I don't want to see somebody scratching up top hogs with a pocket knife to load them on the truck or beating a cull cow half to death either. Hillary had a problem with the vet slapping the horse around. While Hillary MAY have overreacted some (I don't know because I was not there and have not talked to Hillary's mom), whether the horse was going to be fed to upscale Japanese diners or not has no bearing on whether or not the animal should have been roughed up.
Without prolonging this too much, I don't believe this was a broken down toothless horse. It should have been worth more as a horse than by the pound. Bottom line, it's Hillary's horse and only she can decide how to rid of it, but others have the right to voice their opinion on this board. The rest of your post is your opinion which I may not agree with (and much of it I do agree with) but I respect your opinion wether I feel it is right or wrong.

What really got to me was someone with one or two post in their history coming in and throwing mud at a true contributor to these boards. Part of these boards is learning personalities, and beliefs. Such as I personally don't view horses as food animals, you do. That doesn't mean it's right or wrong. Lewis and Clark saw them as food animals as well as dogs. 200 years later I don't.

IF it was worth more as a horse than by the pound, there were 20 people at the sale who were there to bid on it and most of them are probably more capable of FIXING the horse than Hillary was. The horse was not doing Hillary any good. A lot of people (me included) have bought salebarn bargains, taken them home, founds things they did not like on a closer look, and sent them back to the sale barn. We have more horses in this country than we know what to do with. I have been to govt wild horse and donkey sales where most of the animals go back on the truck and head down the road, because there aren't enough people in this country willing to pay the $85-$150 minimum bid. I assure you IF Hillary's horse was worth a diddly, it did not go to slaughter. IF it did go to slaughter, then everybody at the horse sale believed it was not worth the hassle of teaching it to trail or crowd cows and then pawning it off on some ignorant yuppie for $2000 to $8000. I think Hillary was the high bidder in the first place, because all the old hands at the sale saw something WRONG with the horse and it was probably more than it won't lead on to a trailer. If you go to the horse sale regularly, you will see a lot of problem animals, (occasionally from some theoretically very good pairings) that simply do not have the structure necessary to be kept for breeding or for sale. Hillary found the horse to be a problem. I think it would have been irresponsible for her to find another patsy to pawn her problem off on.
take what you like, leave the rest. the bottomline is no, its not normal for a vet to punch a horse in the face. lets move on-
Brandonm2":1wntt8mj said:
IF it was worth more as a horse than by the pound, there were 20 people at the sale who were there to bid on it and most of them are probably more capable of FIXING the horse than Hillary was. The horse was not doing Hillary any good. A lot of people (me included) have bought salebarn bargains, taken them home, founds things they did not like on a closer look, and sent them back to the sale barn. We have more horses in this country than we know what to do with. I have been to govt wild horse and donkey sales where most of the animals go back on the truck and head down the road, because there aren't enough people in this country willing to pay the $85-$150 minimum bid. I assure you IF Hillary's horse was worth a diddly, it did not go to slaughter. IF it did go to slaughter, then everybody at the horse sale believed it was not worth the hassle of teaching it to trail or crowd cows and then pawning it off on some ignorant yuppie for $2000 to $8000. I think Hillary was the high bidder in the first place, because all the old hands at the sale saw something WRONG with the horse and it was probably more than it won't lead on to a trailer. If you go to the horse sale regularly, you will see a lot of problem animals, (occasionally from some theoretically very good pairings) that simply do not have the structure necessary to be kept for breeding or for sale. Hillary found the horse to be a problem. I think it would have been irresponsible for her to find another patsy to pawn her problem off on.

Fair enough
I do want to make some things clear in defense of myself:

1. I did not call the vet EXPECTING to get his help. I called him to ask him if he knew of anyone in the area who does that sort of thing and he offered.

2. I didn't buy this horse at the salebarn, I found it through an ad in the paper. Personally, I don't think it went to slaughter...our salebarn isn't notorious for slaughter horses. My bet is that she is with someone now who knows what to do with her, but if she has been slaughtered then so be it.

3. I didn't "overreact"...a lot of you guys (msscamp) got more upset than I did. I just wanted to get a few opinions and ended up getting bullied.
Hillary_Indiana":1ypmyrmy said:
1. I did not call the vet EXPECTING to get his help. I called him to ask him if he knew of anyone in the area who does that sort of thing and he offered.

We all assume things without getting the full details... that's life. The Vet is a fool, who it sounds like, can't make enough money being a Vet.

2. I didn't buy this horse at the salebarn, I found it through an ad in the paper. Personally, I don't think it went to slaughter...our salebarn isn't notorious for slaughter horses. My bet is that she is with someone now who knows what to do with her, but if she has been slaughtered then so be it.

Fair enough

3. I didn't "overreact"...a lot of you guys (msscamp) got more upset than I did. I just wanted to get a few opinions and ended up getting bullied.

While there where some mean words by some posters (V-key), I think some of what you preceived as being "bullied" was just someones opinion, maybe a bit of emotion. mscamp and I disagree a bit (more than a bit sometimes) but ms really knows about horses and can give you lots of good advice, you should willing to take it. And remember to have a thick skin sometimes.

Hillary_Indiana":3gzjmbmf said:
I do want to make some things clear in defense of myself:

1. I did not call the vet EXPECTING to get his help. I called him to ask him if he knew of anyone in the area who does that sort of thing and he offered.

2. I didn't buy this horse at the salebarn, I found it through an ad in the paper. Personally, I don't think it went to slaughter...our salebarn isn't notorious for slaughter horses. My bet is that she is with someone now who knows what to do with her, but if she has been slaughtered then so be it.

3. I didn't "overreact"...a lot of you guys (msscamp) got more upset than I did. I just wanted to get a few opinions and ended up getting bullied.

You are probably right. There are a lot of people who make their living "fixing" young horses and once they are bomb proof selling them to people for quite a markup (for most folks they are worth every penny). The horse is probably there now getting properly schooled. I also think that you were "bullied" in this string for no good reason.