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Feb 16, 2004
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De Soto MO
So, have a weaned heifer that has mastitis. I'm guessing the bull calf she was with tried nursing on her. FUN...
I have been doctoring her with Today for 2 weeks. I am not getting any more puss out when I strip the quarter, but there is still a hard mass in there. I have a call in to the vet, but figured I could also ask here if I should keep the treatment going, or give her some time? I know that the one quarter will probably be shot, but is one of my best heifers genetically, and if I can, I'd like to get her to at least put a couple of embryos in the tank for us.
That quarter will probably always have a hard mass. I'm not sure about Today but most treatments should not exceed 8 days
At this stage I would treat all 4 quarters with dry cow antibiotic infusion, leave it in and hope for the best. Could be caused from cross sucking, flies, injury etc.

Good luck.
The hard mass will probably never go away. I would also treat all 4 with dry cow treatment, and then just go on and raise her, and breed her or flush her. There is a good chance she will come in as a 3 teater, but that is certainly not the end of the world. Anything over a week treatment is a moot point unless you tried changing the anti-biotic. At this point, you have done what can be done. Her udder is a long way from her ovaries, so just do what you planned on as far as the genetics end goes. As alisonb said, it could be from flies, and this crazy weather can also cause some problems that you would never expect. But it is a good chance the bull caused it. There is also a good chance she will do fine as a cow with only 3 quarters.
Thanks. Knock on wood... This is our first case that I remember, and we have had them around my entire life. I know a 3 teater will do ok, just wanted to make sure I am doing all I can correctly. Will hit the others with the dry cow treatment, and hope for the best.
On a beef cow or heifer. I'd have also gone with a good systemic antibiotic injection in addition to the intramammary.
Ask your veterinarian for their recommendation.
We have been working close with our vet. We gave her LA 200 before the vet had come out to see her when she had an elevated temp, and did that every other day for a week, per his instructions. He really didn't give a cut off on the Today, which is why I had a call in to him, and asked here. I believe he had given her something else (can't remember-I had a phone call when he was drawing it up, and haven't seen the bill yet...).
Sometimes Spectramast will hit some of the ecoli and klebsiella mastitis germs. Kleb can kill them in 24 hours so doubt it would be that. Also have seen some farms have some good results from Pirsue mastitis treatment. I think they both need a vet to prescribe... but am not totally sure. Our farm bureau also carries one that is penicillin based. We use that occasionally too. Actually makes a good "salve" to squirt in/on a wound on an animal. I don't use Today much except for putting it in the eye when pinkeye is detected. It doesn't burn or sting and gives a bit of a coating and seems to soothe the tissues. It sure doesn't seem to hurt.
If you have given her any shots, it could be excenel or naxcel, which have next to no with holding time. They both seem to help with fevers, and various other symptons. Since you are using the vet I would go with what he says if he is familiar with lactating animals. Some just don't have much experience with it.