Kuhn speed rakes

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Jan 14, 2011
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I have a Gehl disc mower conditioner with a 9' 6" swath. Thinking of getting a new to me Kuhn rake. The one I am looking at is a SR 112, which might not be able to adjust properly for the mower and baler pick up. So thinking of looking for a 108 model. Anyone know what a 108 costs new so I can adjust to a good used price? I can get the 112 for pretty cheap, but doesn't make sense if it won't do the job correctly.
I ran a 112 with a 10' 4" cut discbine for yrs and didn't have any problem
how wide is your baler pickup?

you can take almost 3 full swaths with the 112 with a 9' cut mower so it will let you put more hay in the windrow if your baler pickup will handle it
Less passes with the baler is always better

The Kuhn has alot of adjustment
It's been about a year, but I was quoted about $5000 for a 108. That doesn't include a kicker wheel. 112 would definitely be too wide for 2 swaths. If you rake 3, you will need a kicker wheel. Otherwise, the middle swath will be mostly unraked with more hay on top of it.
Baler I have now is a Heston 745. It has a 4 ft headed, sometimes seems like smaller, but it don't think it could take 3 windrows unless they were real light. I can't hardly get 2 through my old sitrex 3 point rake without plugging up and making a god-awful mess sometimes. Light hay no problem, but get about 2ton hay and it gets a bit sketchy.

I used the one I am thinking of, the 112, on some oat hay because I could just flip one windrow pretty easy. That hay was over 4 ton and now way no how gonna go through that 3 point rake. Let alone pass under the frame. Seems a carted rake might be better in that situation where the horizontal cross bar is not there below the drawbar on the tractor.

What would it cost to put a kicker wheel on one of these kuhn's anyway? Do the hydraulics run in series with the existing ones or take another control?
I paid about $800 on my durabilt, but that was 2 center wheels. The kicker will tie in with the existing hydraulics so only one valve needed. I think the kuhn has a valve to keep the kicker up if you don't need it.

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