Kids can do the most stupidest things...

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Mar 29, 2006
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What's the most stupidest thing you have ever done as a kid??

Allow me to get the ball rolling:

When I was in grade 3, I did something that was very foolish and got caught red-handed almost immediatlely: I rolled up a piece of paper and peered through it at the teacher for no apparent reason. I guess it was just an impulse out of sheer boredom. And where I was sitting was right in the front row, so it was just too easy for the teacher to see me!

And Dad has never let me forget it since!! :lol:
My mom would have adopted you on the spot if that's the stupidest thing you ever did. Short list: Pulling 22 shells apart to make pill bottle bombs. Playing war with BB guns then getting bored and switching to 22's. Borrowing the drivers ed car and driving around town. Delivering dead pigs, live chickens, etc. to the neighboring high school. Rolling a smoke bomb between the principles legs as he set on the toilet. And numerous other things that I'm not sure the statute of limitations hasn't run out on.
sidney411":3htazzd9 said:
If that's all you ever did, your an angel.

Why thank you, but according to Mom and Dad... well... not really.

I don't have any other siblings other than a brother that's over 10 years older than me, so you can see why I can't really stir up much trouble.

Okay, enough about me! I notice I sure got a lot of views, so either I should edit the post title or wait until the dust settles from Bez's post. So, what kind of trouble where you folks as kids?
yeah, okay..."stupid" is a bit too strong of a word to use...

I was just curious as to what sort of stories there are out there that have to do with this sort of thing. Oh well...
Set the neighbors swamp on fire, jumped from the top of a 60 plus foot pine tree (didn;t clear the lower branches), used a barrel to make a ramp to jump a bike. Barrel rolled, smacked the barrel and got thrown a looong ways. Built an ice dam across a road too watch the cars spin out. Hmmmmmmm, I know there must have been some stupid things I did, those were just fun things

IluvABbeef":3l4mmzsy said:
yeah, okay..."stupid" is a bit too strong of a word to use...

THAT'S the word! FUN things you did as a kid!!!

THanks dun :D
when I was kid, probably about 16 or 17, a few friends and I used to have a little too much to drink, get the shotguns and go out to the pond, we'd go on opposite sides of the pond and shoot up in the air...hoping it would come showering down on the other person

The next dumbest thing I did was drop out of high school

I hope I didn't do anything dumber than that stuff, and if I did, I cant remember
Did the BB gun wars .. made exoit ramps for bicycles..wrecked motorcycles ... thought I could ride a horse like a native....went snake hunting with a BB gun with friends and found some..... Liked to play with my toy army men with gas as plus. Smoked when I was 12 and still do. Some would have earned me money on Americans funniest home videos today.

Grew out of most of this by the time I was 12..... when I had to work on the farm during the summers hauling hay.
Wow!!! Where to start??? Hmmmmmm!!!
My sophomore year, I attended a "going away party" for a friend who had joined the military and was deploying the next day for Korea!! Well, I was the "designated driver" and sure enough....the party was busted!! In the ensuing confusion of high schoolers trying to RUN, i ran into an empty bedroom and dove headfirst under the bed...only to find out it was a water bed....platform!!! BONK!!! I saw stars for a week!!!

My dad/hero, however, was the "child from hell" he puts it!! Growing up on the farm in north dakota must have presented itself with some rather boring moments, because the stuff he got into could not have been done if he had truly been busy!!! Pounding nails into the dirt behind the barn and handing the hammer to little brother just as dad came around the corner......getting spanked by a rubber hose by his 3rd grade teacher and hollering as though dying, all the while laughing because in his back pocket was his thick leather wallet!!! :D
ranchwife":1b7x8zcn said:
My dad/hero, however, was the "child from be nice" he puts it!! Growing up on the farm in north dakota must have presented itself with some rather boring moments, because the stuff he got into could not have been done if he had truly been busy!!! Pounding nails into the dirt behind the barn and handing the hammer to little brother just as dad came around the corner......getting spanked by a rubber hose by his 3rd grade teacher and hollering as though dying, all the while laughing because in his back pocket was his thick leather wallet!!! :D

That's how it goes around small towns, you get bored and it makes you do stupid stuff :lol: ...when I was a child there was about 30 or so people in our whole town and we sure got bored fast, my mother had a rubber hose she used to give a pretty bad whippin' with, my 4th grade teacher, Mister Leonard, kept a metal chain in his desk, that's what we got spanked with :lol: ...didn't feel too good
BudE, playing war with a 22 was real stupid. Lucky to be alive. :shock: :shock:
In pre-school everyone had to get up in front of the class and say what they wanted for christmas. Wella few days earlier i heard my dad say i a funny christmas joke so i repeated it by saying "all i want for christmas is a new butt cause mines cracked!" know this would of been bad regardless of what school i was in but at that time i was in a christian school. :D
Andybob":2u0dfqt1 said:
Was in REAL trouble when my elder brother told my parents about my call to the crematorium "Hey man! what's cooking?"
Worst part,HE dared me to do it!

LMAO :lol2: :lol2:

I'm still doing all the dumb things.... just coz I'm no longer a teenager doesn't mean I have to grow up!!
rkm":1282iqb8 said:
BudE, playing war with a 22 was real stupid. Lucky to be alive. :shock: :shock:

Compared to some other things kind of mild, we did have some rules and you learned to count to 15 shots before you stuck your head up. On slow days we used to sit on the creek bank and try to catch turtles and snakes when they surfaced. Borrowed some combines from the local dealership one time and went for joy rides. Can't even begin to count how many ways you can get in trouble with bottle rockets and fire crackers. One of my finest hours was hijacking a train. Track dead ended in are little town and the RR guys would get off for lunch. One day we climbed on while they were gone and pulled enough levers to get it moving real slow. I can still see that 300 lb engineer chasing that train down the track.
Back in 8th grade we had a teacher that was terrified of snakes so me and my neighbor went out and caught a black snake and put it in a pillow case stufed it in his back pack and the next day went to that teachers room while she wasn't there and stuck it in her desk drawer where the referals were. well when we got in there first period she got mad at a kid and reached down in the drawer not knowing that snake was in there and i've still to this day never heard anyone scream that loud. she blamed the wrong kid for doing it and we never got caught.

but we never had bb gun wars we played mosquito.
BudE, do they allow you the use of a computer in jail or are you on parole? :lol: :lol:
We didn't play war, but we played tag with blow darts, and yes they were the metal tipped ones. We stopped the day the paramedics were called cuz one kid got hit in the head with a dart. He was fine .. his skull did stop it.. no damage done, but it scared the crap out of us!

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