I've got a problem....

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2010
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Middle Tennessee
My pasture is infested "wall to wall" with yellow top weeds. Never had over a few in years past.
They will die out in late June or July. Cattly won't eat them. I think they are robbing my clover and
fescue from nutrients. I know that I'll have to spray next spring. For the near term, would it help if I
mowed my pasture with a high setting to clip the weeds off above my grass and give my grass a better chance to grow?
Something to watch out for when clipping pastures is to not cut them long wno0ugh that the cows/calves have to each down into the ends of the clipped stuff to eat. To save some pasture that had bolted while it was short (weird weather) I just clipped off the seed heads and every cow/calf on the place had problems with scratched/lacerated eyeballs.
Don't wait till spring to spray. Try to catch a few 60 degree days in Dec or Jan. 24D will do the trick. The one pasture I sprayed is clean and it would have been covered solid if it had not been sprayed. Should have sprayed everywhere. That stuff is really bad everywhere around here.
Are you talking about this little trouble maker? http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/weedguide/singlerecord.asp?id=320
I have a problem with them also. They have taken over after invading from the neighbor. Likely brought in with offsite purchased hay. Their are different types but the tall buttercup is a perennial cool season weed. Disking or 24D is all that will get them out. Here in N MS spraying in Sep-Oct does best. Old plants are up and new seed have sprouted. Really sucks too! Got a lot of good clover out there. They are fine in hay but they aren't good for cattle green. Cattle will on eat them when they have to. And mine is so thick this year they can't avoid some of them. They cause scours and I believe it can kill them if they eat enough. I've recently taken over dad's 20 head since he went down this winter. Trying to get things back in order but it's hard with a full time job.Hate to see the 60 acre's behind my house just sit there though.
ERNIBIGB":396qtau2 said:
Don't wait till spring to spray. Try to catch a few 60 degree days in Dec or Jan. 24D will do the trick. The one pasture I sprayed is clean and it would have been covered solid if it had not been sprayed. Should have sprayed everywhere. That stuff is really bad everywhere around here.

TennesseeTuxedo":396qtau2 said:
I sprayed 10 acres today with Pasture Pro to try and eliminate a yellow flower plant similar to what you're describing. This was on a horse farm if that makes a difference.

Hondac":396qtau2 said:
My pasture is infested "wall to wall" with yellow top weeds. Never had over a few in years past.
They will die out in late June or July. Cattly won't eat them. I think they are robbing my clover and
fescue from nutrients.
I know that I'll have to spray next spring. For the near term, would it help if I
mowed my pasture with a high setting to clip the weeds off above my grass and give my grass a better chance to grow?

Hondac - you do relize that if you spray you should be prepaired to say goodby to the clover.
Hondac":1jzmwgrq said:
My pasture is infested "wall to wall" with yellow top weeds. Never had over a few in years past.
They will die out in late June or July. Cattly won't eat them. I think they are robbing my clover and
fescue from nutrients. I know that I'll have to spray next spring. For the near term, would it help if I
mowed my pasture with a high setting to clip the weeds off above my grass and give my grass a better chance to grow?

I forgot earlier. No clipping will not help. They will start right back up and flower again.
No, I actually did not know that spraying would kill the clover. Is there another way to rid myself of these weeds?

Hondac - you do relize that if you spray you should be prepaired to say goodby to the clover.[/quote]
Hondac":2pezwcp8 said:
No, I actually did not know that spraying would kill the clover. Is there another way to rid myself of these weeds?

Hondac - you do relize that if you spray you should be prepaired to say goodby to the clover.
Some will say thru soil fertility...lime...ect. Mainly you have to target your weed - timing of spraying before or after the clover season. You just may have to sacrifice your clover one season in order to get ahead of your weed. If you don't use an herbicide with a residual your clover seedbank should be OK...but then so will your weed seedbank.

Not sure...but you still havn't identified, to us, your weed...."yellow top weeds" doesn't narrow down much.