Hughesnet internet service

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Dec 9, 2004
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Central Upstate New York
Anyone have or had Hughesnet internet service? I'm considering getting it - have dial-up now - out in the country. My best connection is 31.2 speed.
Do you like it?? what level do you have (I checked their website & they have different price levels.
What speed do you get? Does it mess up a lot?
Any info would be appreciated.
I did a search and couldn't find that anyone had discussed this.
I don't rknow if they've been addressed directly, but if you do a search for satel* you'll find a ton of discussions on it
We have it, and the reliability and speed must have something to do with the alignment of the planets, or the phases of the stars, or the tide, or something......

At times, it's great. At others, it's slower than dialup.

During stormy weather, you won't have any signal at all to work with.

Price is too high - about $60.00 per month.

All in all, it beats dialup, but that's not bragging.
grannysoo":dlofzetz said:
We have it, and the reliability and speed must have something to do with the alignment of the planets, or the phases of the stars, or the tide, or something......

At times, it's great. At others, it's slower than dialup.

During stormy weather, you won't have any signal at all to work with.

Price is too high - about $60.00 per month.

All in all, it beats dialup, but that's not bragging.

Not to worry, Obama is goign to make sure everyone has highspeed internet. He'll probably get the inventor, good ol algore, to do it
OK, I did get lots to read by searching the right place - duh - I was using the "search" above the topic instead of at the top of the page. Anyway, I've been reading.
I'm still a bit confused. Is wireless broadband the same as the local telephone co's wireless?
And is DSL considered wireless??
I know Verizon is putting in DSL "near" me, but still not here & with my luck, never will.
AT&T is still not available to me.
I checked my local phone book - nothing listed under wireless
Under Internet Service, they list Clarity - says they have dialup, DSL, Satellite, T1 and Wireless in selected areas (I'm sure not in this area but I'm going to check them out).
Thanks everyone.
If you google "ISP and your town and state" you will get a list of about every provider of services in your area and probably a lot more that aren;t even anywhere new you
I live up on a woodsy ridge and can't get anything but AT&T. I wish I could say other wise. Good speed and all that but they are strange about the billing cycle and then there was the dial up disaster of last year. I have tried to find another ISP but to no avail.
Jeanne - Simme Valley":2vwrjel2 said:
OK, I did get lots to read by searching the right place - duh - I was using the "search" above the topic instead of at the top of the page. Anyway, I've been reading.
I'm still a bit confused. Is wireless broadband the same as the local telephone co's wireless?
And is DSL considered wireless??
I know Verizon is putting in DSL "near" me, but still not here & with my luck, never will.
AT&T is still not available to me.
I checked my local phone book - nothing listed under wireless
Under Internet Service, they list Clarity - says they have dialup, DSL, Satellite, T1 and Wireless in selected areas (I'm sure not in this area but I'm going to check them out).
Thanks everyone.

Broadband in general means high-speed internet. It can be DLS, Cable or wireless.

DSL is broadband that uses telephone lines. DSL has distance limitations. You have to relatively close to a switching station or central office.

Wireless is broadband where you communicate from an antenna at your house to a local antenna tower. Similar to cell phones but it does not have the distance like a cell phone. With our local provider, you have to be within 6 miles of a tower. This signal has trouble going through trees and hills. If you have a clear line of site to the tower, you will have better service.

Satellite will be slower then DSL and wireless. It simply takes more time to send the signal to the satellite and then back to the ground at the provider's location. It will be much faster then dial-up. Reliability will depend on the weather at your place and the weather at the provider's location. It may be sunny and 70 at your place, but if the provider is located in the Northeast and they are downloading the signal through a heavy rain storm, it will affect your speed and service.

I have satellite service because it is the only service I can get besides dial-up. When wireless or DSL or cable finally gets to my area, I will switch.
I have satalite through my phone company. It is alot better then dial up. There is a 3 second delay when doing a vocal program. storms do affect it, especially thunder storms over the reciever station.
Friends have DSL and just love it.
They just ran high speed cable out, but stopped 7 miles from us.
we have had hughesnet for a year come i would NOT go back to dialup.we have the $60 a month its so much faster than storms do affact it.but not that have free time to download between 2am an if you go over your alloted daily get knocked back to dialup speed for 24hrs.make sure your installers know what they are doing.if its not 100% allined you wont get good reception.
Great info - thanks everyone. Been checking what's available (now that I "know" what I'm talking about. I presently HAVE Verizon cell phone service. I'm going to try their wireless service. It's $60/mo. 30-day trial period. I have medium to high reception here at house. Verizon says if I can get ANY reception on cell phone, I will get good internet service.
We'll see - I ordered it today! They will mail me the equipment needed.
I don't have cable anywhere near hear - and probably never will.
Verizon DSL is coming (been coming for over 1 year).
Called a couple of other service providers and nothing in this area.
Sooo - we'll see!
Thanks again for all the input & info.
Got HughesNet at home and hate it. Never has been any good and calling HughesNet is like talking to the wall. Just waiting for contract to expire and will hunt something else.
TexasBred":m44o5box said:
Got HughesNet at home and hate it. Never has been any good and calling HughesNet is like talking to the wall. Just waiting for contract to expire and will hunt something else.

:lol2: :lol2: Tell me it ain't so. :shock: Been their, done that already.

I don't know, maybe in different parts of the country if you are on a different system than the IA6 at 93 west or are on a different frequency than what we were, maybe you have better service. I don't know. Will admit that most of the time it was faster than dial-up but I think that is only because Verizon phonelines around here suck.

grannysoo":m44o5box said:
We have it, and the reliability and speed must have something to do with the alignment of the planets, or the phases of the stars, or the tide, or something......

At times, it's great. At others, it's slower than dialup.

During stormy weather, you won't have any signal at all to work with.

Price is too high - about $60.00 per month.

All in all, it beats dialup, but that's not bragging.

Pretty much sums it up.

Gotta give credit to my new service provider. Shortly after Ike I started experiencing problems with service. Called the trouble line and was talking to a local service technician by the 3rd ring. None of this half-way around the world mess. Made an appointment for the next morning for onsite service. The next morning when I got up the service was working. I called in to let them know it was working and they still sent the crew out to check it. Didn't charge for the service call. Couple weeks ago started having problems again, this time I decided to fill out an online trouble ticket. Within 20 minutes I received a call from the technician confirming they had a problem at their tower, parts were en route and would be fixed by the next afternoon. And it was. :D
We live out in the middle of no where. We had a local dial up service that was just awful. When one of my sons came home last year. He tried his sprint wireless aircard on our computer. Oh it was wonderful. So I disconnected our house phone and cancled our local internet service. It costs 60 a month,but it is well worth it.
Got a letter in the mail last spring informing: "Broadband over the powerline (BPL) is coming to your area and will be available July 28th for $30/month." Bought the modem and signed up right then, modem is sitting beside the computer now waiting for service.
cfpinz":rfjlux0z said:
Got a letter in the mail last spring informing: "Broadband over the powerline (BPL) is coming to your area and will be available July 28th for $30/month." Bought the modem and signed up right then, modem is sitting beside the computer now waiting for service.

Did they specify the year? our place its's dialup or nothing, well, satelite, but that's $$... we also don't have cell cervice, well, if you have a really good phone you might get 1 bar, so that's nothing great, but maybe it would be worth a shot (Wireless Aircard)
Well, maybe TODAY, I'll be trying out the wireless thru Verizon. IF IT WORKS, my plans are to drop my hard phone line & drop my People's service (which sucks!) That's a total cost of $68 and the wireless is going to cost $60 - sounded like a no-brainer to me!!!
BUT --- without the landline, I'll have to have more minutes on my cell phone, so that'l end up costing more.
Where we live, we are the LAST house on the phone lines, so dial-up sucks. At best, I'm connected at 31.2, so I should be thrilled with anything else. :D
I greatly appreciate all the "guidance". I didn't understand the systems enough to "go looking" for a different service.
This is my "go to" place for info!! Hopefully, the next time I'm on here --- it'll be fast fast!
YAHOO!!! I'm wireless.
I went to a sight called - it will test your speed.
My dial-up was 53 download speed - this new wireless was 1546 !!!
It is not INSTANT like cable - but it's really fast in comparison.
I'm happy!!! Merry Christmas to me!
and Merry Christmas to all of you & thanks a bunch for all the info. I never would have thought about the Verizon wireless.

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