How Old Is Your Father (or would be)?

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Aug 25, 2013
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If my dad was still alive he would 94 years old today as he was born in 1925. After 50 years of smoking he lack 2 months, making it to his 70 BD. He did keep his mind until the end as I seen his last breath. I figure the smoking took at least 10 years off..Mother is currently 84 and grandpa made it to 93.
2,640,297,600 seconds old

He passed 2 years ago.

He was a heavy smoker too. 2 to 3 packs a day since he was 16.

Died of a stroke as a result of being resuscitated after "dieing" from a heart attack and internal bleeding.

Grandpa was 55 when he died. Modern medicine kept Dad alive longer than Grandpa.
101... he and Mom were both born the same week in 1918.
He was a sergeant in the Army during WWII.
Mom made it to nearly 91 but Dad passed in 1967 at age 49.
(His father died at age 62 and his mother 94... so much for the modern medicine theory.)
Although I've passed both he and his father... so maybe....
I put my over/under at 69 the same as the longest living uncle on my father's side.
I put my brother's over/under at 88 as he takes more after Mom's side and longest living male
on her side was 92.7 years.
My dad passed at age 68, in 1993. He was born in 1925, and would have been 94 in about 2 weeks.
My mother passed a few months ago in April, 6 days short of what would have been her 90'th birthday. Wife lost her dad when she was 7, he was 35.
Dad is 87 I think...he is somewhere in the mountains of Colorado where he and Mom summer. Leaving me in charge of this dustbowl.....if anyone needs to know ,he can tell you which restaurants in-between here and Colorado put the most tequila in their Marquitas.....
My father is a widower as of 12 May this year. They were married for 65 years and he will be 90 in December.

He is a Veteran who was recently denied any benefits by the present lefty ruler of Canada - he is one of 40,000 Veterans the present liberal government of Canada have either denied or completely cut off since they came in to power. He says he is in good company with those 40,000 Veterans and now tells anyone that if they vote liberal they are effing A holes! No wonder I tend to talk the way I do!! LOL

So, now my brother and sister and I pay for a personal support worker to visit him for one hour every second day. She said we do not need to send her for more as he cooks, cleans and is quite capable of looking after himself.

So they tend to drink coffee and chat. But now we have a nurse who can look him in the eye every few days and decide if we need to intervene. I want him to stay in his house as long as he can.

The old man is a loving yet crotchety S.O.B. and I love him more every day. He will be missed when he goes.

Best to all.
Born 1908 would be 111 died of heart attack at 54 in 1963 when I was 18. Sometimes I wonder if he came back now what he would think of the changes in the world and society.
My mom is 94, dad is 92. Both are still alive and we finally got them into assisted living in January. Dad can't keep food and liquids out of his lungs so he makes frequent trips to the hospital. Mom will feel bad in sympathy so a couple weeks ago they both went in at the same time in the same ambulance. She's a head case but both are mostly mentally sound.
Thanks goodness I have a sister and brother close by to share the burden or I would not be able to tend the cattle. I can't imagine how older people with no kids could get along after age 85. People live to long these days.
87 and still ornery! Started dating my mom when she was 13, he was 19 and got married when she was 17, he was 23. 64 years later they still travel every couple months and have definitely slowed down but doing great.
My Dad was born Jan 12, 1896 on the family farm in Crocker Missouri, Puloski County. He was the second child of seventeen. He passed in Jan 1972, If he were here today he would be 123 years old. He fought in WW1. Mom was born on Dec.12,1906 and passed on August 18 1984.
kerley said:
My Dad was born Jan 12, 1896 on the family farm in Crocker Missouri, Puloski County. He was the second child of seventeen. He passed in Jan 1972, If he were here today he would be 123 years old. He fought in WW1. Mom was born on Dec.12,1906 and passed on August 18 1984.

I had two uncles born before 1900 one in 1896 and 1898. Mom and dad both were the babies of the families.
kerley said:
My Dad was born Jan 12, 1896 on the family farm in Crocker Missouri, Puloski County. He was the second child of seventeen. He passed in Jan 1972, If he were here today he would be 123 years old. He fought in WW1. Mom was born on Dec.12,1906 and passed on August 18 1984.

17 children! Amazing. :tiphat:
My dad is 72, still working 60 hours a week. Nearly clocked out at 70 with sepsis. When he took half a day off mum knew something wasn't right and called an ambulance. They said he was pretty close to shutting down! His dad lived to 93, and worked until then. He was still driving the tractor from property to property mowing at 92. When he was 93 they found stomach cancer and told him he wont notice any problems for six months and then will probably start going down hill over the next couple of years, he walked in the house and never came back out and was dead in six weeks. I always thought he was too miserable to die but he proved me wrong!

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