How long to feed out a heifer?

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True Grit Farms

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
Middle Georgia
I'm planning to butcher an open heifer that couldn't breed back. I'm just wondering how long do I finish her on corn for? And do you keep the bovine in a pen like a hog so they can't walk the fat off? Thanks
Depending on her current condition, I would think 30-45 days on corn would finish her out if her body condition score is a 5-6. As far as pen size, 200 square feet of pen space/calf is what I have found is about average in an open air feedlot situation.
customcattle":1qgprcar said:
Depending on her current condition, I would think 30-45 days on corn would finish her out if her body condition score is a 5-6. As far as pen size, 200 square feet of pen space/calf is what I have found is about average in an open air feedlot situation.
That will be perfect timing for my plan. I was hoping to be able to mix her fat and some trimmings with venison. And we always kill all our meat deer after Christmas.
Son of Butch":376ujin3 said:
50 days till Christmas
Any idea on how rank she will still be after 50 days? She probably has a BCS of 6+ so she'll be a butter ball but we don't care for grass finished beef.
6 weeks on corn should take most of the 'edge' off, but can't tell you honestly how she'll taste.
She's young, so that's in your favor. I'd shoot for 60 days IF it works for your schedule