Horses breaking out on body

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Jul 25, 2007
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Verona, MO
Okay - I am new to the Missouri State and my horses are breaking out in some kind of hive - I am not sure if it is a bush or the flies - any help on a spray or feed - It seems to go away but I have 2 foals I am getting ready to show in halter & I don't want to have them filled with hives....I think they are just not used to the bugs or the different weeds/grass here. Let me know - Thanks :)
I am not from MO so i can't help you with those conditions but you might bathe them with an anti fungal or medicated soap like mane n tail or something like that. might help clear it up. keep the fly spray on too if it looks like bugs. definitely consult your vet if it gets worse
I have had this happen to my horses before during the summer months. You may try deworming them with ivermectin (zymecterin, ivercare, etc.). You may have to put some salve on the sores as well. It seemed to help my horses.
heavy humidity , dew , and the irritants are probably the cause , I keep about half of our pasture mowed down so they have a place to hang without being subjected to tall grass and irritating weeds.

rinse them off every few days and use an iodine shampoo on them .
we have 13 horses on our property and it seems the paints get it the worst , the light pigmented skin doesn't handle the sun/heat as well as our others
They make a sulfer shampoo that should help its good for the skin. I live in Ark. and I had a horse that did the same thing . When we bought him he looked great but right after I got him he did the same thing as yours. I used the medicated sulfer shampoo and it really helped as time went by he quit doing it. I can't remember the exact name of the shampoo, I will try to find it. If you soap him up real good and use a brush to really clean his skin because its medicated it will help with any sores too. Good luck
If they were mine, I get my vet to examine them out rather than ask for advice on an Internet Bulletin Board.

If they have hives, that is an allergic reaction. It could be from a change of feed, hay or eating a weed. Or is they are stalled, it could be from the bedding.

If you are planning on showing them, get your vet to look at them and then decide a course of treatment.

edited to correct spelling errors. :oops:
chippie is right you probably should consult a vet some horses that have sensitive skin are also sensitive to shampoo's and sprays. You might make it worse if you try to many things. A vet did check my horse and just told me to get some medicated shampoo, and yours sounds just like mine but you never know I would hate it if any advice I gave you made it worse, but if you decide not to talk to the vet here is a website that might give you an idea about what kind of shampoo to look for. Hope it gets better.
in the hot humid Ks / Missouri areas its hard on them right now. you only need to work in the field a bit and you'll be itchin very quickly , it's not rocket science , if your using fly spray you might try a change , the cheap ones burn your skin and they will burn your horses also , we have one that heat rashes and we stall him during the day and let him out at night , seems to get along a lot better.
Thanks everyone - It started when we put them out on a new pasture with higher weeds - I will talk to my vet - I just never had this problems in CA, but they doen't have the bugs out there as they do here. but I love it out here...... Thanks again

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