Hoof BW Weight Tape, Does it Work??

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2005
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Saskatchewan, Canada
As I said earlier this spring, I have both scale weighed and hoof taped every calf born here. Our scale is an old beam scale. It is fairly accurate, but I wouldn't swear it is exactly right on every calf. The Hoof tape I used is the "Hoof Scale" one I believe. At this point I have weighed 146 calves. We still have 27 cows/heifers left to calve. I included the twins that were born here as well.

Here is the Actual Data on 146 calves
Average BW/Scale = 90.11 lbs
Average BW/Tape = 88.75 lbs
Average # of pounds that the weight tape was out = 7.23 lbs.
The BIGGEST difference between using the Scale and the Tape was 31 lbs, Actual weight 109, Taped weight 78

In 46 out of 146 calves the weight tape was out by MORE than 10 lbs (whether Above or Below)

14 of those were out by over 15 lbs and 3 were out by over 20 lbs.

Originally I believed that the calves that it was most out on were the ones on the low or high end of the scale, but this test didn't play out that way. The differences were all over the board. From the smaller end to the bigger end of the calves there was no weight range that seemed to be more or less accurate.

The basic problem with the hoof tape is that it does not take into account anything other than bone size. The length, width, depth and muscle development of the calf as well as height of the calf all play into what the calf weighs.

To use it when deciding whether a calf may/may not be too big for a cow or heifer would be so inaccurate (IMO) that you would be assisting calves that wouldn't need it and leaving calves that could need it for too long.

I can Email the report that I did to anyone that wants to look at it more closely. Just PM me with your email. It is in .xls or PDF format.
What was that I heard???? I believe it was the stock in "Hoof Scale" free-falling!!! Thanks for your efforts and for sharing the info. Sounds like you're better off just "eye-ballin'" the weight than using the tape....
Thanks for the udate and your effort Randiliana, it is very much appreciated!

I left my hoof tape in the calving box after the second calf, I found the girth tape was a lot closer to actual weight than the hoof tape.

Again, thanks

Thank you for taking the time to do the comparison. I'm sure it will open a lot of eyes, already has me thinking. (Doesn't happen very often, though.)

Weighing that many calves, may I ask what you scale system is? hanging off a 4 wheeler or what? I would love an easy scale system, handy enough for the calving pasture.

Thanks everyone.

Arkieman, yes, you would pretty much be better off eyeballing them. Might as well just call them big, average and small and you would pretty much have it.

Alan, I have never used a girth tape, other than on horses, but it takes a lot more into account than the hoof tape, so I am sure it would be more accurate.

Our scale is an old beam scale. As I said, I am sure it is not 100% accurate, but I do know it is pretty close. My weight is the same on it as it is on a bathroom scale. Our system is set up so that all the newborn calves go through the barn before being put out in the "newborn pasture" after birth. The barn is where we do all the weighing, tagging, tattooing, banding and dehorning of the calves. I don't ever worry about a cow on me because we either pull the calf into the barn on its way by or kick mama out before we work on the calf. Not that our cows are mean, but better safe than sorry. This scale isn't really portable. I guess we could stick it on a little trailer, but that seems like a real hassle. Probably your best bet would be a spring scale set up on a lever system to make the calves easier to lift. I do know that there are trailer mounted scales (for calves). Here is the link http://www.7llivestockequipment.com/150 ... chute.html

Thanks for sharing the results of your test. Just what few calfs i used the hoof tape on had me questioning its accuracy. But thanks to you i know for sure now.

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