Hereford bull

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I almost hesitate to post again, but here goes. I sure didn't mean to stir up such controversy. My son is going to be 13 next month and this venture with the cattle is the first time I've seen him really excited about something worthwhile in a long time. We have a small herd of commercial cows and both of my children own some cows. Other than some bottle calves they bought and raised this is the first time either has gone out and bought some. Their heifers are what they are concentrating on, the bull was offered for sale to my husband to put on the commercial cows. My son wanted to try to show him, so he bought him, although my husband will buy him from my son as soon as he agrees to sell him. He wasn't sold as a high powered show bull, but we thought as long as he was so gentle what the heck. We have a small county fair and more than likely he will be the only hereford bull there. It will be good experience for him since we need to feed him up a little longer before turning him out with our other cows anyways. He was in pretty rough shape a month ago, so all we see is improvement. We cannot afford thousands for a bull. We have done that in the past and lost our butts. My children have each taken out an agricultural loan and have picked out their own animals. The heifers are nice-one is out of a half brother of Online. We purchased these animals from a dear friend and what hurts me is the insults towards them. They are hard working people and an advocate of the breed. Maybe he isn't the best quality bull, but he is gentle and will give my son some confidence and a focus this summer. For that I am greatful. For all the kind comments-thank you. Everyone has their own opinion and I respect that-favorable or not. Just please don't insult my friends or family. What I came on here expecting was some opinions, not to be raked over the coals. Thank you.
you have every right to be very proud of your children. sure he aint the best bull, but as long as he is happy that is all that matters. i cannot believe that your son is only gonna be 13. he looks so much older. im sure he's fighten off the ladies with that show stick. :p this is a very good learnin experience. give it a couple of years and you'll be amazed about how everythings improved.

good for you! :clap:
SM2 - Please do not be hesitant to post here. There are a lot of knowledgeable folks here that are willing to give advice and help out. But there's other types, too. Seems the turds always float to the top.


I applaude you and your son. As an Ag. teacher it is hard as the dickens to get young people interested in livestock. It is a lot of hard work and does not carry the prestige of sports around here. While the bull may not be the best looking specimen out there, I have seen worse. I myself recall the first bull I picked out. He was nice to look at but his claves where huge so in the end he had to grow wheels and move on down the line. From the looks of this bull you will not have monster calves and just as I have learned so will your son. I might add I am still learning, we are never too old nor too young to learn. Best of luck and I hope your son learns a lot from his adventure, I wish I had a few like him at my school.

Furthermore, I would rather see an animal the kid cares for and cares for well than some of the fancier animals get taken care of by mom and dad or someone else . A lot is to be said for your son care of his own animals.
Hard for a boy in the pasture or woods to get into trouble.
It's good he is intrested in cattle, just don't build him up that he has a winner in that bull. Go into this with your eyes open and brain in gear. Let your son go through the process and if he shows this is his thing after showing this bull sell him and buy a better bull. Both of you will have been educated on the way.
Bar K":xjum9139 said:
mnmtranching":xjum9139 said:
Bar K":xjum9139 said:
I've been following the board for about three years now, and yes while Nortexsoook may be the current jerk of the board, (his claim) what would this board be if everyone was of the "what a cute calf" crowd. His comments may be in your face and often considered rude by polite society, but he is usually right on the mark. Don't like his bedside manner, dont hire him as your doctor.

I applaud the young man for his efforts but he wasn't the one who asked for input. Further, no matter what angle you photograph this young bull at he isn't going to look any better. The further you move behind him the worse it's gonna get. I also have a problem that a "friend" sold this should have been a steer as a show prospect. Who is the real jerk?

A couple of years ago Caustic warned of the folly of folks posting pictures on here and not getting the response they had hoped for. The same has been repeated by others time and time again. Some of the most respected posters on this board have come across pretty brutal at times as well, and there are a few on here who have posted some of the most outlandish comments as fact and seem to get a free pass. I have a bigger problem with beginners being fed nonsense, then in your face responses.

I hope this proud mom stays on the board and takes "all" comments with a grain of salt.

Bar K Time to come out and show some pics.

Why? Which part of my comment did you not understand. Were you offended that I defended the offensive's right to speak out? I've been in and out of the cattle business for a long time, in last year out this year and I've never taken pictures of my or anyone else's livestock. If you choose to I have not problem with that. Does that make me a fraud, a pretender or a know nothing in your mind? Do I need to clear all posts with you before I express my opinion?

Get all worked up pretty easy do Ya?
Not really, just curious why a strange man on the internet wants my picture! :shock: Alan, thanks for the courtesy, I understand quite well mob rule and understand that I commited the mortal sin of saying something positive about one of the mobs outcasts. Funny how the same behavior that is ostracized becomes acceptable as long as it is in the name of the mob.
Bar K":1hv91605 said:
Not really, just curious why a strange man on the internet wants my picture! :shock: Alan, thanks for the courtesy, I understand quite well mob rule and understand that I commited the mortal sin of saying something positive about one of the mobs outcasts. Funny how the same behavior that is ostracized becomes acceptable as long as it is in the name of the mob.

No, no, Only interested in seeing the type cattle the experts raise.
Trying to learn here. :)
First off, the boy is a keeper.
Second, the bull -- he is pretty thin for showing and if he will be breeding any before the show then don't expect him to put on any weight. He appears to have nice smooth shoulders blending into his chest nicely. He seems to lack some masculinity in his neck and his 'jewels'. With his back legs positioned as they are in the picture and assuming it's hot where you are now, I'd expect to see more than what he has hanging there.

The one bad thing about showing this bull is the judges are usually very kind and will say something nice about anything in front of them. While that may make your son feel good, it won't teach him anything about how good the bull is. If your son has a positive experience showing this bull while learning how to pick superior animals, then you couldn't ask for anything more. Keep a positive attitude, and if anyone says anything negative, evaluate if there is truth to the statement.
Good luck to your son.
Bar K":wt9ascjt said:
Not really, just curious why a strange man on the internet wants my picture! :shock: Alan, thanks for the courtesy, I understand quite well mob rule and understand that I commited the mortal sin of saying something positive about one of the mobs outcasts. Funny how the same behavior that is ostracized becomes acceptable as long as it is in the name of the mob.
if he's a outcast it's of his on doing. you aint going to get any where on here name call'in. don't know were your from. but here you will tote a ass wippin. cant believe he's got the gall to put texas as his location
One thing in the bulls defense. Look closely "down there". Part of him is a darker color-There is more down there than meets the eye! I didn't notice that when I posted the picture!
the interesting thing about this whole line of posts is that ChrisH was the only one (at least that I remember seeing) that actually said anything at all about what's wrong with the bull.

it's obvious that the bull isn't great, and it's obvious we should applaud the boy for diving in and his family for supporting him, it SHOULD be obvious that we give some helpful pointers, and should not attack the picture and argue with other posters.

i personally try to say things with a little tact and consideration most of the time, some people don't, but regardless of how you say things, have some constructive answers and solutions to go along with your criticisms. in short, how about some of the "experts" on here explain to the boy WHY the scrotum needs to be bigger and WHY the bull looks feminine and WHY that is bad? don't just attack the picture and/or b*tch about other posters.
showmomof2":34k42zux said:
One thing in the bulls defense. Look closely "down there". Part of him is a darker color-There is more down there than meets the eye! I didn't notice that when I posted the picture!

Mam I am a Hereford Bull Man there have been a lot come through here over the years. Not wanting to rain on your parade the young bull is average at best. He might throw some great calfs on a set of Brimmer or Brangus momma's, seedstock material he's not. There are quite a few hereford breeders on this board that have some show quality cattle you might search for Knersie, Certherf, Bez, txag ,Campgrounds or Alan's pictures. You really should know the kinda of stock you will be competeing against.
circlet":3lkzvoxa said:
i personally try to say things with a little tact and consideration most of the time, some people don't, but regardless of how you say things, have some constructive answers and solutions to go along with your criticisms. in short, how about some of the "experts" on here explain to the boy WHY the scrotum needs to be bigger and WHY the bull looks feminine and WHY that is bad? don't just attack the picture and/or b*tch about other posters.

Great post, I have learn mostly on this board by constructive criticism. Newbies need to have a thick skin and learn who and what the folks on this baord are..... hang around contribute and learn. There is a huge variety of the cattle industry posting here.

circlet":2eqcz3zr said:
the interesting thing about this whole line of posts is that ChrisH was the only one (at least that I remember seeing) that actually said anything at all about what's wrong with the bull.

it's obvious that the bull isn't great, and it's obvious we should applaud the boy for diving in and his family for supporting him, it SHOULD be obvious that we give some helpful pointers, and should not attack the picture and argue with other posters.

i personally try to say things with a little tact and consideration most of the time, some people don't, but regardless of how you say things, have some constructive answers and solutions to go along with your criticisms. in short, how about some of the "experts" on here explain to the boy WHY the scrotum needs to be bigger and WHY the bull looks feminine and WHY that is bad? don't just attack the picture and/or b*tch about other posters.

Maybe this will help a little.
And I am sorry I have to go along with CB on this, and I do not even raise herfords. As backhoe said on another thread experience is a great teacher. Takeing criticisem, and looseing is also a learning experience.
IM going to post one more time to this thread and then I am done wiht it, it has been sidetracked for the most part anyway and the post that arent sidetracked say things that have been stated many times already.

My post is on being nice and getting along. There is no reason to be crast when posting an opinion. If you value your opinion then you would hope it is taken and considered. Being crast when giving it is not a very good way to accompish this.

There is a reason judges try to find something nice to say about every animal in front of them. If you notice they do that right before pointing out all the things wrong and then explaining why they are wrong and what they would like to see. It becomes a positive educational experience rather than a put down which puts most people on the defense right or wrong.

And finally, but not least. If CB, who is probably the most blunt person on here, can manage to be blunt and constructive at the same time I dont see why anybody else cant.

Its not what you say, its how you saw it. A knife can save lives in the hands of a doctor or take lives in the hands of a criminal. Its your choice which one to be. :cboy:
Got in late on this one but it looks like an average hereford bull.

the picture sucks and that is some of it but he needs more feed and he does have several faults. The problem with these boards is you cant see the bull in person. How many of you will buy a bull from just a photo?
No doubt that he will do a fine job and and learn alot in the process. I think He ( the boy ) needs to be congratulated for putting the effort in doing something except sitting on the couch and watching T.V.
Show the bull and learn and most of all HAVE FUN. JHH
Novatech-thanks for the link. It was very informative and will come in handy for future reference.

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