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Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score
Central Wisconsin
I have a 700 lb steer that has been weaned for 2 weeks now.Steer seemed a little off,slow getting up and not really coming up to eat,had the vet out, took temp 105 gave him a shot he said it was a strong antibiotic that had banimine in it,said really strong good for 10 days for pneumonia.Well now 4 days later,eats hay not much grain,kinda just pushes it around.Seems alert but I have been noticing he spits his cud out sometimes when he eats.If its a blockage or twisted gut,he wouldn't eat at all or poop? Not sure whats going on.Do you think that the medicine just killed all the good bacteria an he just has a upset gut? Tried giving him probiotic,but didn't want anything to do with it..
Sounds like you need the vet to take a closer look....
I use Probios in my show cattle if I am graining them. It really helps increase their appetite and eliminates them getting diarrhea from the grain. You can try using the paste in the tube directly into his mouth. Then if his appetite for the grain increases, go to the powder top dress on the grain. Some cattle have to "learn" to eat grain. If this is new to him, put another in with him to get him started.
Other than that, I think we need more info. on what he is actually suffering from.
Have you taken his temp again ?

I assume your vet gave him resflor . If I remember correctly ,Nuflor does not kill the bacteria ,it isolates it to stop it from spreading and then the animals immune system if supposed to fight the infection . I am thinking that the one dose was not effective so I would repeat or try a different med like excede ,draxxin, baytril or micotil .
Is he scouring at all? If he is, I would probably take him completely off of feed until he's back to normal, and then start adding it back in slowly.