Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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Feb 10, 2006
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well I finished it. It only took me 10 hours of reading but it was amazing. Anyone else here read them or have children who read them?
I love the books, altho I've only read the first 3...and I love the movies. I don't know whether to go ahead and read the 7th book, or read the ones I haven't read before I read it.

I wish my mother were still alive...she'd have been all over those books. She taught Children's Lit. and I know she'd have made the books required reading.

Oh, and I'd really, really like to play quidditch. :D

Kudos to J.K. Rowling and her climb from "Rags to Riches"!

I don't read things with multiple plots, convoluted and complicated things...never was into these kind of books. I just do my fantasy thing with TV sci-fi movies, series. My Ph.D., didn't prepare me to think and sort out those types of books.

Any, "J.K." is obviously a genius at conceiving and writing those books and keeping everything "straight" in her mind. I can't imagine what goes on in someone's brain neurons that can create such high-end books selling in the hundreds of millions of copies in scores of different languages...and, still remaining sane and living a "normal" life!

Again...she's a genius, without a doubt!
My kids were into it for a while. Back when my now 19 year old was about 13 he started reading them. Read the first three and got too old for it. My now 12 year old read some of it. They are both into the convoluted plot things, but neither one of them stayed interested. I know people who are full tilt into the books.

The closest thing my sons have been to being that devoted to something was my older son waiting in line to buy Halo 2 when it came out. (That's a video game.)
My nephew read them quite a few years back and out of shear boredom I picked up the first book and read it, it was so well written that I read the whole series, will start reading the last one soon.

What does the Deatly Hallows cost in the USA? In SA it costs R 260.00 $1 = R6.96 last time I checked.
AngusSenorita":3idsfcne said:
well I finished it. It only took me 10 hours of reading but it was amazing. Anyone else here read them or have children who read them?

No I haven't read it yet.How does it end?
well I won't tell the ending but I must say it it my favorite book by far. Now that I have finished these books I need to find something else to read. But as my dad pointed out I'm sure they will have lots for me to read in college.
I definitely will read JKR's books in the future when she has a new idea
Alice read all of them before you go to the last one or you will be lost. Got the set for my son. No interest from him, but I have really enjoyed them. Hope to get my daughter into them when she learns to read.
I like the books better then the movies. The books cover what is going on in better detail.
Getting my copy tomorrow. Husband is going to kill me while I cook and read til I am done. Checked the smoke detectors. :D
I took my boys to see one of them movies. I don't even know how many there are. I guess my ex took them to see the others. I fell asleep. I was never into the wizard thing.
KNERSIE":1165ti4z said:
My nephew read them quite a few years back and out of shear boredom I picked up the first book and read it, it was so well written that I read the whole series, will start reading the last one soon.

What does the Deatly Hallows cost in the USA? In SA it costs R 260.00 $1 = R6.96 last time I checked.

I haven't read any of the books but I looked it up. In the US the list price is $34.99 but at one of the places I looked at you can get it for around $18.00 which if I did this right would be R 125.28.
Well, I was one of those in line at midnight Fri to get a copy for my child and one for myself, started reading Sat am at 8, finished by 2 pm....my 11 yo finished by 5 pm...we both really enjoyed the story.

I won't give away the ending, but I would suggest if it's been a while since you read book 6, re-reading it first might make the final book a little clearer....I only read that one once two years ago then lent my copy, which I have yet to see back.....and there were pertinent details I'd completely forgotten.....
My mom got me a copy the day it came out, but I haven't finished it yet, probably about 2/3 of the way through...it is sooo good.
I wonder maybe if JKR will start another series??
I cant believe you all are reading those devil worshipping books. They are nothing but Hogwart! I mean Hogwash and mystical fantasy of flight and imagination! I mean they promote devil worship and witchcraft. Awe heck; I dont know what I mean.

PS: Never read the book before you see the movie. The book will still be good, but the movie will be dissapointing.
3MR":3mkqrz2y said:
I cant believe you all are reading those devil worshipping books. They are nothing but Hogwart! I mean Hogwash and mystical fantasy of flight and imagination! I mean they promote devil worship and witchcraft. Awe heck; I dont know what I mean.

PS: Never read the book before you see the movie. The book will still be good, but the movie will be dissapointing.

PS: Never read the book before you see the movie. The book will still be good, but the movie will be dissapointing

Boy, ain't that the truth!

I have just rented the 4th Harry Potter book...on tape! I listened to the 3rd book on tape and Jim Dale was fantastic as the narrator. I love to drive and listen...and when I'm working around the house I listen. I'm getting ready to paint the porch, so listening to the book should help make that onerous task less miserable. :)
